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DSP-CIS Chapter 9: Filter Banks - Special Topics

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1 DSP-CIS Chapter 9: Filter Banks - Special Topics
Marc Moonen Dept. E.E./ESAT, K.U.Leuven

2 Part-II : Filter Banks Chapter-6 Chapter-7 Chapter-8 Chapter-9
: Preliminaries Filter bank set-up and applications `Perfect reconstruction’ problem + 1st example (DFT/IDFT) Multi-rate systems review (10 slides) : Maximally decimated FBs Perfect reconstruction filter banks (PR FBs) Paraunitary PR FBs : Modulated FBs Maximally decimated DFT-modulated FBs Oversampled DFT-modulated FBs : Special Topics Cosine-modulated FBs Time-frequency analysis & Wavelets Frequency domain filtering Chapter-7 Chapter-8 Chapter-9

3 Topic-1: Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Motivation : Cosine-modulated FBs offer an alternative to DFT-modulated FBs… Similar to DFT-modulated FBs, cosine-modulated FBs offer economy in design- and implementation complexity Unlike DFT-modulated FBs, cosine-modulated FBs can be PR/FIR/paraunitary under maximal decimation (with design flexibility).

4 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Uniform DFT-modulated filter banks: Ho(z) is prototype lowpass filter, cutoff at for N filters Cosine-modulated filter banks : Po(z) is prototype lowpass filter, cutoff at for N filters Then... etc... H0 H3 H2 H1 P0 H1 Ho

5 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
- if Po(z) is prototype FIR lowpass filter with real coefficients po[n], n=0,1,…,L then i.e. `cosine modulation’ (with real coefficients) instead of `exponential modulation’ (with complex coeffs, see DFT-modulated FBs Chapter-8) - if Po(z) = `good’ lowpass filter, then Hk(z)’s = `good’ bandpass filters

6 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Skip this slide Realization based on polyphase decomposition (analysis): - if Po(z) has 2N-fold polyphase expansion (ps: 2N-fold for N filters!!!) then... u[k] : :

7 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Skip this slide Realization based on polyphase decomposition (continued): - if Po(z) has L+1=m.2N taps, and m is even (similar formulas for m odd) (i.e. `m’ is the number of taps in each polyphase component) then... With ignore all details here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Skip this slide Realization based on polyphase decomposition (continued): - Note that C (the only dense matrix here) is NxN DCT-matrix (`Type 4’) hence fast implementation (=fast matrix-vector product) based on fast discrete cosine transform (DCT) procedure, with complexity O(N.logN) Modulated filter bank gives economy in * design (only prototype Po(z) ) * implementation (prototype + modulation (DCT)) Similar structure for synthesis bank u[k] :

9 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Skip this slide Maximally decimated cosine modulated (analysis) bank : u[k] : N u[k] : N =

10 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Skip this slide Question: How do we obtain Maximal Decimation + PR/FIR/Paraunitariness? Theorem: (proof omitted) -If prototype Po(z) is a real-coefficient (L+1)-taps FIR filter, (L+1)=2N.m for integer m and po[n]=po[L-n] (linear phase), with polyphase components Ek(z), k=0,1,…2N-1, -then the (FIR) cosine-modulated analysis bank is PARAUNITARY if and only if (for all k) are power complementary, i.e. form a lossless 1 input/2 output system And then FIR synthesis bank (for PR) can be obtained by paraconjugation !!! = great result… ..this is the hard part…

11 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Skip this slide Perfect Reconstruction (continued) Design procedure: Parameterize lossless systems for k=0,1..,N-1 Optimize all parameters in this parametrization so that the prototype Po(z) based on these polyphase components is a linear-phase lowpass filter that satisfies the given specifications Example parameterization: Parameterize lossless systems for k=0,1..,N-1, -> lattice structure (see Part-I), where parameters are rotation angles

12 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Skip this slide lossless 1-in/2-out PS: Linear phase property for po[n] implies that only half of the power complementary pairs have to be designed. The other pairs are then defined by symmetry properties. u[k] p.9 = N : : N :

