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Figurative Language 1.

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1 Figurative Language 1

2 Simile Examples: Her eyes were like stars.
Comparing two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”. Examples: Her eyes were like stars. Susan is as gentle as a kitten.

3 Her eyes were sparkling emeralds.
Metaphor Comparing two unlike things without using like or as. Examples: He’s a lion when he fights. Her eyes were sparkling emeralds. My love is a red, red rose.

4 Onomatopoeia Examples:
The use of a word to describe or imitate a natural sound made by an object or action. Words that sound like what they mean. Examples: zoom

5 Rhyme Examples: Repetition of similar sounds
(or the same sound) in two or more words, usually at the end of a line. Examples: cat-pat-rat-hat-sat-spat-that-flat

6 Identifying Figurative Language in lyrics
Roar by Katie Perry Circle the similes Underline the metaphors Highlight onomatopoeia in yellow [Bracket the words that rhyme]

7 Create Your Own Poem! Write a poem that correctly utilizes: Simile
Metaphor Onomatopoeia Rhyme

8 Back to School Summer is a well needed break and warmth on my face It is like a breath of fresh air And wind in my hair. After weeks of relaxing without a care Boom! We are thrown back into the snare!

9 An over exaggeration so dramatic, no one could believe it.
Hyperbole An over exaggeration so dramatic, no one could believe it. Examples: This bag weighs a ton! I’ve told you a million times to clean up your room!

10 Idiom An expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of it’s words. Costs an arm and a leg Examples: Kicked the bucket Woke up on the wrong side of the bed Bought the farm

11 Assonance When two or more words, close to one another repeat the same vowel sound, but start with different consonant sounds. Examples: The light of the fire is a sight. 2. Go slow over the road. 3. Try as I might, the kite did not fly. Chance the Rapper

12 Peter pickle pranced around the party like a pony.
Alliteration The repeating of the same letter or sound at the beginning of a word. Examples: Miss Warren was worried when Wendy was waiting. “Bad and Boujee” Peter pickle pranced around the party like a pony.

13 Identifying Figurative Language in lyrics
Roar by Katy Perry Highlight assonance in blue Highlight alliteration in orange Highlight hyperbole in green Highlight idioms in pink

14 Create Your Own Poem! Write a poem that correctly utilizes: Hyperbole
Idiom Assonance Alliteration

15 Imagery Author’s language that appeals to the 5 senses to help the reader create an image in their mind. Examples:

16 Oxymoron Words or phrases in which contradictory or opposite terms are used together. Examples: baby grand act naturally climb down jumbo shrimp adult child

17 Personification Examples:
Giving human characteristics to things that are not human. Examples: The sun smiled down on us. The angry flood waters slapped the house.

18 Identifying Figurative Language in lyrics
A Beautiful Sunny Day Imagery - boxed in green Oxymoron - underline in blue Personification - bracket in red

19 Create Your Own Poem! Write at least an 8 line poem that correctly utilizes: Imagery Oxymoron Personification

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