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Should the US or an international coalition intervene militarily in North Korea? Daan Rijpkema and Jaap van Kins TTO4 – June 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Should the US or an international coalition intervene militarily in North Korea? Daan Rijpkema and Jaap van Kins TTO4 – June 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Should the US or an international coalition intervene militarily in North Korea? Daan Rijpkema and Jaap van Kins TTO4 – June 2009

2 The Scene – What is the conflict about? The Adversaries – Who hates who and who wants what? The Justification – Who is right and who is just evidently evil? The Debate – Who agrees with what side? Discuss! Should the US or an international coalition intervene militarily in North Korea?


4 North Korean Perspective “Violence is justified to achieve a goal, even if many people or countries suffer from it.” Stalinist Dictatorship: is not heeding international communication and “does what it wants” or is eager to engage all opposition “North Korea is a threat” Initially seen as a Terrorist threat by US president Later revoked, but suspisions remained New controversy over the nuclear experiments recently. Increasing alertness and willing to confront North Korea if necessary. United States Perspective

5 Our opinion which side is justified to use violence:

6 Should the US or an international coalition intervene militarily in North Korea?

7 Daan Rijpkema and Jaap van Kins TTO4 – June 2009

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