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Open Trace Format (OTF) Tutorial

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1 Open Trace Format (OTF) Tutorial
Wolfgang E. Nagel, Holger Brunst, T.U. Dresden, Germany Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, ParaTools, Inc. © 2006 Wolfgang E. Nagel, TU Dresden, ZIH

2 Outline An overview of OTF, TAU and Vampir/VNG OTF TAU
Tools API Building trace conversion tools TAU Instrumentation Measurement Analysis Scalable Tracing Vampir VNG

3 Tutorial Goals This tutorial is intended as an introduction to OTF tools. Today you should leave here with a better understanding of… OTF API and tools Steps involved in building a trace conversion tool to target OTF How to instrument your programs with TAU to generate OTF Automatic instrumentation at the routine level and outer loop level Manual instrumentation at the loop/statement level Measurement options provided by TAU Environment variables used for choosing metrics, generating performance data How to use the Vampir and VNG tools Nature and types of visualization that VNG provides for visualizing OTF traces

4 Vampir: Technical Components
Trace 1 Trace 2 Trace 3 Trace N Tools Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker m Master Server Trace generator Classical Vampir viewer and analyzer Vampir client viewer Parallel server engine Conversion and analysis tools

5 Many Trace Formats to choose from …

6 OTF Features Fast and efficient sequential and parallel access
Platform independent Selective access to Processes Time intervals API / Interfaces High level interface for analysis tools Read/write complete traces with multiple files Supports filtering and parallel I/O Low level interface for trace libraries

7 Relative File Size Better

8 Read Performance Better

9 Performance Scalability

10 Vampir Server Workflow
Parallel Program Trace 1 Trace 2 Trace 3 Trace N File System Analysis Server Classic Analysis: monolithic sequential Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker m Master Monitor System (TAU/Kojak) Merged Traces Event Streams Parallel I/O Message Passing Process Internet Visualization Client Timeline with 16 visible Traces Im Hinblick auf die Datenverarbeitung ergibt sich folgendes Skalierbarkeitsszenario. Beschreiben was man sieht. Wir werfen nun mal einen Blick auf die parallele Analyse Komponente Segment Indicator 768 Processes Thumbnail

11 Organization of Parallel Analysis
Worker Session Thread Analysis Module Event Databases Message Passing Trace Format Driver Master Analysis Merger Endian Conversion Socket Communication Visualization Client M Worker N Session Threads Traces Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker m Master Unterscheidung M Arbeiter und 1 Koordinator Arbeiter erledigen Analyse-Anfragen Koordinator synchronisiert Ergebnisse und Kommuniziert Kombination aus Prozessen und Threads Arbeit wird über Prozesse Verteilt N Klienten über die Threads

12 Scalability – sPPM Analyzed on Origin 2000
sPPM ASCI Benchmark 3D Gas Dynamic Data to be analyzed 16 Processes 200 MByte Volume

13 A Fairly Large Test Case
IRS ASCI Benchmark Implicit Radiation Solver Data to be analyzed: 64 Processes in 8 Streams Approx Events 40 GByte Data Volume Analysis Platform: 41 IBM p690 nodes (32 processors per node) 128 GByte per node Visualization Platform: Remote Laptop

14 Outline An overview of OTF, TAU and Vampir/VNG OTF TAU
Tools API Building trace conversion tools TAU Instrumentation Measurement Analysis Scalable Tracing Vampir VNG

15 OTF Trace Generation and Analysis Tools

16 OTF Contents Definition records Performance events Global master file
Map event ids to interval (begin/end) event names Symbols for atomic events Process groups Performance events Timestamped events for entering or leaving a state Timestamped counter events (monotonically increasing or not) Global master file Mapping processes to streams Statistical Summaries Overview over a whole interval of time Snapshots Callstack, list of pending messages, etc. at a point in time

17 OTF File Hierarchy

18 OTF Streams

19 otfmerge Allows an existing OTF trace to alter the number of streams Add snapshots or statistics to the merged trace file otfmerge - converter program of OTF library. otfmerge [Options] <input file name> options: -h, --help show this help message -n <n> set number of streams for output -f <n> set max number of filehandles available -o <name> namestub of the output file (default ’out’) -rb <size> set buffersize of the reader -wb <size> set buffersize of the writer -stats cover statistics too -snaps cover snapshots too -V show OTF version

20 OTF Tools: otfaux otfaux
Adds auxillary snapshot and/or statistics information to the trace file Snapshots include callstack, pending messages, current counter values Statistics include number of calls, exclusive/inclusive time Statistics are monotonically increasing - unlike profiles Original event trace is unmodified Auxillary data is generated at breakpoints -periodically or at ticks

21 otfaux otfaux - append snapshots and statistics to existing otf traces at given ’break’ time stamps otfaux [Options] <file name> Options: -h, --help show this help message -b <size> buffer size for read and write operations -n <n> number of breaks (distributed regularly) if -p and -t are not set, the default for -n is 200 breaks -p <p> create break every ’p’ ticks (if both, -n and -p are specified the one producing more breaks wins) -t <t> define (additional) break at given time stamp -F force overwrite old snapshots and statistics -R delete existing snapshots and statistics only -f <n> max number of filehandles output ...

