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World War One Announcement : 60 minutes Wednesday

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1 World War One Announcement : 60 minutes Wednesday
Warm-up: World War One Announcement : 60 minutes Wednesday Objectives: Identify the long-term causes and the immediate circumstances that led to WW1 Describe the first two years of the war Summarize U.S. public opinion about the war. Explain why the United states entered the war. Prep for 60 minutes- Test in 3 min.

2 Word Bank: Gas; Zeppelin; Secondary; Tank; Primary; Entente; Alliance; Trenches; Biased; Planes; Sandbag; Barbed; Franz; Lice; France Overview WW1 Video (Mac)


4 The First World War: Why? Long term - 1. Alliance system
2. Imperialist Competition 3. Stockpiling of Weapons assassination Short term - Assassination of Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his Wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg one hour before their deaths, June 28, 1914

5 The First World War: Who? Central Powers: Allies: Germany
Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Russia France Great Britain Italy Japan United States (1917)

6 The First World War: Where?

7 Why did it take so long for America to get involved in the war?
America was isolationist “Why should I get involved in someone else’s problems”

8 Which side should the US pick?
Central Powers: Allies: 11 million German-Americans Irish-Americans hated Great Britain Close cultural ties Shared transatlantic cables (so censored stories) Big business loaned much $ to allies US Exports to both sides:

9 Activity Assemble in groups of 4 and complete the WW1 packet.
DO NOT piece out the work RATHER complete the tasks TOGETHER. If I find your group piecing out the work- I will disassemble your group, and you will work alone.

10 Rubric:Life in a trench
SWBAT: Working in groups; students will draw, color and diagram a WW1 trench (582 Text) Rubric:Life in a trench 30 points- trench is drawn and colored accurately. 60 points- Front line; support trench; reserve trench; enemy trench; artillery fire; communication trench; dugout; saps; Barbed wire entanglements & “no mans land” are all diagramed on your trench diagram. 10 points- enthusiasm is shown; extra effort given.

11 What did it take to get the US involved?
1. Blockades Britain blockaded (stopped) all German ships going to America Germany announced a submarine war around Britain Y-53 German Submarine 1916

12 What did it take to get the US involved?
1. Blockades In May, 1915 Germany told Americans to stay off of British ships They could/would sink them

13 What did it take to get the US involved?
1. Blockades Lusitania torpedoed, sinking with 1200 passengers and crew (including 128 Americans) Was eventually found to be carrying 4200 cases of ammunition German Propaganda Justifying Lusitania sinking

14 What did it take to get the US involved?
1. Blockades The US sharply criticized Germany for their action Germany agreed not to sink passenger ships without warning in the future Note in Bottle After Lusitania Disaster

15 What did it take to get the US involved?
2. Unlimited Submarine Warfare 1917 Germany announced “unlimited submarine warfare” in the war zone Why? Otherwise their blockade would not be successful

16 What did it take to get the US involved?
3. Zimmerman Note US intercepted a note from Germany to Mexico, It promised Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back in return for an alliance

17 What did it take to get the US involved?
Zimmerman Note + the sinking of 4 unarmed American ships led to a declaration of war April 6th- 1917 Read packet weapons of war

18 WW1 Warm-up: Read the packet from the warm-up bin; American Intervention
Objectives: SWBAT: Identify the long-term causes and the immediate circumstances that led to WW1 Summarize U.S. public opinion of the war. Explain why the United states entered the war. Analyze world resources and determine their impact. Discuss the U.S. entrance into WW1 Determine the main Causes of U.S. entrance in WW1

19 AEF- American battles Packet Q & A
Who was the leader of the AEF? Pershing 2. What was the first battle the U.S. fought in? Cantigny 3. What stood in the way of the Germans advancing at Belleau Wood? (AEF) 4. What was the first battle the U.S. served on the front line? (St. Mihiel) {san meeyel} 5. What signified the end of the war and an allied victory? Breaking through the Hindenburg line

