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Roll of Thunder, hear my cry- chapter 11-12

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1 Roll of Thunder, hear my cry- chapter 11-12
Mildred D. Taylor Created by: Tiffany Helfer 7th Grade ELA

2 T.A.P and R.a.c.e.s T- A- P- R- C- E- S-

3 T.A.P. and r.a.c.e.s. You Try It! Infer why Mama is worried when Papa, Mr. Morrison, and Stacey go to Vicksburg. Infer what Mama thinks could have happened. T.A.P. it out and answer with R.A.C.E.S

4 Quick write November 30, 2015 When Uncle Hammer comes walking down the road with no car and a lot of money to help the family out, what do we learn about him as a person, a man, and a family member? What do you think about the way he got the money to help? Why did he do that? What was the hardest part? Why?

5 Chapter 11 and 12 vocabulary
1. finality acrid 2. despicable 6. adamant 3. rasped remnants 4. crescendo

6 Symbolism Directions: Analyze other symbols found in the novel by using the chart below. Some of the answers have been completed for you.

7 climax and resolution

8 Quick write December 1,2015 Read the "Roll of Thunder" poem.
Hear my cry Over the water Bye and bye Ole man comin' Down the line Whip in hand to Beat me down But I ain't Gonna let him Turn me 'round. Discuss the poem's meaning. Connect its meaning to the overall theme of the novel.

9 Rising action and resolving tensions

10 Climax and resolutions



13 Part Three At this point in the novel, there are still many unresolved conflicts. As those conflicts heat up, the tension of the novel increases. Use the graphic organizer below to make predictions about the conflicts that are still unresolved in the novel. The first one has been done for you.

14 Quick write December 2, 2015 So let's get this straight, those two Simms boys got T.J. to go rob the store and steal the gun, then they turned T.J. in and lied about being with him. Why do you think those boys got T.J. to rob the store with them? Whose idea do you think it was to rob the store? What if an adult had the idea and got the boys to do it...Which adults do you think would want T.J. in trouble? Why?

15 Resolution

16 Quick write December 3, 2015 Using all that you know about Papa, describe what kind of man he is. What is he like? What are his beliefs? What really bothers him? How far will he go to defend his family?

17 Quick write December 4, 2015 Which is more important: (1) making sure Stacey stayed hidden and is OK or (2) stopping the fire in the cotton field? Defend your answer with logic and proof from the story.

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