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Reading Topographic Maps

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1 Reading Topographic Maps
Use your Foam Mountain Topography notes and your Reading Topo Maps notes to help you answer the questions on each slide.

2 Topo Map #1 Use the map to the left to answer the following questions in your journal: What is the contour interval? What is the highest possible elevation? What is the elevation at Point W? What is the difference in elevation between Point S and Point T? Describe the slope of this land feature.

3 Topo Map #2 Use the map to the left to answer the following questions in your journal: What is the contour interval? What is the highest possible elevation of X? What is the elevation at Point W? What is the difference in elevation between Point Y and Point Z? Which area of the map has the steepest slope?

4 Topo Map #3 Use the map to the left to answer the following questions in your journal: What is the contour interval? What is the highest possible elevation of D? What is the elevation at Point B? What is the difference in elevation between Point C and Point D? What does the indentation on the west side of the land feature represent?

5 Topo Map #4 Use the map to the left to answer the following questions in your journal: Describe the slope on the Southeast side of Map 1. What is the highest possible elevation of A? What is the elevation at Point C? What is the difference in elevation between Point C and Point A? What would happen to the indentation on the west side of the land feature 2,000 years from now?

6 Topo Map #5 Use the map to the left to answer the following questions in your journal: What is the contour interval? What is the elevation at the peak of Aurora Hill? What is the elevation at Point Z? What is the difference in elevation between Point A and Point Y? Which hill is taller, Holland Hill or Girard Hill?

7 Topo Map #6 Use the map to the left to answer the following questions in your journal: What is the contour interval? What area of the land feature has the steepest slope? What area of the land feature has a gentle/gradual slope? What is the difference in elevation between Point A and Point B? What is represented by letter D? How is that represented on a topographic map? C D A B

8 Topo Map #7 Use the map to the left to answer the following questions in your journal: What is the contour interval? Which side of Bostick Hill has the steepest slope? What is the highest possible elevation of Sommers Hill? What is the difference in elevation between Point A and Point B? What is the highest possible elevation of Crittenden Hill? Bostick Hill Sommers Hill B A Crittenden Hill

9 Topo Map #8 C B A Use the map above to answer the following questions in your journal: What is the contour interval? Describe the slope of the land feature. What is the difference in elevation of Point A and Point C? How might the water change this land feature over time? How might the topographic look different 50 years from now if water changes the land feature?

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