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TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Specification of Adaptive Behavior Using a General- purpose Design.

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Presentation on theme: "TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Specification of Adaptive Behavior Using a General- purpose Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Specification of Adaptive Behavior Using a General- purpose Design Methodology for Dynamic Web Applications Databases and Hypermedia Group

2 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Outline AHS and Modern WIS Hera Methodology Adaptive Application Design Example Implementation Conclusion

3 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Adaptive Hypermedia Systems Monitor user’s actions Dynamically update a user model Based on the user model adapt an application’s user interface

4 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Modern WIS Are based on the Web Provide complex services (functionality) Use data distributed over Internet Have large audience (need of personalization)

5 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science WIS Architecture

6 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Hera, a Model-driven Methodology Conceptual Model (CM) describes data content used for generation of hypermedia presentations) Application Model (AM) describes the navigation structure and functionality Presentation Model (PM) describes spatial layout and rendering of hypermedia presentations

7 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Hera WIS Architecture

8 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Example: Adaptive Application in Hera Stores information about books and authors Stores users’ selection of books (shopping basket) Calculates user interest in particular authors (based on the user selection) and shows info about the most interesting authors

9 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Example CM and Navigation Data Model NDM extends CM with notion of updatable context information (user selection, interests)

10 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Example AM Defines the navigation structure and functionality -Creates and deletes basket instances -Creates Interest instances -Increases for authors of selected books -Decreases for other authors

11 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Hera Engine Implementation Runs as a servlet under Apache Tomcat Web server Uses the HP Jena RDF API for import of models (CM+NDM, AM) Uses the Sesame RDF data repository for navigation data (also for the main data content), queries and data manipulations are in SeRQL/RQL

12 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Conclusion It is possible to model (and implement) an adaptive hypermedia system using a general-purpose WIS design methodology Model-driven methodologies allow schema- level adaptation Possible adaptation techniques depend on a concrete methodology; for current version of Hera it is only conditional inclusion of fragments (slices)

13 TU e technische universiteit eindhoven / department of mathematics and computer science Questions?

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