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Using the “A to Z Full-Text Title List” When this image appears, click to proceed to the next slide at your own pace. To go back, click the right mouse.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the “A to Z Full-Text Title List” When this image appears, click to proceed to the next slide at your own pace. To go back, click the right mouse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the “A to Z Full-Text Title List” When this image appears, click to proceed to the next slide at your own pace. To go back, click the right mouse button and select “Previous,” “Reverse,” or “Back” to review a slide. If the slide show doesn’t start automatically, press the F5 key. Next…

2 What is the A-to-Z Full-Text Title List??? It is an EBSCO resource that lists journals and other publications from which content is available to LOUIS institutions in full-text. Most are accessible through our LOUIS databases, which may be accessed on or off campus. –Off-campus access will require login. This list also includes other resources that we subscribe to outside of LOUIS. It can be used to find articles in specific publications. Next…

3 Start from our “Databases” page Next… This will take you to a searchable list of periodical titles and other resources from LOUIS that are available in full- text. It can be very useful if you want to find articles in a specific journal, magazine, newspaper, or other specific source.

4 This is an alphabetical list of journals, magazines, newspapers and other sources that are available online full-text. Users may search through all titles, or specify only journals or books. … or browse through the lists alphabetically. Next…

5 Advanced search, which is the same as Search in the top menu, allows for more options when searching for titles. Next…

6 A title record includes the following: The database(s) or other resource where full-text content may be found, and dates covered. The type of resource Subject(s) covered by the publication. Next…

7 Some titles are available from more than one database. Dates covered can vary widely, depending on the database provider. “Embargo” means that the issues covered by the time frame listed, the last 18 months in this case, are not yet available. Embargos vary, depending on the publisher. Next…

8 Click on these tabs to see what other features are available. Next…

9 The “Index” is a list all of the databases covered by A-to-Z Full-Text Title List. Clicking on the database name will take you to its search page. If off- campus, you should be prompted to login. Clicking on “Title List” will list the titles covered by that database. Next…

10 Select a subject area; the number is an estimate of the number of full-text titles for that subject area. Click a sub-section here to see what titles cover that subject. Next…

11 “About This Site” describes the various sections of A-to-Z Full-Text Title List. Next…

12 Was this information helpful? Do you have any questions? Let us know how we’re doing. Send an e-mail to to tell Please be as specific as necessary. Tell us what you like and/or dislike about this tutorial and our services in general. Your comments are appreciated. Phone numbers: (225) 675-0218; (225) 675-0231; (225) 675-0201 Fax: (225) 675-8595 Last slide

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