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Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011 Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research Chris Snijders Gerrit Rooks 3 ects

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011 Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research Chris Snijders Gerrit Rooks 3 ects"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011 Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research Chris Snijders Gerrit Rooks 3 ects (=studyguide) literature: Field book + separate course material laptop exam (+ assignments) ToDo: Studyweb! Enroll in 0a611

2 Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011 The methods package MMBR (6 ects) –Blumberg: algemeen: vraagstelling, betrouwbaarheid, validiteit etc –Field: SPSS: factor analyse, multiple regressie, ANcOVA, sample size etc AMMBR (3 ects) - Field (deels): logistische regressie - literatuur via website: conjoint analysis  multi-level regression

3 Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011 Models and methods: topics t-test, Cronbach's alpha, etc multiple regression, analysis of (co)variance and factor analysis logistic regression conjoint analysis / repeated measures Stata naast SPSS “Naar nieuwe vragen” Oefenen (een beetje) met data verzameling Achterliggende gedachte: nu moet je het zelf kunnen

4 Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011 Methods in brief (1) Logistic regression: target Y, predictors X i. Y is a binary variable (0/1). - Why not just multiple regression? - Interpretation is more difficult - goodness of fit is non-standard -...

5 Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011 Methods in brief (2) Conjoint analysis Underlying assumption: for each user, the "utility" of a product can be written as U(x 1,x 2,..., x n ) = c 0 + c 1 x 1 +... + c n x n -10 Euro p/m - 2 years fixed - free phone -... How attractive is this offer to you?

6 Conjoint analysis as an “in between method” Between Which phone do you like and why? What would your favorite phone be? And: Let’s keep track of what people buy. Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011

7 Coming up with new ideas (3) Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011 “More research is necessary” But on what? “More research is necessary” But on what? YOU: come up with sensible new ideas, given previous research

8 Stata next to SPSS Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011 It’s just better (faster, better written, more possibilities, better programmable …) Multi-level regression is much easier than in SPSS It’s good to be exposed to more than just a single statistics package (your knowledge should not be based on “where to click” arguments) More stable (I think) Supports OSX as well… (anybody?)

9 But … Output less “polished” It takes some extra work to get you started The Logistic Regression chapter in the Field book uses SPSS (but still readable for the larger part) (and it’s not campus software, but subfaculty software) Installation … Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011

10 Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2008/200910 To Do enroll in studyweb (0a611) Read the Field chapter on logistic regression Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research Advanced Methods and Models in Behavioral Research – 2010/2011

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