22 otfaux (contd.) -g create functiongroup summaries instead of function summaries -v verbose mode, print break time stamps -V show OTF version -a show advancing progress during operation -- snapshots write ONLY snapshots but NO statistics --statistics write ONLY statistics but NO snapshots -s a[,b]* regard given streams only when computing statistics. expects a single token or comma separated list. this implies the ’--statistics’ option! -l list existing stream tokens

23 tau2otf Converts TAU traces to OTF tau2otf <TAU trace> <edf file> <out file> [-n streams] [-nomessage] [-z] [-v] -n <streams> : Specifies the number of output streams (default 1) -nomessage : Suppress printing of message information in the trace -z : Enable compression of trace files. By default it is uncompressed. -v : Verbose Trace format of <out file> is OTF % tau2otf merged.trc tau.edf app.otf

24 vtf2otf Convert VTF traces to OTF format
vtf2otf [Options] <input file name> Options: -o <file> output file -f <n> max count of filehandles -n <n> output stream count -b <n> size of the writer buffer -V show OTF version

25 otf2vtf Convert OTF trace files to VTF format otf2vtf [Options] <input file name> Options: -o <file> output file -b <n> size of the reader buffer -A write VTF3 ASCII sub-format (default) -B write VTF3 binary sub-format -V show OTF version

26 Building Trace Analysis Tools
Writing OTF traces in trace conversion tools High level API writes multiple streams Low level API writes a single stream Each OTF file has a prefix (e.g., app.otf) Parallel reading and searching in OTF analysis tools Each process in tool reads local and global event definitions Each process reads a subset of events Read summary information to select interesting spots in trace Tool might read a selected time interval for analysis OTF supports efficient binary search Tool may support for compressed or uncompressed OTF trace Tool may support for single or multi-stream OTF traces

27 OTF Trace Writer API - OTF_FileManager_open
Generates a new file manager with a maximum number of files that are allowed to be open simultaneously OTF_FileManager* OTF_FileManager_open( uint32_t number ); #include <otf.h> OTF_FileManager *manager; manager = OTF_FileManager_open(256);

28 OTF_FileManager_close
Closes the file manager void OTF_FileManager_close( OTF_FileManager* m ); #include <otf.h> OTF_FileManager_close(manager);

29 OTF_Writer_open Define file control block for output trace file
OTF_Writer* OTF_Writer_open( char* fileNamePrefix, uint32_t numberOfStreams, OTF_FileManager* fileManager ); #include <otf.h> void *fcb = (void *) OTF_Writer_open(out_file, num_streams, manager);

30 OTF_Writer_setCompression
Enable compression if specified by the user int OTF_Writer_setCompression( OTF_Writer* writer, OTF_FileCompression); #include <otf.h> OTF_Writer_setCompression((OTF_Writer *)fcb, OTF_FILECOMPRESSION_COMPRESSED);

31 OTF_Writer_writeDefCreator
Specify a comment about the creator (trace conversion tool) int OTF_Writer_writeDefCreator( void* userData, uint32_t stream, /* stream = 0 means global definition */ const char* creator ); #include <otf.h> OTF_Writer_writeDefCreator(fcb, 0, “MyTool2otf ver 2.42”);

32 OTF_Writer_writeDefProcess
Write a process definition record int OTF_Writer_writeDefProcess( OTF_Writer* writer, uint32_t stream, uint32_t process, const char* name, uint32_t parent ); #include <otf.h> OTF_Writer_writeDefProcess( (OTF_Writer *)fcb, 0, cpuid, name, 0);

33 OTF_Writer_writeDefTimerResolution
Provides the timer resolution. All timestamps are interpreted based on this resolution. By default it is 1 microseconds. int OTF_Writer_write_DefTimerResolution( void* userData, uint32_t stream, uint64_t ticksPerSecond ); #include <otf.h> OTF_Writer_writeDefTimerResolution((OTF_Writer*) userData, 0, getTicksPerSecond());

34 OTF_Writer_write_DefFunction
Provide a function definition and specify an event id to name mapping int OTF_Writer_write_DefFunction( void* userData, uint32_t stream, uint32_t func, const char* name, uint32_t funcGroup, uint32_t source ); /* specify source code location */ #include <otf.h> OTF_Writer_writeDefFunction((OTF_Writer*)userData, 0, eventID, (const char *) name, groupID, 0);

