Striving for Road Safety: IRF Global Commitment Kathleen Elsig IRF Geneva ISO google hangout – road safety 14 August 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Striving for Road Safety: IRF Global Commitment Kathleen Elsig IRF Geneva ISO google hangout – road safety 14 August 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Striving for Road Safety: IRF Global Commitment Kathleen Elsig IRF Geneva ISO google hangout – road safety 14 August 2014

2 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Goal of this presentation To inspire a discussion about a possible future ISO standard in the field of road safety that will be picked up and continued after this google hangout

3 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Target audience Young professionals interested in international standards … and making the world a truly better place to live in … with limited expertise in road safety

4 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Content 1.A few words about IRF 2.Road safety as a system 3.The safe systems approach to road safety 4.Idea for an ISO standard

5 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE The International Road Federation (IRF) Global not-for-profit organisation (1948) Stakeholders in road sector (public & private) Two Offices: Geneva & Washington + India Chapter

6 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Focus Areas Advocacy Projects & Activities

7 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE IRF Group of Experts on Road Safety 200 members in 40 countries Mission “To advocate for safe and forgiving road development, maintenance and operation by raising awareness, providing policy guidance, and exchanging knowledge and best practices”.

8 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Focus issues Awareness Advocacy Awareness Advocacy Engineering Measures Education Training Education Training ITS Enforcement Road safety managemen t

9 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Senior Road Executives (SRE) Fleet Excellence Training Week Road Safety Auditors Courses Training, Education & Capacity Building

10 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Initiatives Road Safety Campaigns Road Accident Data Recorder

11 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Road Safety Regional Conference (India) 9th Edition New Delhi IRF/SARF Regional Conference (Sept. 2014), Pretoria IRF & FIA Seminar 17 April, Paris Events

12 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Striving for Road Safety Globally… … Moving from pure « engineers » and « infrastructure » perspective to a more encompassing view and set of actions.

13 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE What is a safe road? Who is a safe road for? Road safety

14 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Preventing road crash death and injury An ISO standard must recognize safety as the output of collaboration among the elements of the road safety system ISO 39001 NCAP ??

15 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Safe system – an ISO standard for safe roads and road users?

16 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE The safe systems approach A SAFE systems approach is a “philosophy” for managing the road transport system towards the achievement of measureable results views road crashes and injuries as largely predictable, and therefore preventable, as opposed to fatalistic acceptance of road death as “price of progress ”

17 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE The safe systems approach In a safe system, prevention efforts consider the road safety system as a whole (as opposed to an indiviudal sectoral approach) recognise human vulnerability (to injury) and error (of judgment)

18 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Safe systems infrastructure Roads and road sides are designed to reduce risks to as low as possible Speed limits are set according to the safety of the road and road side

19 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Intersection - comparison Safe systems intersection

20 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Infrastructure “standards” - current International (UNECE) Regional (EU infrastructure directive) National (most countries) Many safe systems recommendations International Transport Forum Australia Sweden Others ….

21 Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Maybe its time for an ISO standard on safe road infrastructure?


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