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Quality Manager for BusinessObjects® Controlling the Quality, Integrity and Consistency of your BusinessObjects Deployment 1-800-284-8215.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Manager for BusinessObjects® Controlling the Quality, Integrity and Consistency of your BusinessObjects Deployment 1-800-284-8215."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Manager for BusinessObjects® Controlling the Quality, Integrity and Consistency of your BusinessObjects Deployment 1-800-284-8215

2 What is Quality Manager for BusinessObjects? BusinessObjects specific high level version control Critical business decisions being based on incorrect versions of universe and documents Version control for Universes and Documents Allows restore of previous versions Snapshots of reports on a certain data can be kept for audit purposes Impact Analysis Reports How many reports will be effected if I delete this object in my universe? Quality Management Standardizes procedures for developers in the testing and migration process Provides critical missing documentation Pinpoint Universe and Report Design Flaws Allows you to link universes and reports Help test, Variables, Lovs, Formulas, Cardinality, Environment information and much more

3 QM Functionality Version Control Check in / Check out with locking capability Transfer Universes between repositories Restore previous versions Impact Analysis Reports Difference analysis for Universes and Reports Cross Reference Reports Enhanced System Documentation

4 QM in relation to BO end users The BO Repository is synchronized with the QM Repository BO Repository Developers Development TestAcceptanceProduction Development TestAcceptanceProduction Development EndUsers EndUser Documents

5 QM Answers the Following Quations How do we control the transfer of Universes and Documents to other environments? Are all List of Values files included after transferring a Universe to another repository? How can we guarantee that no Universe or Document changes are lost? What changes have been made, compared to the current production version? Which version of a Documents works on which version of a Universe? Which Universe version is in production on various locations? Which Documents do we have to test to make sure Universe changes are applied successfully? Which objects are not used in Documents at all?

6 QM Product Overview The QM Product Suite consists of the following modules: QM Version Control QM Reports QM End User Agent QM WEBI Agent QM Migration Wizard

7 QM References Philip Morris (worldwide license) ING Bank Deutsche Bank ABN AMRO Bank (108,000 BO licenses) AMICON Zorgverzekeringen Anova Verzekeringen Anoz Verzekeringen AtosEuronext AtosOrigin Ben B & C Products CenterParcs Etam Retail Services Friesland Coberco Fortis Bank Havenbedrijf Rotterdam KPN Ministerie VROM NCCW Casa Ordina Sociale Verzekeringen Overtoom Robeco Groep Senter St. Volksgezondheid & Milieuhygiëne VIB VNU Tijdschriften Waterschap Friesland Westland Utrecht Hypotheekbank ZAO Verzekeringen

8 QM Screen Shot Drag and drop universe migration. Never lose LOVs again !

9 Document Report Variables and Formulas in seconds !

10 Pinpoint Universe Design Issues ! Why is the select object not summed if the object is summed? Am I getting unnecessary rows returned?

11 Find out what objects are incompatible with each other!

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