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TC 57 CIM Model Manager Report Prauge, May 12, 2011 kendall

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1 TC 57 CIM Model Manager Report Prauge, May 12, 2011 kendall
TC 57 CIM Model Manager Report Prauge, May 12, 2011 .

2 status summary 61970CIM15 Model “frozen” February 2011
Major new features and clean-up included Minor corrections not breaking profiles are allowed Intended to support 2011 IOP’s Major changes or additions will be CIM16 61970CIM16 models and activities being prioritized Issues discussions ongoing weekly in each WG Supporting ENTSO-E July InterOp issues P 2

3 61970-301 Release Roadmap 2011 – release 61970-301 Edition 5 (CIM15)

4 CMM activities Issues discussions ongoing weekly in each WG
Minor corrections for ENTSO-E IOP in July Clean up of model for “jCleanCIM” errors Profile task force - weekly web conferences Model management document Draft Edition 5 - IEC internal comments Supporting and P 4

5 Model Assembly from WG’s
Is working well. P 5

6 CMM Roadmap Themes CIM road map 2011
Key cross package linkages defined Datatypes and cross cutting common issues Quality improvement – documentation improvement Issue Resolutions Thin backlog, expire dead issues Prioritize and combine Stready progress First priority on common issues Control new issues to be solvable P 6

7 Modeling issues meetings
Regular WG13 Issues web conferences Weekly meetings Wed 10:AM US Central time Typically 7 to 12 people attend Steady progress on issues list Similar meetings occur for WG14 modeling (part 11) WG14 additionally WG14 regular web meetings occur WG16 now having regular issues and modeling meetings Cross WG participation in meetings is really helping P 7

8 Issues summary counts WG13 open issues count = 59
Combined open issues count = 32 Issues closed in WG13/combined = ~160 P 8

9 Major additions to CIM15 model
Phase unbalanced models for WG14 and beyond New datatype primitives (#802 closed) Dynamics model form ERPI work Name – NameType model New transformer model, unbalanced, tanks Type (catalog) data support Cuts and Jumpers – via WG14 AuxiliaryEquipment Details in wg13-cim15-report-<date>.doc file P 9

10 CIM15 Unbalanced Model Not entirely new
Terminal connections shared instances in balanced or unbalanced model No need to define new terminal instances in three-phase balanced model to model phase detail. Nominal phase specification, not energization Like phases connect (phase A to phase A) at terminals P 10

11 New CIM15 packages P 11

12 Classic balanced CIM connections
P 12

13 CIM15 Unbalanced Model P 13

14 CIM15 Unbalanced Model P 14

15 CIM15 Unbalanced Model (zoom on next pages) P 15

16 CIM15 Unbalanced Model P 16

17 CIM15 Unbalanced Model P 17

18 CIM15 Unbalanced Model P 18

19 CIM15 Transformer Model Same instance model at core for transmission to distribution interfaces Unbalanced model support for various physical configurations PowerTransformer has terminals as expected Mesh impedance model avoids problems with implicit star impedance model P 19

20 CIM15 Transformer Model P 20

21 CIM15 Transformer Model P 21

22 CIM15 Transformer Model example: 2-terminal 2-tank P 22

23 CIM15 Tap Changer Model P 23

24 Cuts, Clamps, and Jumpers
Cuts and Clamps specify mods to ACLineSegment at specified distance from end of line Cut – adds two termins, “cuts” line Clamp – adds one terminal, connects mid line Works with unbalanced phase model Jumper is normal a Switch P 24

25 CIM15 Cuts, Clamps and Jumpers

26 New legend P 26

27 Before apply Cuts and Jumpers

28 After apply Cuts and Jumpers

29 Generalized Name model
P 29

30 Type (Catalog) Links P 30

31 Auxiliary Equipment model

32 Diagram Layout Exchanges the layout of diagrams
Does not attempt to exchange presentation logic Reasonably simple: 7 classes 1 enumeration Useful for: Operator schematic diagram general layout Geographical or pseudo geographical layouts Dynamics control block diagrams Other modeling data with relationships like… P 32

33 Diagram Layout P 33

34 Dynamics EPRI CIM for Dynamics ENTSO-E using in IOP
Extensive work by domain experts Pros: maps to real world programs, issues, models Cons: not the most consistent with standard CIM Rather large and complex, likely an on-going effort P 34

35 Dynamics package tree About 120 classes total
EPRI documentation needs to be further resolved into model Most attribute names are cryptic, but familiar style for domain experts (e.g. PssIEEE4, ExcAC1A with attribute “kf”) Names match EPRI documentation diagrams, some of which are industry standardized models P 35

36 CIM16 Candiate issues DC – simplified models Remedial Action Schemes
Load model #607, #1088 IEC62325 schedules OperationalLimits environment dependencies most limiting component More Dynamics model clean up SCADA measurement source modeling P 36

37 CIM16 Non-modeling issues
Headers/namespace 61850 profile for exchange Solution exchange profile refinements Standardization of profile exchange CIM for Enterprise Canonical Data Model P 37

38 Documents to review Wg13-cim15-report-<date>.doc
Summary listing of all issues, grouped List of major model changes and diagrams CIM Model Management_rev3.doc Guidance for modeling CIM UML Useful for CIM extensions P 38

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