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Observing, Inferring and Predicting

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Presentation on theme: "Observing, Inferring and Predicting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observing, Inferring and Predicting
Science Skills

2 Observing Definition: Using one or more senses to gather information.

3 There are 2 types of observations:
Quantitative: Involving numbers or measurements “quantity” Example: The block weighs 57 pounds Qualitative: Does not involve numbers; descriptive Example: The solution smells sour

4 Inferring A.K.A. Making an inference
Definition: Making an inference is based on reasoning from what you already know from past experiences or based on your observations. Example: If your teacher walked into the room with a stack of scantrons, you may infer that you are about to have a test.

5 Predicting Definition:
Making a forecast of what will happen in the future based on data. Example: Predicting that it will rain by looking at data of the previous and current weather conditions




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