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Homework Answers P. 335 4. y > 10.5 17. d > -125 5. r  -18 18. w > 56 6. b < 12 19. q ≤ 3.3333 7. g < -1 20. a  -9 8. t  4 21. r  -9 15. t  3 22.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework Answers P. 335 4. y > 10.5 17. d > -125 5. r  -18 18. w > 56 6. b < 12 19. q ≤ 3.3333 7. g < -1 20. a  -9 8. t  4 21. r  -9 15. t  3 22."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework Answers P y > d > r  w > b < q ≤ g < a  t  r  t  k > f < b = any # 33. x ≤ 11

2 Inequality Word Problems
Lesson - 29

3 Word Problems Words that mean “<“ Example: is less than
is fewer than Example: Four times a number is less than three times that number plus eight. 5 times a number plus 7 is fewer than six times that number.

4 Word Problems Words that mean “>“ Example: is greater than
is more than Example: A number decreased by 8 is greater than negative 13. The quotient of a number and 3 is more than the sum of that number and 7.

5 Word Problems Words that mean “≤“ Example: is at most is no more than
is less than or equal to Example: Three times the sum of x and 2 is at most the difference of that number and -4. The sum of a number and 3 is no more than 7. A number is less than or equal to 4 times that number subtracted from 10.

6 Word Problems Words that mean “≥“ Example: is at least is no less than
is greater than or equal to Example: The sum of 19 and a number is at least 16. 6 is no less than the quotient of 3 times a number and 5. A number less than 9 is greater than or equal to 4 times the number.

7 LETS PRACTICE Three times a number minus eighteen is greater than or equal to five times the number plus twenty-one. Two times the sum of a number and four is no more than three times the sum of a number and seven decreased by four.

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