35 OTF_Writer_writeDefFunctionGroup
Provides a function group definition int OTF_Handler_DefFunctionGroup( void* userData, uint32_t stream, uint32_t funcGroup, const char* name ); #include <otf.h> OTF_Writer_writeDefFunctionGroup((OTF_Writer*)userData, 0, groupId, GroupName);

36 OTF_Writer_writeEnter
Write a function entry record int OTF_Writer_writeEnter( OTF_Writer* writer, uint64_t time, uint32_t function, uint32_t process, uint32_t source ); #include <otf.h> OTF_Writer_writeEnter((OTF_Writer*)userData, GetClockTicksInGHz(time), stateid, cpuid, 0);

37 int OTF_Writer_writeSendMsg
Write a send message record int OTF_Writer_writeSendMsg( OTF_Writer* writer, uint64_t time, uint32_t sender, uint32_t receiver, uint32_t procGroup, uint32_t tag, uint32_t length, uint32_t source );

38 int OTF_Writer_writeRecvMsg
Write a receive message record int OTF_Writer_writeRecvMsg( OTF_Writer* writer, uint64_t time, uint32_t receiver, uint32_t sender, uint32_t procGroup, uint32_t tag, uint32_t length, uint32_t source );

39 OTF Trace Reader API Similar to trace writer API
Instead of Write, create a Handler for callbacks, e.g., int OTF_Handler_DefFunction( void* userData, uint32_t stream, uint32_t func, const char* name, uint32_t funcGroup, uint32_t source );

40 OTF Trace Reader API Similar to trace writer API
Instead of Write, create a Handler for callbacks Specify the parameters to the handler routine After setting up handlers, read events, snapshots, definitions.... The library invokes appropriate handlers Close the file manager and exit cleanly

41 Global Read Operations
Open array handler Open OTF reader Control the buffer size Set handler and arguments Read definitions Read snapshots Read events Close reader

42 OTF_HandlerArray_open/close
To open a new array of handlers and then fill in the callback routines OTF_HandlerArray *OTF_HandlerArray_open( void); #include <otf.h> OTF_HandlerArray *handlers; handlers = OTF_HandlerArray_open(); To close the array, use OTF_HandlerArray_close OTF_HandlerArray_close(handlers);

43 A Sample Handler int OTF_handleDefinitionComment( void* fcb, uint32_t streamid, const char* comment ) { /* written by user; called by OTF */ } The first argument is a file control block. We need to pass this argument and the callback function’s address to the OTF reader.

44 OTF_HandlerArray_setHandler
int OTFHandlerArray_setHandler( OTF_HandlerArray *handlers, OTFFunctionPointer *pointer, uint32_t recordtype); int OTF_HandlerArray_setFirstHandlerArg( OTF_HandlerArray* handlers, void* firsthandlerarg, uint32_t recordtype ); To specify any user defined pointer that should be passed as the first argument. Useful for keeping track of location.

45 OTF_HandlerArray_setHandler
#include <otf.h> OTF_HandlerArray *handlers = OTF_HandlerArray_Open(); ... /* put the callback routine’s address in the array */ OTF_HandlerArray_setHandler( handlers, (OTF_FunctionPointer*) OTF_handleDefinitionComment, OTF_DEFINITIONCOMMENT_RECORD ); /* specify the file position/any address (of say the trace writer) as the first argument*/ OTF_HandlerArray_setFirstHandlerArg( handlers, &fcb, OTF_DEFINITIONCOMMENT_RECORD ); /* invokes OTF_handleDefinitionComment routine*/

46 OTF_Reader_open #include <otf.h>
Opens a master control file and returns an OTF_Reader OTF_Reader * OTF_Reader_open(char *name, OTF_FileManager *manager); #include <otf.h> OTF_FileManager *manager = OTF_FileManager_open(256); OTF_Reader *reader = OTF_Reader_open(“inputfile”, manager);

47 User defined handlers for definitions
int handleDeftimerresolution( void* firsthandlerarg, uint32_t streamid, uint64_t ticksPerSecond ) { ...} int handleDefprocess( void* firsthandlerarg, uint32_t streamid, uint32_t deftoken, const char* name, uint32_t parent) { ... } int handleDefprocessgroup( void* firsthandlerarg, uint32_t streamid, uint32_t deftoken, const char* name, uint32_t n, uint32_t* array ) { } int handleDeffunction( void* firsthandlerarg, uint32_t streamid, uint32_t deftoken, const char* name, uint32_t group, uint32_t scltoken ) { } int handleDefcounter( void* firsthandlerarg, uint32_t streamid, uint32_t deftoken, const char* name, uint32_t properties, uint32_t countergroup, const char* unit ) { } ...

