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Dying moribund. factual reasoning induction without foresight improvident.

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Presentation on theme: "Dying moribund. factual reasoning induction without foresight improvident."— Presentation transcript:

1 dying moribund

2 factual reasoning induction

3 without foresight improvident

4 government of saints hagiocracy

5 messenger emissary

6 word choice diction

7 relentless inexorable

8 hopelessly unhappy disconsolate

9 disdainfully arrogant supercilious

10 insincere disingenuous

11 unrestrained gratification decadent

12 unruly fractious

13 butchery carnage

14 of no category nondescript

15 restore renovate

16 productive prolific

17 a history chronicle

18 rapidly expeditiously

19 of the first ages primeval

20 uprising insurgence

21 elaborate eulogy panegyric

22 behave comport

23 faithfulness fidelity

24 from before the Flood antediluvian

25 great work magnum opus

26 word choice diction

27 restore renovate

28 disdainfully arrogant supercilious

29 government of saints hagiocracy

30 without foresight improvident

31 messenger emissary

32 relentless inexorable

33 hopelessly unhappy disconsolate

34 unrestrained gratification decadent

35 unruly fractious

36 insincere disingenuous

37 butchery carnage

38 productive prolific

39 of no category nondescript

40 of the first ages primeval

41 elaborate eulogy panegyric

42 a history chronicle

43 factual reasoning induction

44 behave comport

45 great work magnum opus

46 faithfulness fidelity

47 from before the Flood antediluvian

48 rapidly expeditiously

49 uprising insurgence

50 dying moribund

51 dying moribund

52 factual reasoning induction

53 without foresight improvident

54 government of saints hagiocracy

55 messenger emissary

56 word choice diction

57 relentless inexorable

58 hopelessly unhappy disconsolate

59 disdainfully arrogant supercilious

60 insincere disingenuous

61 unrestrained gratification decadent

62 unruly fractious

63 butchery carnage

64 of no category nondescript

65 restore renovate

66 productive prolific

67 a history chronicle

68 rapidly expeditiously

69 of the first ages primeval

70 uprising insurgence

71 elaborate eulogy panegyric

72 behave comport

73 faithfulness fidelity

74 from before the Flood antediluvian

75 great work magnum opus

76 word choice diction

77 restore renovate

78 disdainfully arrogant supercilious

79 government of saints hagiocracy

80 without foresight improvident

81 messenger emissary

82 relentless inexorable

83 hopelessly unhappy disconsolate

84 unrestrained gratification decadent

85 unruly fractious

86 insincere disingenuous

87 butchery carnage

88 productive prolific

89 of no category nondescript

90 of the first ages primeval

91 elaborate eulogy panegyric

92 a history chronicle

93 factual reasoning induction

94 behave comport

95 great work magnum opus

96 faithfulness fidelity

97 from before the Flood antediluvian

98 rapidly expeditiously

99 uprising insurgence

100 dying moribund

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