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Hominids Jasira Ziglar Kenneth Cortavarria. General Info  Hominins are a group of 20 extinct species (and humans)  All of the remains of Hominids were.

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Presentation on theme: "Hominids Jasira Ziglar Kenneth Cortavarria. General Info  Hominins are a group of 20 extinct species (and humans)  All of the remains of Hominids were."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hominids Jasira Ziglar Kenneth Cortavarria

2 General Info  Hominins are a group of 20 extinct species (and humans)  All of the remains of Hominids were found in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia…)  Some “subgroups”: ~ Australopith group: Australopithecus anamensis, Australopithecus africanus ~“Homo” group: Homo erectus, Homo georgicus, Homo habilis, Homo Neaderthalenis

3 Ardipithecus ramidus

4 Chimpanzees

5 Neanderthal

6 Homo Sapiens

7 Interesting Info  Oldest living Hominid lived 6-7 million years ago (Sahelanthropus tchadensis)  Importance to humans: this group helps us to understand how humans came to be  There was once several species of Hominins living at the same time, but the lineage that led to Homo sapiens sapiens lived on, and the rest died

8 Bibliography  All About Chimpanzees - (n.d.). ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from  Berger., L. (2010, April 30). Hominid Species. TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from  Chimpanzee Skeleton 3D Model - Falling Pixel. (n.d.). Buy and Sell 3D Models - Falling Pixel 3D Marketplace. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from  Fazale. (n.d.). Neanderthal genome - Neandertalin ihminen. - Helsingin seudun tapahtumat, uutiset ja hakupalvelut yhdestä osoitteesta. Retrieved February 16, 2011, from  Species Timeline. (n.d.). Information Technology Learning Systems Group - Home Page. Retrieved February 17, 2011, from modules/top_longfor/timeline/timeline.html modules/top_longfor/timeline/timeline.html  AP Biology 8 th Edition Textbook

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