48 User defined handlers for timestamped events
int handleCounter( void* firsthandlerarg, uint64_t time, uint32_t process, uint32_t token, uint64_t value ) {... } int handleRecvmsg( void* firsthandlerarg, uint64_t time, uint32_t receiver, uint32_t sender, uint32_t communicator, uint32_t msgtype, uint32_t msglength, uint32_t scltoken ) int handleSendmsg( void* firsthandlerarg, uint64_t time, uint32_t sender, uint32_t receiver, uint32_t communicator, uint32_t msgtype, uint32_t msglength, uint32_t scltoken ) int handleEnter( void* firsthandlerarg, uint64_t time, uint32_t statetoken, uint32_t cpuid, uint32_t scltoken ) {...} int handleLeave( void* firsthandlerarg, uint64_t time, uint32_t statetoken, uint32_t cpuid, uint32_t scltoken ) {...}

49 OTF_Reader_readDefinitions
int OTF_Reader_readDefinitions(OTF_Reader *r, OTF_HandlerArray *handlers); #include <otf.h> OTF_HandlerArray *handlers = OTF_HandlerArray_open(); OTF_Manager *manager = OTF_FileManager_open(100); OTF_Reader *reader = OTF_Reader_open(inputFile, manager); /* set up handlers */ OTF_Reader_readDefinitions(reader, handlers); /* OTF invokes handlers for process, functions, groups and counters here */

50 OTF_Reader_readEvents
int OTF_Reader_readEvents(OTF_Reader *reader, OTF_HandlerArray *handlers); #include <otf.h> OTF_Reader_readEvents (reader, handlers); /* invokes handlers for timestamped message communication, routine entry/exit, counter events */

51 Building OTF Analysis Tools
Header files are in <otf-version>/include directory Libraries are in <otf-version>/<arch>/lib directory Support for Zlib (v1.2.3) is included in libotf.a % g++ tool.cpp -I<otf-version>/include % g++ tool.o -o tool -L<otf-version>/<arch>/lib -lotf

52 Outline An overview of OTF, TAU and Vampir/VNG OTF TAU
Tools API Building trace conversion tools TAU Instrumentation Measurement Analysis Scalable Tracing Vampir VNG

53 TAU Parallel Performance System
Multi-level performance instrumentation Multi-language automatic source instrumentation Flexible and configurable performance measurement Widely-ported parallel performance profiling system Computer system architectures and operating systems Different programming languages and compilers Support for multiple parallel programming paradigms Multi-threading, message passing, mixed-mode, hybrid Integration in complex software, systems, applications

54 Using TAU: A brief Introduction
To instrument source code, choose measurement module: % setenv TAU_MAKEFILE /usr/tau-2.16/x86_64/lib/Makefile.tau-mpi-pdt-trace-pgi And use, or as Fortran, C++ or C compilers: % mpif90 foo.f90 changes to % foo.f90 Execute application and then run: % % tau2otf tau.trc tau.edf app.otf % vampir app.otf

55 TAU Performance System Architecture
event selection

56 TAU Performance System Architecture

57 Program Database Toolkit (PDT)
Application / Library C / C++ parser Fortran parser F77/90/95 Program documentation PDBhtml Application component glue IL IL SILOON C / C++ IL analyzer Fortran IL analyzer C++ / F90/95 interoperability CHASM Program Database Files Automatic source instrumentation DUCTAPE TAU_instr

58 TAU Instrumentation Approach
Support for standard program events Routines Classes and templates Statement-level blocks Support for user-defined events Begin/End events (“user-defined timers”) Atomic events (e.g., size of memory allocated/freed) Selection of event statistics Support definition of “semantic” entities for mapping Support for event groups Instrumentation optimization (eliminate instrumentation in lightweight routines)

59 TAU Instrumentation Flexible instrumentation mechanisms at multiple levels Source code manual (TAU API, TAU Component API) automatic C, C++, F77/90/95 (Program Database Toolkit (PDT)) OpenMP (directive rewriting (Opari), POMP spec) Object code pre-instrumented libraries (e.g., MPI using PMPI) statically-linked and dynamically-linked Executable code dynamic instrumentation (pre-execution) (DynInstAPI) virtual machine instrumentation (e.g., Java using JVMPI) Python interpreter based instrumentation at runtime Proxy Components

60 TAU Measurement Approach
Portable and scalable parallel profiling solution Multiple profiling types and options Event selection and control (enabling/disabling, throttling) Online profile access and sampling Online performance profile overhead compensation Portable and scalable parallel tracing solution Trace translation to Open Trace Format (OTF) Trace streams and hierarchical trace merging Robust timing and hardware performance support Multiple counters (hardware, user-defined, system) Performance measurement for CCA component software

