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Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå.

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Presentation on theme: "Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå

2 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå working with animals physical work? being in fresh air, in harmony with nature? learning and having responsibilty? working independently? producing food? getting practice for further education? using your skills?

3 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå A reliever takes over the work on a farm to help the farmer and family to get days off, or if they are reported sick. After a thorough on-the-job training the reliever takes the responsibility for all the tasks on the farm

4 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå Persons over 16 years can be a reliever If employed, it is important that the reliever can verify responsibility and knowledge for taking care of the animals.

5 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå Contact your local relief association or contact a local farmer you may know. Then the local association and the farmer will help you with training

6 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå The local relief association makes a survey, organizes and administrates all relief services within an area suitable for this purpose The membership is open for farmers in this area.

7 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå •Employs, and is the employer for the releiver •Gives relief assistance to the farmer •Creates a skilled and good social environment for all parts involved •Arranges contact between farmer end releiver •Pays wages according to rules and agreements •Assists if there are any problems

8 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå •A profession for you who wants to work in agriculture •A profession for you who wants to get a many- sided experience for your own farming, further education etc. •An independent and responsible job •Extended free every second weekend •A job in your local district

9 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå •A job for you if you want to decide your own working hours •A job for you if you have some spare time and want it to be useful •A job to finance school, buy a car etc. •To get working experience •For those who are at home and want to have a change

10 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå •An agreement between releiver and relief assosiation/farmer. The agreement is written and covers salary, working hours etc. •The reliever can organize in a trade union •Prevailing working laws also include agriculture •Increased safety and job satisfaction have priority for the relief associations

11 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå •The relief associations have very good insurances •They cover the reliever, as well as equipment and animals he is taking care of on the farm

12 Norske Landbrukstenester - ditt lokale vikarbyrå •The relief association arranges training for beginners and up-grading courses •The farmer too will help you with training

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