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The Higgins Data Model Higgins : a species of Tasmanian long-tailed mouse. 9.14.2007 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0.

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Presentation on theme: "The Higgins Data Model Higgins : a species of Tasmanian long-tailed mouse. 9.14.2007 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Higgins Data Model Higgins : a species of Tasmanian long-tailed mouse. 9.14.2007 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0

2 2 Requirements for interoperability The Higgins data model addresses only the first of these three requirements to achieve identity and social network data portability and interoperability: 1.Common data model 2.API abstraction/framework 3.Schema mapping #2 can be addressed using the Higgins Identity Attribute Service (aka IdAS)

3 3 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0 Data Model Concepts Context – a data set containing Digital Subjects ContextId – an identifier of a Context Digital Subject – a representation of some entity SubjectId – to identify the subject within a Context Attributes – attributes of a Digital Subject Metadata – about Attributes, sub-Attributes and Digital Subjects Ontologies (schema) describing the possible contents of a Context

4 4 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0 Contexts and ContextIds A kind of data container Contains one or more Digital Subjects Identified by a ContextId URI (may be XRI) Examples of Contexts Facebook social network LDAP directory PeopleSoft database Context

5 Digital Subjects and their attributes Digital Subjects are representations of entities (e.g. real world people, groups, organizations, etc.) Digital Subjects are sets of identity, profile and relationship attributes Digital Subject Normal attributes (e.g. String, number, boolean, etc.) = Digital Subject that represent entity #1 (e.g. you) = Digital Subject that represents some entity other than #1 (e.g. someone other than you) Relation attribute Correlation attribute (a specialization of relation) A profile

6 6 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0 Relation and Correlation examples MySpaceYahoo-Group-22 Correlation Attributes consist of a ContextId and a local SubjectId Relation Attribute You have two accounts/profiles on MySpace and you are a member of this Yahoo Group. You know another member of the Yahoo Group. 33348 @cloudtripper@yahoo*group22 / 48 @cloudtripper@yahoo*group22 / 333

7 7 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0 Enterprise Directory example Directory (Hierarchy of Contexts) You R&D Dept. XYZ Corporation Marketing Dept. Contexts can have relationships with other Contexts Your Manager

8 8 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0 Friends List example e.g. Facebook e.g. You know Drummond Drummond

9 9 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0 Social Network example Facebook Reciprocated (confirmed) link

10 10 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0 A multi-Context example FacebookSecond Life Dept of Motor Vehicles Social Security Administration Other Digital Subjects Digital Subject that represents you Digital Subject that represents someone else You meta Context

11 Perso n [Mary] Person :eyecolor expiration Attributes and Metadata Person :phoneNumber higgins:value creationDate source higgins: subjectId Blue Jan 4, 1999(617) 555-1212Mar 19, 2019 Dept. of Motor Vehicles String Instance of value of attribute Metadata about attribute instance

12 12 Copyright© Parity Communications, Inc. Made available under EPL v1.0 Metamodel, Ontologies Contexts describe their schemas using OWL-DL OWL builds on: RDFS, RDF Contexts base their ontologies on higgins.owl (aka HOWL) Otherwise free to define their own data model E.g. a Context could define the concept of a Person, and this Person having eyeColor and phoneNumber attributes Person would sub-class higgins:DigitalSubject eyeColor would sub-property higgins:attribute

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