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A Framework for Universal Design for Learning

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1 A Framework for Universal Design for Learning
Foundations of Technology A Maryland Standards-based Curriculum A Framework for Universal Design for Learning Roy Rosnik

2 Purpose of Technology Education
The purpose of technology education is the development of technological literacy for all students. Technological literacy is the ability to use, manage, understand, and assess technology.

3 “With the growing importance of technology to our society, it is vital that students receive an education that emphasizes technological literacy.” (ITEA, 2000, vii)

4 Julie Andrews Curriculum
Raindrops on Robots and Widgets on Kittens … Bright Copper Castings and Warm Molded Plastics…..

5 Julie Andrews Curriculum
These are a few my favorite things to teach every year….

6 Technological Education vs. Educational Technology
The Great Debate What is the difference? Technological Education vs. Educational Technology Teaches about technology vs. Teaches with technology A school subject vs. A means of teaching Ultimate goal: Technological literacy for everyone Ultimate goal: Improving the process of teaching and learning vs.

7 Designing for Understanding
Determine acceptable evidence. Plan learning experiences and instruction. Identify Desired Results. Multiple means of representation - to give learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge, Multiple means of expression - to provide learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know, and Multiple means of engagement - to tap into learners' interests, challenge them appropriately, and motivate them to learn

8 The 5 E’s Engagement Evaluation Exploration Elaboration Explanation
A Framework for Universal Design for Learning The 5 E’s Engagement Evaluation Exploration Elaboration Explanation

9 Engagement Activity which will focus student’s attention, stimulate their thinking, and access prior knowledge. Probing Questions Demonstration Reading Free Write Analyze a Graphic Organizer KWL Brainstorming Student asks questions such as, Why did this happen? What do I already know about this? What have I found out about this? Shows interest in the topic. Return to Graphic

10 Exploration Activity which gives students time to think and investigate/test/make decisions/problem solve, and collect information. Perform an Investigation Read Authentic Resources to Collect Information Solve a Problem Construct a Model Return to Graphic

11 Explanation Activity which allows students to analyze their exploration. Student’s understanding is clarified and modified through a direct interaction activity. Student Analysis & Explanation Supporting Ideas with Evidence Structured Questioning Reading and Discussion Teacher Explanation Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, error analysis Return to Graphic

12 Elaboration Activity which expands and solidifies student thinking and/or applies it to a real-world situation. Problem Solving Decision Making Experimental Inquiry Thinking Skill Activities: compare, classify, apply Return to Graphic

13 Evaluation Activity which allows the teacher to assess student performance and/or understandings of concepts, skills, processes, and applications. Any of the Previous Activities Develop a Scoring Tool or Rubric Performance Assessment Produce a Product Journal Entry ePortfolio Return to Graphic

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