13 Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks
Skip this slide PS: Cosine versus DFT modulation In a maximally decimated cosine-modulated (analysis) filter bank 2 polyphase components of the prototype filter, , actually take the place of only 1 polyphase component in the DFT- modulated case. For paraunitariness (hence FIR-PR) in a cosine-modulated bank, each such pair of polyphase filters should form a power complementary pair, i.e. represent a lossless system. In the DFT-modulated case, imposing paraunitariness is equivalent to imposing losslessness for each polyphase component separately, i.e. each polyphase component should be an `allpass’ transfer function. Allpass functions are always IIR, except for trivial cases (pure delays). Hence all FIR paraunitary DFT-modulated banks (with maximal decimation) are trivial modifications of the DFT bank. provides flexibility for FIR-design no FIR-design flexibility

14 Topic2: Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Starting point is discrete-time Fourier transform: = infinitely long sequence u[k] is evaluated at infinitely many frequencies Inversion/reconstruction/synthesis (=filter bank jargon) is.. = sequence u[k] is represented as weighted sum of basis functions

15 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
`uncertainty principle’ says that if u[k] has a narrow support (i.e. is localized), then U(.) has a wide support (i.e. is non- localized), and vice versa Hence notion of `frequency that varies with time’ not accommodated (e.g. `short lived sine’ will correspond to non-localized spectrum)

16 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Tool to fill this need is `short-time Fourier transform’(STFT) where w[n] is your favorite window function (typically with `compact support’ (=FIR) ) Window slides past the data. For each window position n, compute discrete-time Fourier transform. PS: If w[n]=1 for all n, then result is discrete-time FT for all n In following slides, will provide a filter bank version of STFT, also leading to simple inversion formula

17 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Rewrite STFT formula as… If we forget about the fase factor up front (meaning what?), then this corresponds to performing a convolution with a filter In practice, will compute this for a discrete set of (N) frequencies leading to a set of filters This is a DFT-modulated analysis bank, prototype filter = window function

18 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Efficient implementation based on polyphase decomposition of prototype Ho + DFT-modulation Often window length=N, hence 1-tap polyphase components window length/N u[k] freq.resolution N u[k]

19 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
If maximally decimated (M=N, decimation=`window shift’), decimated DFT-modulated analysis bank corresponds to xk[n] = decimated subband signals = STFT-coefficients = infinitely long sequence u[k] is evaluated at N frequencies, infinitely many times (i.e. for infinitely many window positions) be compared to page 14

20 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
With a corresponding (PR) synthesis filter bank (see Chapter 7) Ex: the reconstruction/synthesis formula (=inverse STFT) is be compared to page 14 PS: can also do oversampled versions H2(z) H3(z) 4 F2(z) F3(z) y[k] H0(z) H1(z) u[k] F0(z) F1(z) +

21 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Now, for some applications (e.g. audio) would like to have a non-uniform filter bank, hence also with non-uniform (maximum) decimation, for instance non-uniform filters = low frequency resolution at high frequencies, high frequency resolution at low frequencies (as human hearing) non-uniform decimation = high time resolution at high frequencies, low time resolution at low frequencies H0 H3 H2 H1 H2(z) H3(z) 4 2 H0(z) H1(z) 8 u[k]

22 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
This can be built as a tree-structure, based on a 2-channel filter bank with u[k] 2 H0 H1 H2 H3

23 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Note that may be viewed as a prototype filter, from which a series of filters is derived The lowpass filters are then needed to turn these multi-band filters into bandpass filters (i.e. remove images)

24 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Similar synthesis bank can be constructed with If and form a PR FB, then the complete analysis/synthesis structure is PR (why?) 2 +

25 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Analysis bank corresponds to `discrete-time wavelet transform’ (DTWT) With a corresponding (PR) synthesis filter bank, the reconstruction/synthesis formula (inverse DTWT) is be compared to page 14 & 20

26 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Reconstruction formula may be viewed as an expansion of u[n], using a set of basis functions (infinitely many) If the 2-channel filter bank is paraunitary, then this basis is orthonormal (which is a desirable property) : =`orthonormal wavelet basis’

27 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Example : `Haar’ wavelet (after Alfred Haar) Compare to 2-channel DFT/IDFT bank Derive formulas for Ho, H1, H2, H3, … Derive formulas for Fo, F1, F2, F3, … Paraunitary FB (orthonormal wavelet basis) ?

