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Product Design & Process Selection-Manufacturing

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1 Product Design & Process Selection-Manufacturing

2 Typical Phases of Product Development

3 Design for Manufacturability
Traditional Approach-“We design it, you build it” or “Over the wall” Design Mfg New Product Concurrent Engineering-“Let’s work together simultaneously” 9

4 Concurrent Engineering
can be defined as the simultaneous development of project design functions, with open and interactive communication existing among all team members for the purposes of reducing time to market, decreasing cost, and improving quality and reliability There are three types of teams Program Management Team Technical Team Design-Build Teams Time savings of CE programs are created by performing activities in parallel 4

5 Designing for the Customer
House of Quality Ideal Customer Product Value Analysis/ Value Engineering QFD: An approach that integrates the “voice of the customer” into the product and service development process.

6 House of Quality Customer requirements information forms the basis for this matrix, used to translate them into operating or engineering goals. 6 7

7 7 7

8 House of Quality 8 7

9 9 House of Quality 7

10 Designing for the Customer Value Analysis/Value Engineering (VA/VE)
Main aim is to eliminate unnecessary features and functions in product design. To achieve equivalent or better performance at a lower cost while maintaining all functional requirements defined by the customer Does the item have any design features that are not necessary? Can two or more parts be combined into one? How can we cut down the weight? Are there nonstandard parts that can be eliminated? 8

11 Design for Manufacturing and Assembly

12 Design for Manufacturing and Assembly

13 Process Flow Design A process flow design can be defined as a mapping of the specific processes that raw materials, parts, and subassemblies follow as they move through a plant Most common tools : assembly drawings, assembly charts Example: Plug Assembly Drawing 14

14 Process Selection refers to the strategic decision of selecting what kind of production process to have in the plant. Types of Process Basing on What they do : Conversion Process Fabrication Process Assembly Process Testing Process Just to refresh: Single, Multi stage, makes to order, …..are they types of Process? If so what’s the base for consideration? 10

15 Process Flow Structures
It refers how a factory organizes materials flow using one or more of the process technologies listed below: Job shop – A process structure suited for low volume production of a greatly variety of non-standard products. Batch shop – A process structure that produces a variety of standard products relatively at low volume. Assembly Line –A process structure designed to make discrete parts. Continuous Flow – An often automated process that convert raw materials into finished products in one continuous process. 10

16 Product Process Matrix
IV. Continuous Flow III. Assembly Line II. Batch I. Job Shop Low Volume, One of a Kind Multiple Products, Volume Few Major Higher High Standard- ization Machine shop Chemical, Electronics Automobile Sugar Refinery Flexibility (High) Unit Cost (High) Flexibility (Low) Unit Cost (Low) These are the major stages of product and process life cycles Process Structure Process Life Cycle Stage Effectiveness Measures 13

17 Virtual Factory A virtual factory can be defined as a manufacturing operation where activities are carried out not in one central plant, but in multiple locations by suppliers and partner firms as part of a strategic alliance 14

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