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Individual Paragraphs and Mission Statements Let’s bring our organizations to life! Make sure you have some loose leaf to write notes/practice paragraphs.

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Presentation on theme: "Individual Paragraphs and Mission Statements Let’s bring our organizations to life! Make sure you have some loose leaf to write notes/practice paragraphs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Individual Paragraphs and Mission Statements Let’s bring our organizations to life! Make sure you have some loose leaf to write notes/practice paragraphs.

2 The Easy Part – The Individual Paragraph What we are doing right now is a rough draft – know that you will add more/refine the paragraph later. What you do now is answer the question: Why do you care about this cause so much? Why do you believe that this is a cause worth defending/standing up for?

3 Cleaning Up Individual Paragraphs Later this week, you need to add detail, using a little online research. Just remember that if you quote anything, you need to cite it as a part of your project.

4 Mission Statements More complicated Depends on exact language Usually composed of a handful of compound sentences, summarizing the goals of the organization in a few sentences. Not as easy to craft as we’d like…but that’s why we are learning.

5 Let’s see what stands out in this mission statement… The mission of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America is to make a positive difference in the lives of children and youth, primarily with a caring adult, and to assist them in achieving their highest potential as they grow to become confident, competent, and caring individuals, by providing committed volunteers, national leadership, and standards of excellence.

6 Here’s what you need to get from that mission statement. 1. Very plain, but direct language. 2. Mainly compound sentences. 3. Resonates with the people participating in the mission, as well as those receiving its services.

7 What your Mission Statements need: 1. What are the opportunities or needs that your organization will address? (This is the purpose) 2. What will your organization do to address those needs (This is the business) 3. What principles or beliefs guide your organization’s work? (These are the values)

8 Using another mission statement, let’s pull the purpose, business, and values of the organization… The National Conference, founded in 1927 as the National Conference of Christians and Jews, is a human relations organization dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry, and racism in America. The National Conference promotes understanding and respect among all races, religions and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolutions, and education.

9 Breakdown Purpose: to fight bias, bigotry, and racism in America Business: Advocacy, conflict resolution, and education Values: Understanding and respect among all races, religions, and cultures.

10 Having said that… Your mission statement should be at least three sentences long, with a maximum of five sentences. Much longer – people stop reading. Language must be plain, specific, and direct (no jargon) Language should be as positive as possible.

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