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Earthquakes Tsunami War Famine Volcanoes What is Aid? AID is help that is given from one country to another - usually MEDCs help LEDCs. There are many.

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Presentation on theme: "Earthquakes Tsunami War Famine Volcanoes What is Aid? AID is help that is given from one country to another - usually MEDCs help LEDCs. There are many."— Presentation transcript:


2 Earthquakes Tsunami War Famine Volcanoes

3 What is Aid? AID is help that is given from one country to another - usually MEDCs help LEDCs. There are many types of Aid that can be given.

4 These people need the basic necessities of life such as: Food Aid Shelter

5 Medical Attention Clean Water And rescue

6 This is called Short Term Aid. It helps people in severe difficulty.

7 There is also LONG TERM AID The aim of long term aid is to help LEDCs become more developed so that they will not need aid in the future. The best solution is a combination of Short and Long Term Aid






13 In camps like those in Sudan, where thousands of people are staying in temporary shelters, building toilets is one of Oxfams most important jobs. Oxfam are providing more than 450,000 people affected by the crisis with access to clean, safe water and sanitation We also provide basic necessities such as buckets, blankets and jerry cans for carrying water. We involve hundreds of community volunteers to educate others about sanitation and personal hygiene We send engineers, accountants, logisticians, project managers, well drillers, administrators, and the support staff needed We also raise awareness in the UK to secure funds to help us do our work Training is crucial to our work. We help individuals to develop small businesses to become self-sufficient Oxfam also teaches children about hygiene promotion. Each child learns about how to store food and water and why they should wash their hands after going to the toilet.

14 Write down all the sorts of aid that these people might need.

15 Success Criteria 1.Write a definition for what International Aid is in very simple terms (DONT COPY ONE OUT OF BOOK – too long) 2.Write a paragraph on why aid is needed. 3.Make a copy of Figure 4.13 on page 164 4.Underneath explain what Multilateral and Bilateral aid is. 5.Why can Bilateral aid be a bad thing? 02 January 2014 Economic Development

16 Why can Bilateral aid be a bad thing? Bilateral Aid can sometimes be tied aid This is where one country gives to another with strings attached e.g. The UK funded of a hydroelectric dam on the Pergau River in Malaysia in 1991. The Malaysian government bought around £1 billion worth of arms from the UK at the same time. Tied aid is now illegal in the UK but still happens in places like the USA. 02 January 2014

17 Characteristics of Trade: LEDC or MEDC A wide range of items are exported Total trade is small Most exports come from large companies which send profits back to the home country Profits are kept by the exporting country Trade is helped by good transport links Most exports are raw primary products Often only one or two items are exported Poor Transport links cause poor trade Total Trade is large Prices for goods stay stable Prices for raw materials is unstable

18 Homework Choose and event that required aid e.g. Tsunami, hurricane Katrina or a Charity that provides aid in a particular country e.g. Oxfam, Water aid. Research how much aid (money) was given, what it was spent on or provided, how it helped, is aid still needed? being given there? what difference (+ves and -ves) did it bring. 02 January 2014 Economic Development

19 02 January 2014 Economic Development How well have you done? Yes! I have understood fully and have made good progress. I have done ok but I am still unsure of some of it. Help! I dont understand it.

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