61 Using TAU Configuration Instrumentation Measurement
Manual MPI – Wrapper interposition library PDT- Source rewriting for C,C++, F77/90/95 OpenMP – Directive rewriting Component based instrumentation – Proxy components Binary Instrumentation DyninstAPI – Runtime Instrumentation/Rewriting binary Java – Runtime instrumentation Python – Runtime instrumentation Measurement Performance Analysis

62 TAU Measurement System Configuration
configure [OPTIONS] {-c++=<CC>, -cc=<cc>} Specify C++ and C compilers {-pthread, -sproc} Use pthread or SGI sproc threads -openmp Use OpenMP threads -jdk=<dir> Specify Java instrumentation (JDK) -opari=<dir> Specify location of Opari OpenMP tool -papi=<dir> Specify location of PAPI -pdt=<dir> Specify location of PDT -dyninst=<dir> Specify location of DynInst Package -mpi[inc/lib]=<dir> Specify MPI library instrumentation -shmem[inc/lib]=<dir> Specify PSHMEM library instrumentation -python[inc/lib]=<dir> Specify Python instrumentation -tag=<name> Specify a unique configuration name -epilog=<dir> Specify location of EPILOG -slog2 Build SLOG2/Jumpshot tracing package -otf=<dir> Specify location of OTF trace package -arch=<architecture> Specify architecture explicitly (bgl, xt3,ibm64,ibm64linux…)

63 TAU Measurement System Configuration
configure [OPTIONS] -TRACE Generate binary TAU traces -PROFILE (default) Generate profiles (summary) -PROFILECALLPATH Generate call path profiles -PROFILEPHASE Generate phase based profiles -PROFILEMEMORY Track heap memory for each routine -PROFILEHEADROOM Track memory headroom to grow -MULTIPLECOUNTERS Use hardware counters + time -COMPENSATE Compensate timer overhead -CPUTIME Use usertime+system time -PAPIWALLCLOCK Use PAPI’s wallclock time -PAPIVIRTUAL Use PAPI’s process virtual time -SGITIMERS Use fast IRIX timers -LINUXTIMERS Use fast x86 Linux timers

64 TAU Measurement Configuration – Examples
./configure –pdt=/opt/ALTIX/pkgs/pdtoolkit-3.9 -mpi Configure using PDT and MPI with GNU compilers ./configure -papi=/usr/local/packages/papi -pdt=/usr/local/pdtoolkit-3.9 -mpiinc=/usr/local/include -mpilib=/usr/local/lib -MULTIPLECOUNTERS –c++=icpc –cc=icc –fortran=intel -tag=intel91039; make clean install Use PAPI counters (one or more) with C/C++/F90 automatic instrumentation. Also instrument the MPI library. Use Intel compilers. Typically configure multiple measurement libraries Each configuration creates a unique <arch>/lib/Makefile.tau<options> stub makefile. It corresponds to the configuration options used. e.g., /opt/tau /x86_64/lib/Makefile.tau-icpc-mpi-pdt /opt/tau /x86_64/lib/Makefile.tau-icpc-mpi-pdt-trace

65 TAU Measurement Configuration – Examples
% cd /usr/tau-2.16/x86_64/lib; ls Makefile.*pgi Makefile.tau-pdt-pgi Makefile.tau-mpi-pdt-pgi Makefile.tau-callpath-mpi-pdt-pgi Makefile.tau-mpi-pdt-trace-pgi Makefile.tau-mpi-compensate-pdt-pgi Makefile.tau-pthread-pdt-pgi Makefile.tau-papiwallclock-multiplecounters-papivirtual-mpi-papi-pdt-pgi Makefile.tau-multiplecounters-mpi-papi-pdt-trace-pgi Makefile.tau-mpi-pdt-epilog-trace-pgi Makefile.tau-papiwallclock-multiplecounters-papivirtual-papi-pdt-openmp-opari-pgi For an MPI+F90 application, you may want to start with: Supports MPI instrumentation & PDT for automatic source instrumentation for PGI with tracing

66 Configuration Parameters in Stub Makefiles
Each TAU stub Makefile resides in <tau>/<arch>/lib directory Variables: TAU_CXX Specify the C++ compiler used by TAU TAU_CC, TAU_F90 Specify the C, F90 compilers TAU_DEFS Defines used by TAU. Add to CFLAGS TAU_LDFLAGS Linker options. Add to LDFLAGS TAU_INCLUDE Header files include path. Add to CFLAGS TAU_LIBS Statically linked TAU library. Add to LIBS TAU_SHLIBS Dynamically linked TAU library TAU_MPI_LIBS TAU’s MPI wrapper library for C/C++ TAU_MPI_FLIBS TAU’s MPI wrapper library for F90 TAU_FORTRANLIBS Must be linked in with C++ linker for F90 TAU_CXXLIBS Must be linked in with F90 linker TAU_INCLUDE_MEMORY Use TAU’s malloc/free wrapper lib TAU_DISABLE TAU’s dummy F90 stub library TAU_COMPILER Instrument using script Each stub makefile encapsulates the parameters that TAU was configured with It represents a specific instance of the TAU libraries. TAU scripts use stub makefiles to identify what performance measurements are to be performed.

