Bullying Presented by:

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1 Bullying Presented by:
Dr. Caren Baruch-Feldman, Harrison Avenue School and Mrs. Shelly Simon, Harrison Youth Council

2 Bullying What is Bullying?
Bullying is a repeated and or chronic, pattern of hurtful behavior involving intent to maintain an imbalance of power. Repeated Intentional Power differential Start off with Bully Myth Quiz.

3 Bullying vs. Teasing Teasing happens between friends or among people of equal power. The teaser will often back off when he/she knows he/she hurting his/her friend. Teasing is part of life and relationships. However, teasing can turn into bullying.

4 Types Of Bullying Physical Verbal Emotional/Relational Cyber Bullying

5 Cyber Bullying How would I feel if my grandmother read this?
Before you post something on line ask yourself these questions. How would I feel if my grandmother read this? Would it be ok if this posting was on the front page of a newspaper? Would I say this to somebody’s face? Describe cyberbullying, show video, and then ask yourself the following questions..

6 Cyber Bullying Read your posts out loud before sending.
Don’t write anything when you are angry or very upset. Be the same person you are on-line as you are in life. IF YOU WOULDN’T SAY IT, DON’T SEND IT !

7 Who Is Involved in Bullying?
TARGET BYSTANDER Ask students to describe qualities of who can be a bully.

8 Have Aggressive Friends Need Power and Control
Who Are the Bullies? Aggressive Have Aggressive Friends Need Power and Control Thrive on Emotional Reactions of Targets High Self-esteem Can Be Popular Have Many Friends Charming to Adults Lack Empathy Manipulative

9 Who are Targets? Bullies will find any excuse to pick on a target (e.g. too tall, too small, too fat, too skinny, too smart). The likelihood of more bullying increases the more emotional the target is in reaction to the bullying.

10 Who are Bystanders? Bystanders want to do the right thing…why don’t they? Fear of retaliation or getting bullied themselves Kids may not know what they should do Bullies interpret bystanders silence as approval. Research shows that bystanders may have the BIGGEST IMPACT on a bully situation. Float in

11 What a Bystander Can Do BUSTER – Dr. Michelle Borba
B = Befriend a victim. U = Use a distraction. S = Speak out and stand up. T = Tell or text for help. E = Exit alone or with others. R = Give a reason or a remedy. Play video (summarizes what is bullying and talks about the power of a bystander) and then talk about Michelle Boba’s work.

12 Learning from Our Mistakes
For people who may have been bullied or targets who may have over reacted… the hope is to learn from these events and remember that we are all works in progress. Give all people another chance.

13 Summary What is bullying? Repeated, intentional, and power differential. The power of the Bystander. B.U.S.T.E.R. Personal Responsibility Get from students. Summary floats in. Make book marks.

14 What Are We Going To Do To Create a Culture of Kindness for Our Community?

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