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Trade Policy History, Trade Law and Trade Institutions

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1 Trade Policy History, Trade Law and Trade Institutions
Steve Suranovic The George Washington University

2 Recent Trade Issues Rising Anti-Globalization Beliefs
US Withdrawal or Suspicion of FTAs Renegotiation of KORUS, NAFTA Withdrawal from TPP

3 Recent Trade Issues US Use of Trade Policy Exceptions
Sect US export harm and IPR violations against China 10% tariffs in place on ~$200 billion Increase to 25% possible on March 1 just again suspended to allow negotiations to continue

4 Recent Trade Issues US Use of Trade Policy Exceptions
Section 232 (national security) 25% tariffs on steel; 10% on aluminum Against EU, Canada, China and others Imminent report on autos may lead to 25% tariffs on EU and other auto imports.

5 Trade Liberalization Eras
Adam Smith, David Ricardo, British Corn Laws Pre-WWI globalization Post-WWII (GATT, Asian Tigers, etc) 1990s Uruguay Round surge (WTO era)

6 Trade Protectionism Eras
19th Century tariffs (Wiki) Great Depression (Smoot- Hawley tariffs) GATT relapses (VERs, MFA, Agriculture, etc) Post 2008 Financial Crisis

7 Trade Agreements GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade – 1948)
WTO (World Trade Organization = GATT+ 1995) Regional Free Trade Agreements 279 RTAs in force, every WTO member icipation_map_e.htm

8 GATT/WTO Principles Most Favored Nation (MFN) National Treatment
Do not discriminate between two member countries in trade policies National Treatment Do not discriminate in regulations between domestic and imported products

9 GATT/WTO Principles Multilateral Trade Liberalization
8 Rounds of GATT (Geneva, Annecy, Torquay, Geneva, Dillon, Kennedy, Tokyo, Uruguay); 1 failed round in WTO (Doha Development Round) Tariff averages (a, b) Tariff Profiles (US, Brazil, China, India, Nigeria)

10 GATT/WTO Principles Trade Remedies (i.e, tariff increases) Antidumping
A) LTFV ; B) Injury to import-competing firms Anti-Subsidy (CVD) A) govt. subsidies ; B) Injury to import- competing firms Safeguards A) import surge ; B) Injury to import- competing firms

11 US Trade Remedy Actions (# Active)
Count of Product Group Country AD CVD Grand Total China 120 52 172 India 23 18 41 Korea 26 7 33 Others 185 36 221 Total 354 113 467 Source: USITC, AD and CVD Orders as of Feb 1, 2019

12 Uruguay Round (1986-1994) 1995 WTO Begins New Trade Issues
Services (GATS) Agriculture (AoA) Textiles (ATC) Intellectual Property (TRIPs)

13 WTO Dispute Settlement
1) Consultations 2) Panel Formation 3) Appeal 4) Resolution a) Comply with DSB decision b) suspension of concessions

14 WTO Dispute Settlement
Disputes Page (531 since 1995) DS2 US Reformulated Gasoline DS26 Hormone treated meat DS US Steel Safeguards DS294+ Zeroing in AD cases Disputes Map

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