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Hoy es miércoles, el 21 de agosto Quiz tomorrow on Alphabet video (you dont have to worry about pronunciation yet) and pp. 3 and 4 of your lista de vocabulario.

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Presentation on theme: "Hoy es miércoles, el 21 de agosto Quiz tomorrow on Alphabet video (you dont have to worry about pronunciation yet) and pp. 3 and 4 of your lista de vocabulario."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hoy es miércoles, el 21 de agosto Quiz tomorrow on Alphabet video (you dont have to worry about pronunciation yet) and pp. 3 and 4 of your lista de vocabulario – multiple choiceAlphabet video (Dont worry about Que te vaya bien/Que le vaya bien)

2 Dra. Avina Letter to Dra. Avina FRONT COVER – nice drawing with at least 3 colors (15 minutes). Inside, a drawing with 2 colors (small). Write letter 30 minutes music. 21/8/13 – 21 de agosto de 2013 GREETING, Dra. Avina Me llamo __________. Mi libro favorito es ________. Mi película favorita es ________. Soy estudiante de Troy. Feel better soon: ¡Que se sienta mejor! OR ¡Que se mejore pronto! Some type of goodbye (Adiós, hasta pronto, etc.) YOUR SIGNATURE PRINT YOUR NAME



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