67 Using TAU Install TAU Instrument application manually/automatically
% configure [options]; make clean install Instrument application manually/automatically TAU Profiling API Typically modify application makefile Select TAU’s stub makefile, change name of compiler in Makefile Set environment variables TAU_MAKEFILE stub makefile directory where profiles/traces are to be stored Execute application % mpirun –np <procs> a.out; Analyze performance data paraprof, vampir, pprof, paraver …

68 TAU’s MPI Wrapper Interposition Library
Uses standard MPI Profiling Interface Provides name shifted interface MPI_Send = PMPI_Send Weak bindings Interpose TAU’s MPI wrapper library between MPI and TAU -lmpi replaced by –lTauMpi –lpmpi –lmpi No change to the source code! Just re-link the application to generate performance data setenv TAU_MAKEFILE <dir>/<arch>/lib/Makefile.tau-mpi -[options] Use, and as compilers

69 Instrumenting MPI Applications
Under Linux you may use to launch un-instrumented programs under TAU Without TAU: % mpirun -np 4 ./a.out With TAU: % ls /usr/tau/x86_64/lib/libTAU*pgi* % mpirun -np 4 ./a.out % mpirun -np 4 a.out loads <taudir>/<arch>/lib/ shared object Under AIX, use tau_poe instead of poe % poe a.out -procs 8 % tau_poe a.out -procs 8 % tau_poe a.out -procs 8 chooses <taudir>/<arch>/lib/ No change to source code or executables! No need to re-link! Only instruments MPI routines. To instrument user routines, you may need to parse the application source code!

70 Integration with Application Build Environment
Try to minimize impact on user’s application build procedures Handle process of parsing, instrumentation, compilation, linking Dealing with Makefiles Minimal change to application Makefile Avoid changing compilation rules in application Makefile No explicit inclusion of rules for process stages Some applications do not use Makefiles Facilitate integration in whatever procedures used Two techniques: TAU shell scripts (tau_<compiler>.sh) Invokes all PDT parser, TAU instrumenter, and compiler TAU_COMPILER

71 Using Program Database Toolkit (PDT)
Parse the Program to create foo.pdb: % cxxparse foo.cpp –I/usr/local/mydir –DMYFLAGS … or % cparse foo.c –I/usr/local/mydir –DMYFLAGS … % f95parse foo.f90 –I/usr/local/mydir … % f95parse *.f –omerged.pdb –I/usr/local/mydir –R free Instrument the program: % tau_instrumentor foo.pdb foo.f90 –o foo.inst.f90 –f select.tau Compile the instrumented program: % ifort foo.inst.f90 –c –I/usr/local/mpi/include –o foo.o

72 Tau_[cxx,cc,f90].sh – Improves Integration in Makefiles
# set TAU_MAKEFILE and TAU_OPTIONS env vars CC = F90 = CFLAGS = LIBS = -lm OBJS = f1.o f2.o f3.o … fn.o app: $(OBJS) $(F90) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(LIBS) .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< .f90.o: $(F90) $(FFLAGS) –c $<

73 AutoInstrumentation using TAU_COMPILER
$(TAU_COMPILER) stub Makefile variable Invokes PDT parser, TAU instrumentor, compiler through shell script Requires minimal changes to application Makefile Compilation rules are not changed User adds $(TAU_COMPILER) before compiler name F90=mpxlf90 Changes to F90= $(TAU_COMPILER) mpxlf90 Passes options from TAU stub Makefile to the four compilation stages Use,, scripts OR $(TAU_COMPILER) Uses original compilation command if an error occurs

74 Automatic Instrumentation
We now provide compiler wrapper scripts Simply replace mpxlf90 with Automatically instruments Fortran source code, links with TAU MPI Wrapper libraries. Use and for C/C++ Before CXX = mpCC F90 = mpxlf90_r CFLAGS = LIBS = -lm OBJS = f1.o f2.o f3.o … fn.o app: $(OBJS) $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(LIBS) .cpp.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< After CXX = F90 = CFLAGS = LIBS = -lm OBJS = f1.o f2.o f3.o … fn.o app: $(OBJS) $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(LIBS) .cpp.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

75 TAU_COMPILER – Improving Integration in Makefiles
include /usr/tau /x86_64/Makefile.tau-icpc-mpi-pdt CXX = $(TAU_COMPILER) mpicxx F90 = $(TAU_COMPILER) mpif90 CFLAGS = LIBS = -lm OBJS = f1.o f2.o f3.o … fn.o app: $(OBJS) $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(LIBS) .cpp.o: $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

