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Islam ©CSCOPE 2008
Quotes from the Koran 42.3] Thus does Allah, the Mighty, the Wise, reveal to you, and (thus He revealed) to those before you.
Quotes from the Koran [42.4] His is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and He is the High, the Great.
Quotes from the Koran [42.5] The heavens may almost rend asunder from above them and the angels sing the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on earth; now surely Allah is the Forgiving, the Merciful. Allah is an omnipotent being that reveals himself to man in mysterious ways. He dwells in the heaven with angels who sing his praises and ask for mercy for those on earth. What is inferred is that there is only one god and even the other higher beings (angels) worship him, and that Allah holds humans very dear and helps to guide us and shows us mercy.
What is Islam? Islam teaches that one can only find peace by submitting to Almighty God (Allah) in heart, soul and deed. "Salaam alaykum," ("Peace be with you"), the universal Muslim greeting.
Who is a Muslim? Muslim Islam
A person who believes in and consciously follows Islam Islam Believe in Allah and recognize Muhammad as the last prophet.
How Many and Where?: a major world religion
over 1 billion followers worldwide (1/5 of the world population). Monotheistic, along with Judaism and Christianity.
How Many and Where? Less than 10% of Muslims are in fact Arab.
Muslims are found all over the world, of every nation, color and race.
Who is Allah?: Allah is the Almighty God
Also called the Creator, the Sustainer, the Merciful, the Compassionate, etc. Allah alone is the Creator, He alone deserves our devout love and worship.
How strict is the religion?
Strictly Monotheistic Any worship and prayers directed at saints, prophets, other human beings or nature is considered idolatry (unacceptable)
Five Pillars of Faith As part of the Islam religion, all true Muslims must perform 5 duties, called the Five Pillars of Faith.
Shahada (affirmation)
The duty to recite the creed: "There is nothing worthy of worship save Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God"
Salat (prayer) The duty to worship the One God in prayer five times each day
Zakat (almsgiving) The duty to give away alms and to help the needy
Siyam (fasting) The duty to keep the Fast of Ramadan
Hajj (pilgrimage) The duty to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime (Hijrah)
Muhammad Born in 570 (?) considered the founder of Islam.
Caravan Manager from Mecca, rich trading city and host to many religious shrines (Ka’bah); married to a rich widow Became disillusioned with the corruption in the city and the growing gap between the urban dwellers and the Bedouins (nomadic herders)
While meditating in the hills, the Angel Gabriel visited him and revealed to him that he was the next and final prophet. Recited the revelations (later written down as the Qur’an)
He began to preach but attracted few followers; many enemies feared he would upset the political and social order. So in 622, Muhammad and his followers fled to Medina. (the Hegira)
Islamic Beliefs
No separation between Church and State.
Belief that salvation and the afterlife will be obtained by submitting to the will of Allah.
Qur’an (Koran): ethics and laws of the Islamic community
Written in Arabic and cannot officially be translated to another language. To study the Qur’an you must learn Arabic. Book of the writings of the prophet Muhammad
Growth of Islam Medina supported Muhammad and he attracted the support of the Bedouins. In 630, Muhammad returned to Mecca (the Holy City of the Islamic Faith) with a force of 10,000 soldiers and quickly took the city. As Islam began to spread through the Arabian Peninsula, Muhammad died in 632.
Why did Islam spread? Easy to learn and practice No priesthood
Non-Muslims in conqueror territory are allowed religious freedom (for an additional tax) Spread through trade route Jihad (Holy Struggle): “Holy War” against infidels and it is the expansion of the Islamic state and control.
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