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$100 $200 $300 $500 $1000 $2000 $4000 $8000 $16000 $32000 $64000 $125000 $250000 $500000 $1 MILLION Return 50 - 50 See last slide for operating instructions.

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Presentation on theme: "$100 $200 $300 $500 $1000 $2000 $4000 $8000 $16000 $32000 $64000 $125000 $250000 $500000 $1 MILLION Return 50 - 50 See last slide for operating instructions."— Presentation transcript:


2 $100 $200 $300 $500 $1000 $2000 $4000 $8000 $16000 $32000 $64000 $125000 $250000 $500000 $1 MILLION Return 50 - 50 See last slide for operating instructions

3 Question $ 100 Lifeline/Tree Correct Incorrect A.B. C.D. ABCD 50

4 Question $ 200 Lifeline/Tree Correct incorrect A.B. C.D. DBCA 50

5 Question 300 Lifeline/Tree Correct Incorrect A.B. C.D. BACD 50

6 Question $ 500 Lifeline/Tree Correct Incorrect A.B. C.D. BACD 50

7 Question $ 1000 Lifeline/Tree Correct Incorrect A.B. C.D. CBAD 50

8 Question $ 2000 Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. ABCD 50

9 Question $ 4000 Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. ABCD 50

10 Question $ 8000 Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. DBCA 50

11 Question $ 16000 Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. ABCD 50

12 Question $ 32000 Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. BACD 50

13 Question $ 64000 Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. CBAD 50

14 Question $ 125000 Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. DBCA 50

15 Question $ 250000 Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. BACD 50

16 Question $ 500000 Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. CBAD 50

17 Question 1 MILLION Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. ABCD 50

18 Question SWITCH Lifeline/Tree Correct answer Incorrect answer A.B. C.D. CBAD 50

19 OPERATING NSTRUCTIONS Click buttons A, B, C, D to introduce alternative answers. Click button A, B, C, or D a second time to lock in contestants answer choice. Click the same button A, B, C, or D a third time to reveal correct answer. Click button 50 to remove two incorrect answers.

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