76 TAU_COMPILER Commandline Options
See <taudir>/<arch>/bin/ –help Compilation: % mpxlf90 -c foo.f90 Changes to % f95parse foo.f90 $(OPT1) % tau_instrumentor foo.pdb foo.f90 –o foo.inst.f90 $(OPT2) % mpxlf90 –c foo.f90 $(OPT3) Linking: % mpxlf90 foo.o bar.o –o app Changes to % mpxlf90 foo.o bar.o –o app $(OPT4) Where options OPT[1-4] default values may be overridden by the user: F90 = $(TAU_COMPILER) $(MYOPTIONS) mpxlf90

77 TAU_COMPILER Options Optional parameters for $(TAU_COMPILER): [ –help] -optVerbose Turn on verbose debugging messages -optDetectMemoryLeaks Turn on debugging memory allocations/ de-allocations to track leaks -optPdtGnuFortranParser Use gfparse (GNU) instead of f95parse (Cleanscape) for parsing Fortran source code -optKeepFiles Does not remove intermediate .pdb and .inst.* files -optPreProcess Preprocess Fortran sources before instrumentation -optTauSelectFile="" Specify selective instrumentation file for tau_instrumentor -optLinking="" Options passed to the linker. Typically $(TAU_MPI_FLIBS) $(TAU_LIBS) $(TAU_CXXLIBS) -optCompile="" Options passed to the compiler. Typically $(TAU_MPI_INCLUDE) $(TAU_INCLUDE) $(TAU_DEFS) -optPdtF95Opts="" Add options for Fortran parser in PDT (f95parse/gfparse) -optPdtF95Reset="" Reset options for Fortran parser in PDT (f95parse/gfparse) -optPdtCOpts="" Options for C parser in PDT (cparse). Typically $(TAU_MPI_INCLUDE) $(TAU_INCLUDE) $(TAU_DEFS) -optPdtCxxOpts="" Options for C++ parser in PDT (cxxparse). Typically $(TAU_MPI_INCLUDE) $(TAU_INCLUDE) $(TAU_DEFS) ...

78 Overriding Default Options:TAU_COMPILER
include /usr/tau/x86_64/lib/ Makefile.tau-icpc-mpi-pdt-trace # Fortran .f files in free format need the -R free option for parsing # Are there any preprocessor directives in the Fortran source? MYOPTIONS= -optVerbose –optPreProcess -optPdtF95Opts=’’-R free’’  F90 = $(TAU_COMPILER) $(MYOPTIONS) ifort OBJS = f1.o f2.o f3.o … LIBS = -Lappdir –lapplib1 –lapplib2 … app: $(OBJS) $(F90) $(OBJS) –o app $(LIBS) .f.o: $(F90) –c $<

79 Overriding Default Options:TAU_COMPILER
% cat Makefile F90 = OBJS = f1.o f2.o f3.o … LIBS = -Lappdir –lapplib1 –lapplib2 … app: $(OBJS) $(F90) $(OBJS) –o app $(LIBS) .f90.o: $(F90) –c $< % setenv TAU_OPTIONS ‘-optVerbose -optTauSelectFile=select.tau -optKeepFiles’ % setenv TAU_MAKEFILE <taudir>/x86_64/lib/Makefile.tau-icpc-mpi-pdt

80 Optimization of Program Instrumentation
Need to eliminate instrumentation in frequently executing lightweight routines Throttling of events at runtime: % setenv TAU_THROTTLE 1 Turns off instrumentation in routines that execute over times (TAU_THROTTLE_NUMCALLS) and take less than 10 microseconds of inclusive time per call (TAU_THROTTLE_PERCALL) Selective instrumentation file to filter events % tau_instrumentor [options] –f <file> OR % setenv TAU_OPTIONS ’-optTauSelectFile=tau.txt’ Compensation of local instrumentation overhead % configure -COMPENSATE

81 Selective Instrumentation File
Specify a list of routines to exclude or include (case sensitive) # is a wildcard in a routine name. It cannot appear in the first column. BEGIN_EXCLUDE_LIST Foo Bar D#EMM END_EXCLUDE_LIST Specify a list of routines to include for instrumentation BEGIN_INCLUDE_LIST int main(int, char **) F1 F3 END_LIST_LIST Specify either an include list or an exclude list!