20 WW1 Warm-up: Complete the end of WW1 cross puzzle
Objectives: SWBAT: Identify the long-term causes and the immediate impact of US soldiers entering the Western Front Summarize U.S. public opinion of the war. Interpret how America helped in assisting the Allies toward victory Complete end of WW1 puzzle Complete/finish WW1 quiz Observe & discuss “ technology of war” weapons on page 590 & Complete Geo Skillbuilder, questions 1 & 2 on page 592 Hockerdy

21 WW1 activities Only after you have completed your “end of ww1 cross puzzle” should you find 2 others who have finished as well As a group observe “Tech of War” on page Also complete “Geo skillbuilder, questions 1 & 2, page 592.

22 WW1 POP-Quiz  (I hate Mr. Hocker)
What year did the U.S. enter war? How many U.S. Soldiers died? List 3 Central Powers & 3 Allied Powers. List the Central Powers deaths & Allied Powers deaths as a result of WW1. How many miles of trenches stretched from the northeastern to southeastern border of France? Who was the U.S. President during WW1? Who won the war- Allied or Central powers? Bonus: What year did the war start & end?

23 Thinking Slide: Should we tell the story of WWI with Germany as the “bad guy”? Explain.

24 How was the war looking for the allies?
Not Good... Russia left the war after its communist revolution in 1917 Made it a one front war for Germany - all its troops could concentrate on France

25 Convincing the American People
Posters - Gee!! How do you think this poster helped to convince the American people that the war was a good idea?

26 Convincing the American People
Idealism: 2 Goals For War: 1. War to End All Wars 2. Making the World Safe for Democracy

27 Convincing the American People
Idealism: Fourteen Points What? President Wilson’s Plan for after the war Fourteen promises, including freedom of the seas & a League of Nations to work for peace President Woodrow Wilson

28 What did the US do to help?
Supplies: US provided the food, money, and fresh toops needed to win the war American Troops March Through London

29 How did the War Affect the US?
Women Women filled factory jobs May have led 19th Ammendment after the war (Gave women the right to vote) African Americans Black soldiers still served in Segregated Units “Great Migration” - thousands of African Americans moved North to work in factories

30 How did the War Affect the US?
Enforcing Loyalty Hatred of all things German Ex. “Liberty Cabbage” Espionage Act 1917 & Sedition Act of 1918 punished those against the war (many labor leaders)


32 Choice Menu Todays class layout/ Procedures:
After the warm-up, in 20 minutes, I will begin the lesson. 60 minutes quiz this week For your warm-up exercise choose from the following to complete. Choice A: WDSTF- B. Joel Choice B: Packet Questions Choice C: Trench Projects Choice D: last week’s 60 min, report 5 W’s of any story & I will add 10 points to your lowest score. Of course it CAN NOT be the one you reported when I was absent.

33 Roaring Twenties Objectives Warm-up
Study notes for 60 minutes assessment during attendance. You may choose to start working on your 1920’s puzzle also. (30 across typo; need additional box- recession). Use chapter 21 in text to answer puzzle SWBAT: Observe America in the present (60 minutes) and in the past ( ), by viewing Great moments of the 20th century and taking a 60 minutes assessment. Complete Roaring twenties cross puzzle Describe the economic developments that took place in the 1920’s. Identify the issues that troubled Americans in the years after WW1. Analyze the social, political and economical impact of WW1 in pre and post war America.

34 WW1 Do Now- Read & Complete the End of the War Crossword .
Objectives: Identify the long-term causes and the immediate circumstances that led to WW1 Summarize U.S. entrance & discuss America’s impact during the great war. Analyze the end of WW1. SWBAT: Create newspapers highlighting the causes of war, western front battles, Eastern front battles, the war at sea, U.S. entrance & Treaty of Versailles. Announcements: Newspapers due next class (Test Grade). Following Hockerdy, you will have an objective test next class.

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