Sea ice measurements and modelling of the Storfjorden polynya Lars H. Smedsrud, Ragnheid Skogseth, W. Paul Budgell, Frank Nilsen, Alastair D. Jenkins,

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Presentation on theme: "Sea ice measurements and modelling of the Storfjorden polynya Lars H. Smedsrud, Ragnheid Skogseth, W. Paul Budgell, Frank Nilsen, Alastair D. Jenkins,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sea ice measurements and modelling of the Storfjorden polynya Lars H. Smedsrud, Ragnheid Skogseth, W. Paul Budgell, Frank Nilsen, Alastair D. Jenkins, and Bjørn Ådlandsvik

2 Biggs et al. 2000 Smedsrud and Skogseth (2006)


4 Frazil collection thickness & Wind speed Björk (2000) no length dependancy Alam & Curry 1998 Frazil forms > 4.5 m/s wind !!

5 Helicopter Electro Magnetic bird campaign, Storfjorden 2006 S. Hendricks and C. Haas (AWI) S. Gerland (NPI) L.H. Smedsrud (BCCR) F. Nilsen (UNIS) Flight track on May 2. 2006

6 (km) West East (Kapp Lee) South

7 Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) Ice drifting buoys. Jeremy Wilkinson and Duncan Mercer (SAMS)


9 Budgell (2005) Boundary forcing and initialization from large scale Atlantic ROMS runs Sea ice concentration Sea surface temperature

10 Model ice thickness 'validation' - a polynya closing event

11 3 February 2000 Sea ice classification and polynya area detected by SAR Skogseth et al (2004) Mean ice thickness <0.3m = polynya ROMS model results Smedsrud et al (2006)

12 Wind forcing 0.3 N/m² equals 12-15 m/s NCEP forcing, Δx = 250 km Surface fluxes reflects NCEP ice cover [W/m²]

13 Storfjorden defined by Polynya area calculated inside the limited area Typical polynya width of 20 km February 2000 mean ice thickness [ m ]


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