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Copyright Joann Martyn, 2007.This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial,

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Joann Martyn, 2007.This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Joann Martyn, 2007.This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 Using Visual Media to Teach Critical Thinking Look Here! Joann Martyn Academic Computing Coordinator: Arts, Performance and Recreation Carleton College


4 Agenda  8:00 Settling in and Introductions  8:30 Types of Visual Media  9:00 Creating an Assignment  9:30 Break  10:00 Creating an Assignment (continued)  10:00 Grading  11:00 Individual Questions/ Follow Up

5  Name  Where you’re from  What you do there  What prompted you to attend this workshop? (or what’s one thing you hope to learn today?) Let’s find out who’s here… and why

6 Background Information Why are we even talking about this?






12 The intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. (Scriven and Paul, 1992)

13 Bloom’s Taxonomy

14 We want to focus on the top four

15 …has been for the students to consume

16 Please break into small groups of 3 or so people. Brainstorm answers to the following question: What types of visual media assignments are possible? Feel free to be as specific as you would like.

17 Digital storytelling Integrate visual media with an e-portfolio Options for students- allow them to be creative and different learning styles Web page Create a video documentary Symbol or logo Crossword puzzle Cell phone images Collaboration- problem solving Videos To teach process- images as expression and to create an argument- Photo Essay Multimedia scholarly essays Magazine Music Videos Virtual Field Trips Cartoons Maps


19 The course aims to teach students to read critically and analyze thoroughly the evidence and arguments with which they engage; to consider audience, purpose, and context in the construction of a rhetorical strategy; to state an arguable thesis and develop it into a persuasive argument with coherence, logic, and evidence; and to develop effective writing habits. This project involved: Information Technology Services Printing and Mailing Services The Library The Course Instructors

20 Students were assigned to critically analyze a controversial topic in education using a documentary film format. This project involved: Information Technology Services Presentation, Events, and Production Support The Library

21 Four major components: Goal /Objective Process Tools / Resources Needed Requirements / Restrictions

22 Questions to answer to establish goals and/or objectives: What is the purpose of the assignment? What is the desired outcome? Objectives Objectives provide specific steps that must be accomplished in order to attain your goals Goals Goals provide specific focus and purpose

23 What are the steps the students need to follow to successfully complete this assignment? Is there a timeline for certain tasks to be accomplished by? What are the parameters of the assignment? Are they working in groups? Is there certain content they need to cover?

24 Where can they find these resources? What resources are available on campus? Who is available to help them with this assignment? Where can they find training? Is permission needed? Are any outside resources needed? Are outside resources acceptable?

25 You will need to make sure that you define the scope of the assignment What elements are required?What is not allowed?


27 In the same groups you were in before… Think of a visual media assignment you would give to your students. Fill out the blank worksheet provided in your workbook

28 I have a question! How are we being graded?


30 What are the grading components? Keep all aspects of the assignment in mind.


32 How will you grade your assignment? Please fill in the grading rubric for the assignment you just created

33 “I think, perhaps more than anything, conducting the interviews and listening to our experts' responses, and figuring out how to condense their expertise into 30- second sound bytes, forced me to understand the most about what I was trying to say.”

34 Video in the Classroom: Learning Objects or Objects of Learning? Glenda A. Gunter Robert Kenny In the context of video, but is applicable for any visual medium, it discusses the shift from something students consume to something students create. Creating Digital Video in Your School Ann Bell Discusses the value of video in schools and a structure of how to implement it


36 Joann Martyn Academic Computing Coordinator: Arts, Performance and Recreation Carleton College

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