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Stem-changing verbs The stem of a verb is the part of the infinitive that is left after you drop the ending –ar, -er, -ir. What is the stem of empezar?

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Presentation on theme: "Stem-changing verbs The stem of a verb is the part of the infinitive that is left after you drop the ending –ar, -er, -ir. What is the stem of empezar?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stem-changing verbs The stem of a verb is the part of the infinitive that is left after you drop the ending –ar, -er, -ir. What is the stem of empezar? empez

2 Los verbos zapatos Stem-changing verbs have a spelling change in their stem in all forms of the present tense except the nosotros and the vosotros forms.

3 There are 4 kinds of stem-changing verbs 2. o-ue 3. e-i 4. u-ue 1. e-ie

4 e-ie cerrar to close

5 e-ie confesar to confess

6 e-ie recomendar to recommend

7 e-ie comenzar to begin

8 e-ie empezar to begin

9 e-ie encender to turn on/to light

10 e-ie entender to understand

11 e-ie mentir to lie

12 e-ie querer to want

13 e-ie pensar (en) to think (about)

14 e-ie perder to lose

15 e-ie preferir to prefer

16 e-ie querer: to want quiero quieres quiere queremos queréis quieren

17 e-i decir to say/tell

18 e-i pedir to ask for

19 e-i repetir to repeat

20 e-i seguir to continue/follow

21 e-i servir to serve

22 e-i servir: to serve sirvo sirves sirve servimos servís sirven

23 o-ue almorzar to eat lunch

24 o-ue contar to count/tell (a story)

25 o-ue costar to cost

26 o-ue dormir to sleep

27 o-ue encontrar to find/encounter

28 o-ue llover to rain

29 o-ue morir to die

30 o-ue poder to be able to (can)

31 o-ue probar to try/test

32 o-ue recordar to remember

33 o-ue sonar to ring/sound

34 o-ue soñar (con) to dream (about)

35 o-ue volver to return

36 o-ue encontrar: to find, encounter encuentro encuentras encuentra encontramos encontráis encuentran

37 u-ue jugar to play

38 u-ue jugar: to play a sport or game juego juegas juega jugamos jugáis juegan

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