Abbreviations and Acronyms

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1 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Meets Common Core Standards tv stands for television A Peer Workshopping Approach with Activities for Teaching: Abbreviations of Titles, Dates Time, Money, and Acronyms ©Beth Hammett

2 Dr. for doctor Abbreviations are defined as shortened versions of words that are written as two or more letters, such as “tv” instead of television. There are many kinds of abbreviations that will be reviewed in the slides.

3 Examples: Degrees, Titles, Ranks Dr. Harvey White (Doctor)
Abbreviations of degrees, titles, and ranks can be used when combined with first and last names. Examples: Degrees, Titles, Ranks Dr. Harvey White (Doctor) Prof. Annie Simms (Professor) Gen. Russell Cantu (General)

4 Acronym Challenge NHL 7. RN NBA 8. NFL DVD 9. NYC CD 10. SOS IV
How many common acronyms can you define? NHL RN NBA NFL DVD NYC CD SOS IV TV Others? Watch Acronym Overload at:

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