82 Selective Instrumentation File
Optionally specify a list of files to exclude or include (case sensitive) * and ? may be used as wildcard characters in a file name BEGIN_FILE_EXCLUDE_LIST f*.f90 Foo?.cpp END_EXCLUDE_LIST Specify a list of routines to include for instrumentation BEGIN_FILE_INCLUDE_LIST main.cpp foo.f90 END_INCLUDE_LIST_LIST

83 Selective Instrumentation File
User instrumentation commands are placed in INSTRUMENT section ? and * used as wildcard characters for file name, # for routine name \ as escape character for quotes Routine entry/exit, arbitrary code insertion Outer-loop level instrumentation BEGIN_INSTRUMENT_SECTION loops file=“foo.f90” routine=“matrix#” file=“foo.f90” line = 123 code = " print *, \" Inside foo\"" exit routine = “int foo()” code = "cout <<\"exiting foo\"<<endl;" END_INSTRUMENT_SECTION

84 Instrumentation Specification
% tau_instrumentor Usage : tau_instrumentor <pdbfile> <sourcefile> [-o <outputfile>] [-noinline] [-g groupname] [-i headerfile] [-c|-c++|-fortran] [-f <instr_req_file> ] For selective instrumentation, use –f option % tau_instrumentor foo.pdb foo.cpp –o foo.inst.cpp –f selective.dat % cat selective.dat # Selective instrumentation: Specify an exclude/include list of routines/files. BEGIN_EXCLUDE_LIST void quicksort(int *, int, int) void sort_5elements(int *) void interchange(int *, int *) END_EXCLUDE_LIST BEGIN_FILE_INCLUDE_LIST Main.cpp Foo?.c *.C END_FILE_INCLUDE_LIST # Instruments routines in Main.cpp, Foo?.c and *.C files only # Use BEGIN_[FILE]_INCLUDE_LIST with END_[FILE]_INCLUDE_LIST

85 Automatic Outer Loop Level Instrumentation
BEGIN_INSTRUMENT_SECTION loops file="loop_test.cpp" routine="multiply" # it also understands # as the wildcard in routine name # and * and ? wildcards in file name. # You can also specify the full # name of the routine as is found in profile files. #loops file="loop_test.cpp" routine="double multiply#" END_INSTRUMENT_SECTION % pprof NODE 0;CONTEXT 0;THREAD 0: %Time Exclusive Inclusive #Call #Subrs Inclusive Name msec total msec usec/call , int main(int, char **) , double multiply() , , Loop: double multiply() [ file = <loop_test.cpp> line,col = <23,3> to <30,3> ] , , Loop: double multiply() [ file = <loop_test.cpp> line,col = <38,3> to <46,7> ]

86 TAU_REDUCE Reads profile files and rules
Creates selective instrumentation file Specifies which routines should be excluded from instrumentation rules tau_reduce Selective instrumentation file profile

87 Optimizing Instrumentation Overhead: Rules
#Exclude all events that are members of TAU_USER #and use less than 1000 microseconds TAU_USER:usec < 1000 #Exclude all events that have less than 100 #microseconds and are called only once usec < 1000 & numcalls = 1 #Exclude all events that have less than 1000 usecs per #call OR have a (total inclusive) percent less than 5 usecs/call < 1000 percent < 5 Scientific notation can be used usec>1000 & numcalls> & usecs/call<30 & percent>25 Usage: % pprof –d > pprof.dat % tau_reduce –f pprof.dat –r rules.txt –o select.tau

88 TAU Tracing Enhancements
Configure TAU with -TRACE –otf=<dir> option % configure –TRACE –otf=<dir> … Generates tau_merge, tau2vtf, tau2otf tools in <tau>/<arch>/bin directory % app.f90 –o app Instrument and execute application % mpirun -np 4 app Merge and convert trace files to OTF format % tau2otf tau.trc tau.edf app.otf [-z][–n <nstreams>] % vampir app.otf OR use VNG to analyze OTF/VTF trace files

89 Environment Variables
Configure TAU with -TRACE –otf=<dir> option % configure –TRACE –otf=<dir> -MULTIPLECOUNTERS –papi=<dir> -mpi –pdt=dir … Set environment variables % setenv TRACEDIR /p/gm1/<login>/traces % setenv COUNTER1 GET_TIME_OF_DAY (reqd) % setenv COUNTER2 PAPI_FP_INS % setenv COUNTER3 PAPI_TOT_CYC … Execute application % mpirun -np 32 ./a.out [args] %; tau2otf/tau2vtf ...

90 Outline An overview of OTF, TAU and Vampir/VNG OTF TAU
Tools API Building trace conversion tools TAU Instrumentation Measurement Analysis Scalable Tracing Vampir VNG

91 Using Vampir Next Generation (VNG)

92 VNG Timeline Display

93 VNG Calltree Display

94 VNG Timeline Zoomed In

95 VNG Grouping of Interprocess Communications

96 VNG Process Timeline with PAPI Counters

97 OTF/VNG Support for Counters

98 VNG Communication Matrix Display

99 VNG Message Profile

100 VNG Process Activity Chart

101 VNG Preferences

102 Support Acknowledgements
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science contracts LLNL ParaTools/GWT contract University of Oregon T.U. Dresden, GWT Research Centre Juelich

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