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Paronychia Heba Rbab3h.

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Presentation on theme: "Paronychia Heba Rbab3h."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paronychia Heba Rbab3h

2 Paronychia is a nail disease that is an often tender bacterial or fungal infection of the hand or foot, where the nail and skin meet at the side or the base of a finger or toenail. The infection can start suddenly (acute paronychia) or gradually (chronic paronychia).

3 Acute paronychia The portal of entry for the organisms concerned, usually staphylococci, is a break in the skin or cuticle as a result of minor trauma. The subsequent acute inflammation, often with the formation of pus in the nailfold or under the nail, requires systemic treatment with flucloxacillin, cephalexin or erythromycin and appropriate surgical drainage. Recurrent acute paronychia may be related to herpes simplex virus infection.

4 Chronic paronychia Cause
A combination of circumstances can allow a mixture of opportunistic pathogens (yeasts, Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative rods) to colonize the space between the nail fold and nail plate producing a chronic dermatitis.

5 Predisposing factors include
poor peripheral circulation, wet work, working with flour, diabetes, vaginal candidosis and over-vigorous cutting back of the cuticles.

6 Presentation and course
The nail folds become tender and swollen (Figures 13.25) and small amounts of pus are discharged at intervals.

7 Presentation and course
The cuticular seal is damaged and the adjacent nail plate becomes ridged and discoloured (Figures 13.28). The condition may last for years.

8 Differential diagnosis
In atypical cases, consider the outside chance of an amelanotic melanoma. Paronychia should not be confused with a dermatophyte infection in which the nail folds are not primarily affected.

9 Investigations Test the urine for sugar,
check for vaginal and oral candidosis, Pus should be cultured.

10 Treatment Manicuring of the cuticle should cease.
The hands should be kept as warm and as dry as possible, the damaged nail folds should be packed several times a day with an imidazole cream. Highly potent topical corticosteroid creams applied for 3 weeks also help. If there is no response, and swabs confirm that Candidais present, a 2-week course of itraconazole should be considered.

11 Thank you

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