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‘Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures. Applications' ‘Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures. Applications' Directorate F Luís Rodríguez-Roselló.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures. Applications' ‘Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures. Applications' Directorate F Luís Rodríguez-Roselló."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures. Applications' ‘Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures. Applications' Directorate F Luís Rodríguez-Roselló Grids Information Day Research Infrastructures 25 March 2003

2 2 Future and emerging technologies Grid-technology/middelware Grid-Testbeds Research Infrastructure eInclusion, New working environment, Complex problem solving Mission of the directorate Applied Research Infrastructure & Architecture Research at the Frontier of knowledge Policies : eInclusion, eEconomy

3 3 Grid Research and Deployment in FP6 (F2-F3) Grids for Complex Problem Solving Architecture, design and development of the next generation Grid Enabling application technologies DG IST - F2 DG IST - F2 Research Infrastructure Deployment of specific high performance Grids Deployment of high-capacity and high-speed communi- cations network - GÉANT DG IST - F3 Research & DevelopmentDeployment 125 M€ (IST)200 M€ (RI)

4 4 GEANT and Grids budgets/instruments (F2-F3) RN testbeds GÉANT Grids for complex problem solving  IP  NoE  STRePs  CA  SSA 50 M€ Integrating & Strengthening ERA IST  I3  CA  SSA 100 M€ Structuring ERA RI 125 M€

5 5 European R&D: a fragmented landscape European R&D: a fragmented landscape Framework programme Only 4% of the total civil research budget of the EU LUX B IRL UK S FIN DK A IT EL NL F PES CERN, EMBL, ESA, ESO and other international organisations D Candidate and associated countries Enterprises, universities and research centres

6 6 FP6 is not business as usual! ERA-a new context for EU supported RTD Moving to a European level Research policy Moving to a European level Research policy –Strengthen co-operation between National and EU Activities –Improve links between National and EU policies and schemes –Take into account enlargement –Development of a “shared vision” on European RTD –Potential for co-funding arrangements Realising ERA will require Realising ERA will require –New thinking: more strategic and goal oriented –New approach: integration, concentration, critical mass and flexibility –New scope: taking account of the international dimension of RTD greater awareness of who’s doing whatgreater awareness of who’s doing what –New instruments: Integrated Projects (IPs) & Networks of Excellence (NoEs), Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3)

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