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World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)

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1 World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)

2 WOSM…around the world The World’s largest Educational Youth Movement
3/21/2020 WOSM…around the world The World’s largest Educational Youth Movement 50 million members National Scout Organizations (NSOs) Top 3: Indonesia, India, United States 170 NSOs – Afghanistan may be 171 Focus today on the World Organization of the Scout Movement Organization Structure Funding Sources Today, WOSM boasts a total membership of about 50 million youth and leaders The largest association is Indonesia with 8 million members The BSA is third in size by membership Scouting is in 170 national Scout organizations and includes the Boy Scouts of America

3 World Scout Conference
3/21/2020 World Scout Conference 2017 Azerbaijan 2020 Egypt Once every three years Major decisions are voted on All national Scout organizations have six votes Most important decision is election of the World Scout Committee; also vote on upcoming World events and resolutions regarding general administrative functions of the World Scout Bureau & Committee as well as Constitutional changes

4 Mr Edward Andrew “Andy” Chapman
3/21/2020 World Scout Committee The World Scout Committee serves as the “Executive Board” of WOSM It has 14 members 12 elected 2 by position Currently Andy Chapman from the Sam Houston Area Council serves as a Vice- Chairperson 12 elected members for 3-year terms Secretary General and Treasurer (no vote) 6 Regional Chairmen and 6 Youth Members (no vote) Representative of the WSF (no vote) Meets 2-3 times per year Mr. Craig Turpie Chairperson Mr Edward Andrew “Andy” Chapman Vice-Chairperson Ms. Jemima Nartey Vice-Chairperson

5 3/21/2020 World Scout Bureau The world Scout Conference gives direction to the World Scout bureau – Located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The World Scout Bureau, through the leadership of the Secretary General, manages the Administrative and Support functions of WOSM Six Regional Offices around the world Regional Offices Africa Nairobi, Kenya Arab Cairo, Egypt Asia-Pacific Makati, Philippines Eurasia Kiev, Ukraine European Bruxelles, Belgium Interamerican Panama City, Panama NSO’s served by the regional offices

6 3/21/2020 World Scout Bureau The world Scout Conference gives direction to the World Scout bureau – Located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The World Scout Bureau, through the leadership of the Secretary General, manages the Administrative and Support functions of WOSM Six Regional Offices around the world Regional Offices Africa Nairobi, Kenya Arab Cairo, Egypt Asia-Pacific Makati, Philippines Eurasia Kiev, Ukraine European Bruxelles, Belgium Interamerican Panama City, Panama NSO’s served by the regional offices

7 World Scout Bureau Mr Ahmad Alhendawi Mr Raul Sanchez
3/21/2020 World Scout Bureau The BSA’s primary contacts at World and Region level Mr Ahmad Alhendawi Secretary General Mr Raul Sanchez IAR Director

8 World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)

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