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Differentiation TLC 11th February

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiation TLC 11th February"— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiation TLC 11th February
Link to idea of all students making progress / in some cases achieving same outcomes but taking different routes

2 Learner Differences Interests Ability level (HA / MA / LA) SEN Gender
EAL Reminder of Oct session Learning styles (VAK) Literacy level Concentration span

3 Accessibility Challenge
“High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEN.” SEND Code of Practice 2014 Accessibility Challenge - Reminder of Oct session

4 How could you increase the challenge?
Stretch & Challenge Bloom’s taxonomy How could you increase the challenge? Knowledge Press me Press me Comprehension Press me Application Press me Analysis Reminder of Dec session Press me Synthesis Press me Evaluation

5 Challenge and Support Cards.
Reminder of Dec session

6 Group Task What have you tried and / or seen this year?
Share ideas & make notes on A3 paper

7 What are you planning to try? What are you going to continue?
Fill in as many stars as you want. Pin them up in classrooms / offices /….

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