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WHY STUDY RIZAL?. Why Study Rizal? What is the importance of studying Rizal? Why is Rizal included in the course outline? What relevance does Rizal have.

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Presentation on theme: "WHY STUDY RIZAL?. Why Study Rizal? What is the importance of studying Rizal? Why is Rizal included in the course outline? What relevance does Rizal have."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why Study Rizal? What is the importance of studying Rizal? Why is Rizal included in the course outline? What relevance does Rizal have in college education?

3 Two points: 1.Because it is mandated by law -Mandated by Republic Act 1425, RIZAL LAW. -Sen. Jose P. Laurel - sponsored the Law ( It is only right that the youth as well all the people in the country know about and learn to imbibe the great ideals for which he died.)

4 Why Study Rizal? 2. Because of the lesson contained within the course. -Recognize the importance of Rizal’s ideal and teaching in relation to present conditions -Encourage the application of such ideals in current social and personal problems and issues -Develop an appreciation and deeper understanding of all that Rizal fought and died for -Foster the development of the Fil. youth in the aspects of citizenship.

5 Lesson 1 Republic Act 1425 ( Rizal Law ) Lesson Introduction: Cemented in history as potent symbol of the nation, Rizal’s heroism was sponsored by the nation through Republic Act 1425 ( Rizal Law) of June 12, 1956, with the younger generations, the “Millennials”, receiving much importance. This lesson analyzes Rizal Law to stress the significance of Dr. Jose Rizal, a national hero and foremost exemplar of Filipino heroism, in forecasting a sense of nationalism, especially to the fair hopes of the nation - the youth.

6 Exploration: Role of the “Millennials” In studying history, it is necessary to find : The MEANING (significance), FUNCTION (application), OBJECT (facts, details etc). The Rizal Law is the Object while all provisions explain its Meaning. So, What then is the function of the law? … The policy- makers made sure that the words of Rizal will be materialized through state-sponsored education of his life, works and writings. In short, the youth in return, should have the responsibility not just to accept trivial information on Jose Rizal’s legacies, but more importantly to suffuse ( spread through/ spread over ) them down to

7 to their very core. Therefore, The “Millennials” are active participants in the process of nation-building. The Birth of the Rizal Law On April 3, 1956, Senate Bill No. 438 (AN ACT TO MAKE NOLI ME TANGERE AND EL FILIBUSTERISMO COMPULSORY READING MATTER IN ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES AND OTHER PURPOSES) was submitted to the Senate Committee on Education. Senator Jose P. Laurel, the Chairman of the Committee, sponsored and presented the bill to the members of the Upper House on April 17, 1956.

8 The main purpose of the bill according to Senator Jose Laurel was to disseminate the ideas and ideals of Jose Rizal through the reading of his works, notably his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo must be read by all Filipinos. They must taken to heart, for their pages we see ourselves as in a mirror, our defects as well as our strength, our virtues as well as our voices. Only then would we become conscious as a people, and so learn to prepare ourselves for painful sacrifices that ultimately lead to self-reliance, self-respect and freedom.

9 Arguments follows: 1.The bill was an attempt to discredit the Catholic religion. 2. Inimical(harmful) to the tenets(beliefs) of the faith to which 170 lines in Noli Me Tangere and 50 lines in El Filibusterismo were offensive to the Catholic doctrine. 3. The bill might divide the nation. 4. Compulsion (force) to read something against one’s faith impaired freedom of speech and religious freedom.

10 Senator Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo stood up and delivered his speech: A vast majority of our people are at the same time catholic and Filipino citizens. As such, they have two great loves, their country and their faith. These two loves are no conflicting loved. They are harmonious affections, like the love of a child for his father and for his mother. This is the basis of my stand. Let us not create a conflict between nationalism and religion; the government and the church. Senator Claro M. Recto, exclaimed that the novels have no intentions of discrediting the Church.

11 He said: Rizal did not pretend to teach religion or theology when he wrote those books. He aimed at inculcating civic consciousness in the Filipinos, national dignity, personal pride and patriotism...but while he criticized and ridiculed the unworthy behavior of certain ministers of the church, he made exceptions in favor of the worthy ones, like the Dominican friar, Padre Fernandez, and the virtuous native priest, Padre Florentino, and the Jesuits in general

12 It was in this context that Senator Laurel proposed a substitute bill. The inclusion of all works and writings of Jose Rizal, not just the two novels, was the main feature of this bill. On May 12, 1956, Senate Bill No. 438 was unanimously approved on second reading. The Lower House imitated the Senate and on May 14, 1956, the bill was approved unanimously in the House of Representatives.

13 The trial of the Rizal Law in Congress is clearly a triumph of democracy. On June 12, 1956, President Ramon Magsaysay signed the bill to make it a law, thus giving birth to Republic Act 1425 also known as the Rizal Law.

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