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Presentation on theme: "THAI TOKO ENGINEERING CO.,LTD."— Presentation transcript:

Quality control management procedure THAI TOKO ENGINEERING CO.,LTD.

2 Quality control management procedure
5 procedure method for quality control management system Quality control policy Objective and target Implement and operation Checking and corrective action Management review

3 Quality control management procedure
Policy Checking and correct Review Objective Implement Continuous improvement

4 Quality control management procedure
Quality control policy quality control is all of our department’s duty all of our employees must work on quality control policy. have procedures for the implementation and monitoring of quality control frequent appraisals of the quality system to provide customers with reliable service maintain quality systems aimed at achieving 100% customer satisfaction

5 Quality control management procedure
Objective and target Objective and target for our company is customer satisfaction continuous quality improvement build quality at all levels maintain a level of quality which enhance the company’s reputation with customer

6 Quality control management procedure
Implement and operation Organization chart

7 Quality control management procedure
Implement and operation responsibility for quality A. Design system responsibilities for checking customer requirement with thai regulation standard electrical specification control design by fit cost with customer requirement designing control by professional license engineer

8 Quality control management procedure
Implement and operation responsibility for quality B. Procurement system responsibilities for provide quality material with reasonable cost material quality control ( material specification compare , material delivery time , project reference) provide quality worker ( certificate, project reference ) co-ordinate and build relationship with supplier supplier evaluate

9 Quality control management procedure
Implement and operation responsibility for quality C. Construction process system C.1 during construction responsibilities for project construction schedule planning control shop drawing approval before construction construction method control electrical check list inspection control site inspection process by engineer , quality control committee factory inspection for important equipment ( electrical panel , transformer )

10 Quality control management procedure
Implement and operation responsibility for quality C. Construction process system C.2 After complete of construction and before energize responsibilities for visual inspection check such as installed in accordance with drawing. all connecting points have been tightened securely. electrical data test from measurement such as Insulation resistance data test phase sequence and polarity test

11 Quality control management procedure
Implement and operation responsibility for quality C. Construction process system C.2 After completion of construction and after energize responsibilities for electrical data test from measurement such as primary and secondary voltage check illumIination data check operation control system check ( motor control , communication control )

12 Environment management procedure
Implement and operation responsibility for quality B. Service system responsibilities for customer training 1 years warranty maintenance from request after warranty

13 Quality control management procedure
4. Checking and corrective action Monitoring and measurement in the activities which impact Corrective and preventive action in what is not follows the bound. Monitoring the effectiveness of the corrective action and prevention Management review Review quality control system by senior executives of the organization Continuous improve to ensure effective quality control management of organizations.

14 Quality control management procedure
Policy Checking and correct Review Objective Implement Continuous improvement


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