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ROENFR Asociatia “Vocea Naturii” “Voice of Nature” “Voice of Nature” NOG “La Voix de la Nature” ONG.

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Presentation on theme: "ROENFR Asociatia “Vocea Naturii” “Voice of Nature” “Voice of Nature” NOG “La Voix de la Nature” ONG."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROENFR Asociatia “Vocea Naturii” “Voice of Nature” “Voice of Nature” NOG “La Voix de la Nature” ONG

2 Asociatia “Vocea Naturii” Este persoana juridica romana de drept privat, neguvernamentala, independenta, fara scop lucrativ. Date de identificare: C.I.F: 26243160 Adresa: Calafat, Dolj, RO Cont BRD, Ag. Calafat: RO05BRDE170SV60115901700 E-mail:

3 Scop si obiective - Protejarea mediului inconjurator, prevenirea poluarii naturii si conservarea biodiversitatii; - Activitati de ecologizare si intretinere peisagistica; - Organizarea de reuniuni, simpozioane, forumuri pe tema protectiei mediului, pentru cresterea gradului de constientizare a cetatenilor, in special a copiilor, asupra importantei protejarii naturii;

4 Scop si obiective -Dezvoltarea de proiecte pentru cresterea eficientei energetice si pomovarea utilizarii energiilor regenerabile; -Cooperarea cu autoritatile si ONG-urile de profil in scopul prevenirii poluarii si protectia mediului. -Elaborarea planurilor de management al zonelor naturale protejate, sustinerea infiintarii de parteneriate public-private pentru implementarea acestor planuri la nivel national si transnational.

5 It is a Romanian legal entity of private law, non- governmental and independent, with non-patrimonial interests. Contact details: Address: Calafat, Dolj, Romania Tel: +40 251 333 047 +40 745 949 219 E-mail: CIF: 26243160 BRD IBAN: RO 05BRDE170SV60115901700 “Voice of Nature” NOG (Non-Governmental Organization)

6 Purposes and objectives - Protecting the natural environment,, preventing pollution, biodiversity conservation; - Ecological activities and landscape maintenance; - Organizing workshops and campaigns, creating debate web-sites to ensure among citizens (especially children) a high level of consciousness upon the importance of environmental protection;

7 Purposes and objectives - Creating new projects to increase energetic efficiency and to promote the use of alternative energy; - Cooperation with authorities and other NOG to prevent pollution and to protect the environment; - Making management plans for the protected areas and sustain the creation of public-private partnerships in order to implement these plans at national and transnational level.

8 “La Voix de la Nature” ONG L’association a personnalite juridique en droit prive romain, est non-gouvernementale, independente et a but non lucratif. Contact info : Adrresse : Calafat, Dolj, Romania Tel : +40 251 333 047 +40 745 949 219 E-mail: CIF: 26243160 IBAN BRD: RO 05BRDE170SV60115901700

9 But et objectifs - La protection de l’environnement, la prevention de la pollution et la preservation de la biodiversite;preservation de la biodiversite; - Des activites d’ecologisation et d’entretien paysagistique; - L’organisation des ateliers, des reunions et des debats pour augmenter le niveau de conscience de citoyens sur l’importance de la protection de nature;

10 But et objectifs - Le developpement des projets pour l’augmentation de l’efficience energetique et encourager l’utilisation des energies alternatives; - La cooperation entre autorites et ONG pour prevenir la pollution et protejer l’environnement; - L’elaborations des plan de management pour les zones naturelle protégées, soutenir le developpemet des parteneriats public-prive pour implementer les plans aux niveau national et transnational.

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