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NIST Interoperability Framework for the Smart Grid

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1 NIST Interoperability Framework for the Smart Grid
George W. Arnold, Eng.Sc.D. National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S. Department of Commerce

2 Smart Grid – A U.S. National Priority
“It is the policy of the United States to support the modernization of the Nation's electricity [system]… to achieve…a Smart Grid.” Congress, EISA 2007 “We’ll fund a better, smarter electricity grid and train workers to build it…” President Barack Obama “To meet the energy challenge and create a 21st century energy economy, we need a 21st century electric grid…” Secretary of Energy Steven Chu “A smart electricity grid will revolutionize the way we use energy, but we need standards …” Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke

3 Smart Grid: The “Enernet”
2-way flow of electricity and information Upgrading the grid components and systems with new functionality and communications requires interoperability, and to have interoperability of equipment and systems requires reliable standards and validated performance – a clear role for NIST. Standards Provide a Critical Foundation Graphics courtesy of EPRI 3

4 Government Roles in Smart Grid
Federal Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Other Federal Agencies Public Utility Commissions State

5 NIST Role in Standards for the Smart Grid
Under Title XIII, Section 1305 of EISA, NIST has “primary responsibility to coordinate development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of smart grid devices and systems…” Congress directed that the framework be “flexible, uniform, and technology neutral” Use of these standards is a criteria for DoE Smart Grid Investment Grants Input to FERC and state PUC rulemaking 5 5

6 NIST Smart Grid Framework and Roadmap, Release 1.0
Published January 2010 Extensive public input and review Smart Grid Vision / Model 75 key standards identified IEC, IEEE, … 16 Priority Action Plans to fill gaps (one completed) Includes cyber security strategy Companion document NISTIR 7628 Conceptual Model

7 The Standards Address…
Demand Response and Consumer Energy Efficiency Wide Area Situational Awareness Electric Storage Electric Transportation Advanced Metering Infrastructure Distribution Grid Management Cyber Security Network Communications

8 Key Standards Under Development
Data standards for customer energy usage information Price, schedule, demand response signals for appliance-to-grid communications Rapid electric vehicle charging

9 Smart Grid Will Use International Standards

10 Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
Public-private partnership formed November 2009 Permanent body Open, transparent process Coordinates, does not develop standards Over 580 member organizations 22 stakeholder categories – utilities, renewable power suppliers, electric equipment suppliers, ICT, appliance makers, automation suppliers, standards developers, regulators, venture capital, … International participation 27 standards bodies including ISO, IEC, ITU-T participating

11 Further Information Web portal: Contact:
George Arnold, National Coordinator Telephone:

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