28 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Skip this slide Not treated here : `continuous wavelet transform’ (CWT) of a continuous-time function u(t) h(t)=prototype p,q are real-valued continuous variables p introduces `dilation’ of prototype, q introduces `shift’ of prototype `discrete wavelet transform’ (DWT) is CWT with discretized p,q T is sampling interval k,n are real-valued integer variables mostly a=2

29 Time-Frequency Analysis & Wavelets
Skip this slide Not treated here : Theory - multiresolution analysis - wavelet packets - 2D transforms - etc … Applications : - audio: de-noising, … - communications : wavelet modulation - image : image coding

30 Topic-3: Frequency Domain Filtering
See DSP-I : cheap FIR filtering based on frequency domain realization (`time domain convolution equivalent to component-wise multiplication in the frequency domain’), cfr. `overlap-add’ & `overlap-save’ procedures This can be cast in the subband processing setting, as a non-critically downsampled (2-fold oversampled) DFT-modulated filter bank operation! Leads to more general approach to performance/delay trade-off PS: formulae given for N=4, for conciseness (but without loss of generality)

31 Frequency Domain Filtering
Have to know a theorem from linear algebra here: A `circulant’ matrix is a matrix where each row is obtained from the previous row using a right-shift (by 1 position), the rightmost element which spills over is circulated back to become the leftmost element The eigenvalue decomposition of a `circulant’ matrix is trivial…. example (4x4): with F the NxN DFT-matrix, this means that the eigenvectors are equal to the column-vectors of the IDFT-matrix, and that then eigenvalues are obtained as the DFT of the first column of the circulant matrix (proof by Matlab)

32 Frequency Domain Filtering
Starting point is this (see Chapter-7) : meaning that a filtering with can be realized in a multirate structure, based on a pseudo-circulant matrix T(z)*u[k-3] u[k] 4 + at an N-fold lower rate (N=4) N*N filters, L/N taps each

33 Frequency Domain Filtering
Now some matrix manipulation… :

34 Frequency Domain Filtering
An (8-channel) filter bank representation of this is... Analysis bank: Subband processing: Synthesis bank: This is a 2N-channel filter bank, with N-fold downsampling. The analysis FB is a 2N-channel uniform DFT filter bank (see Chapter 8, p.30 !). The synthesis FB is matched to the analysis bank, for PR: u[k] 4 + y[k] N/2-fold complexity reduction 2N filters, L/N taps each at an N-fold lower rate ||

35 Frequency Domain Filtering
This is known as an `overlap-save’ realization : Analysis bank: performs 2N-point DFT (FFT) of a block of (N=4) samples, together with the previous block of (N) samples (hence `overlap’) Synthesis bank: performs 2N-point IDFT (IFFT), throws away the first half of the result, saves the second half (hence `save’) Subband processing corresponds to `frequency domain’ operation `block’ `previous block’ `save’ `throw away’

36 Frequency Domain Filtering
`Overlap-add’ can be similarly derived :

37 Frequency Domain Filtering
This is known as an `overlap-add’ realization : Analysis bank: performs 2N-point DFT (FFT) of a block of (N=4) samples, padded with N zero samples Synthesis bank: performs 2N-point IDFT (IFFT), adds second half of the result to first half of previous IDFT (hence `add’) Subband processing corresponds to `frequency domain’ operation `block’ `zero padding’ `add’ `overlap’

38 Frequency Domain Filtering
Standard `Overlap-add’ and `overlap-save’ realizations are derived when 0th order poly-phase components are used in the above derivation, i.e. each poly-phase component represents 1 tap of an L-tap filter T(z). (N=L) The corresponding 0th order subband processing (H) then corresponds to what is usually referred to as the `component-wise multiplication’ in the frequency domain. Note that for an L-tap filter, with large L, this leads to a cheap realization based on FFT/IFFTs instead of DFT/IDFTs. However, for large L, as 2L-point FFT/IFFTs are needed, this may also lead to an unacceptably large processing delay (latency) between filter input and output.

39 Frequency Domain Filtering
In the more general case, with higher-order polyphase components (hence N smaller than the filter length L), a smaller complexity reduction is achieved, but the processing delay is also smaller. This provides an interesting trade-off between complexity reduction and latency !!

40 Conclusions Great (=FIR/paraunitary) perfect reconstruction FB designs based on `modulation’: Oversampled DFT-modulated FBs (Chapter-8) Maximally decimated (and oversampled (not treated here)) cosine-modulated FBs `Perfect reconstruction’ concept provides framework for time-frequency analysis of signals Filter bank concept provides framework for frequency domain realization of long FIR filters

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