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Thermochemical Biomass Based Refinery Processes. Technological status & perspectives Presented at Biorefinica 2006 (11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück, Germany)

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Presentation on theme: "Thermochemical Biomass Based Refinery Processes. Technological status & perspectives Presented at Biorefinica 2006 (11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück, Germany)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermochemical Biomass Based Refinery Processes

2 Technological status & perspectives Presented at Biorefinica 2006 (11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück, Germany) Ir. Robin Zwart Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) ECN Biomass, Coal & Environmental research

3 (3) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Content Introduction on ECN Definition World wide status: 1 st Generation (combined heat and power) 2 nd Generation (combined heat, power, fuels and chemicals) 3 rd Generation (optimized multi-product systems) Ongoing activities Conclusions

4 (4) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Energy research Centre of the Netherlands Independent energy research institute Founded in 1955 650 staff Annual turnover: 80 million EURO Activities: - Biomass, Coal & Environmental Research - Solar - Wind - Hydrogen & Clean Fossil Fuels - Energy Efficiency in the Industry - Energy in the Built Environment - Policy Studies In the dunes of North Holland

5 (5) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück ECN in a glance Mission ECN is the largest, independent, market oriented, and innovative Dutch energy research institute. ECN focuses on the knowledge and information the government needs to develop and evaluate policy and achieve policy objectieves in the field of energy, the environment and technological innovation. ECN partners industry in the development and implementation od product, processes and technologies important to the transition to sustainable energy management. ECN closely works together with Dutch and foreign universities and research institutes and performs a bridging function with implementation by carrying out technological research. ECN develops high-quality knowledge and technology for the transition to a sustainable energy supply

6 (6) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück The general one… Definition of “Thermochemical refinery” National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

7 (7) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Combustion for generation of heat, power… or even both 1 st Generation “Thermochemical refinery” Ralph E.H. Sims: The brilliance of bioenergy – In business and in practice (2002)

8 (8) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Examples of combustion based generation of heat and power 1 st Generation “Thermochemical refinery” Teaford Co. (US) Essent Cuijck (Nl) HVC Alkmaar (Nl) Kara (Nl) Integrated Biomass Utilisation System (IBUS), Skærbækværket (Dk)

9 (9) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Advanced generation of heat and power 1 st Generation “Thermochemical refinery” Ralph E.H. Sims: The brilliance of bioenergy – In business and in practice (2002)

10 (10) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück AMER (Nl) Lahti (Fi) ARBE (Uk) Examples of advanced generation of heat and power 1 st Generation “Thermochemical refinery” stopped co-firing Värnamo (Se) BTG (My) working Güssing (At)

11 (11) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Advanced generation of heat, power, fuels and chemicals 2 nd Generation “Thermochemical refinery” Pyrolysis ?

12 (12) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Clean hydrogen-rich synthesis gas (CHRISGAS) 2 nd generation example Funded by the EC 6 th Framework Programme and the Swedish Energy Agency. It runs for 5 years beginning 1 st September 2004 (

13 (13) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Sustainable energy system for transport (RENEW) 2 nd generation example ( A pan-European project, supported under the European Commission’s 6 th Framework Programme Choren (De) Güssing (At) Mörrom (se) Abengoa (Es)

14 (14) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück BIOCOUP is an Integrated Project coordinated by VTT (Fi), involving 17 partners from 7 countries. It started on 1 st May 2006 Co-processing of upgraded bio-liquids in standard refinery units (BIOCOUP) 2 nd generation example (

15 (15) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Optimization of thermochemical refinery… 3 rd Generation “Thermochemical refinery” Cryogenic distillation Biosyngas

16 (16) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Bio-CHP as base case… 3 rd Generation “Thermochemical refinery”

17 (17) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Products from bio-CHP… 3 rd Generation “Thermochemical refinery”

18 (18) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Upstream products from torrefaction… 3 rd Generation “Thermochemical refinery”

19 (19) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Downstream products from gas conditioning… 3 rd Generation “Thermochemical refinery”

20 (20) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Backend chemicals, syngas and fuels… 3 rd Generation “Thermochemical refinery”

21 (21) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Science fiction? 3 rd Generation “Thermochemical refinery” Great plains synfuels plant began operating in 1984 and today produces > 54 billion standard cubic feet of natural gas (

22 (22) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Optimization of thermochemical refinery… 3 rd Generation “Thermochemical refinery” Cryogenic distillation Biosyngas

23 (23) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Staged biomass degasification (BIOCASCADE) 3 rd generation example Sequential thermal decomposition of hemicellulose>cellulose>lignin Condensable products: acids, phenolics, furans,….. (+ syngas): yields thus far low Optimization of individual product yield via process conditions Catalyst development Product separation and upgrading

24 (24) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Staged biomass degasification (BIOCASCADE) Decomposition at different temperatures

25 (25) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Staged biomass degasification (BIOCASCADE) Decomposition at different temperatures BIOSYNERGY is an Integrated Project coordinated by ECN (Nl), involving 17 partners from 10 countries. It starts end 2006

26 (26) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück Conclusions Products considered should not only include power and heat, but chemicals, fuels, materials (fibres, starch, wood), food and feed as well A biorefinery should at least be self-fulfilling with regards to heat and preferably also with regards to electricity In order to meet biomass-related policy goals more advanced thermochemical biomass based refinery processes will have to be developed. Development of advanced 3 rd generation (thermochemical) biorefineries Develop 2 nd and 3 rd generation biorefineriesConsider heat and power as internals or residual streams, and focus on “high-value” products Focus on the development of 3 rd generation biorefineries for the future, while implementing 2 nd generation biorefineries for short-term goals

27 (27) ECN–BKM, Robin Zwart Biorefinica 2006, 11-12 October 2006, Osnabrück For more information, please contact: Ir. Robin ZwartPublications can be found on: phone+31 224 56 fax+31 224 56 Visit – The Dutch Network on Biorefinery: (with the latest information on the upcoming IEA Task on biorefineries) Thank you for your attention (including this presentation)

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