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Guiseppe Getto Ph.D. Candidate Rhetoric and Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Guiseppe Getto Ph.D. Candidate Rhetoric and Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guiseppe Getto Ph.D. Candidate Rhetoric and Writing

2 Lansing/East Lansing, MI Lots of non-profits and community-based organizations and individuals i.e. neighorbhood organizations, teachers/schools, food co-op, mentoring programs Michigan State University (East Lansing) Capital Area Community Media Center Media creation, technology consulting, project management, tech/media workshops, service-learning students working with community orgs Graduate program in Rhetoric/Writing WRA 135: FYC and service-learning class

3 Me/my colleagues Activism/volunteering experience Invested in community outreach and multimedia writing Service-learning and FYC teachers My dissertation Collected data on the collaborative writing processes of students doing multimedia projects with community partners

4 Infrastructure=organizational structure + cultural practice (Star and Ruhleder, Grabill, Cushman, and Devoss) i.e. CACMC, 4-H Mentorship Program, Central Elementary art classroom, CAL Documentary Lab, classes in Rhetoric/Writing (taken), classes in WRAC (taught) Local public=publicly active community (Long, Matthews, Dewey) i.e. a public is a community that purposefully rhetorically effects other communities

5 Multimedia writing=remixing/remediating various modes of writing for rhetorical purposes (Halbritter, Cushman, Wysocki, Bolter and Grusin, Selber, Michel, Sheridan, and Ridolfo) Capacity building=adding to an organizations ability to do work (Craig, Flicker et al)

6 Infrastructures can be repurposed to remix/remediate in different ways, ways that build various capacities of community organizations WRA 135 – Writing: Public Life in America Service-learning through writing/civic engagement WRA 135 – Rhetoric/Writing: Citizenship, Service- Learning, and Community media Service-learning through multimedia writing

7 Website for 4-H Mentorship Program

8 Video for Eric Staib, Art Teacher at Central Elementary School

9 Collaboration was very different than existing studies have shown The success-based model (Knievel) There is something called successful collaboration which is knowable ahead of the writing situation vs…the iterative model??? (Getto, forthcoming) Collaboration is always already a kairotic endeavor Writers make do with materials, people, knowledges available What will be successful is not known until completion of writing process Success becomes evident through iteration

10 From one groups member check video

11 2 student groups studied + 1.5 semesters taught=some impact on local infrastructures Increased literate/rhetorical abilities of local organizations New version of WRA 135 Local non-profit leaders learning how to be community partners for service-learners Students learning how to work with each other and community partners

12 Infrastructures are pervasive and rhetorical Work, school, social life, community organizations All structures and practices that affect a writers ability to write in various, future situations Building sustainable infrastructures is probablistic (and hence rhetorical), meaning: Its never certain Changes arent permanent Foregrounding certain practices (iterative collaboration, valuing knowledges of all those involved, capacity-building) maximizes probability of success

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