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Avalanches Current Weather Avalanche Triangle Avalanche Types Slides

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Presentation on theme: "Avalanches Current Weather Avalanche Triangle Avalanche Types Slides"— Presentation transcript:

1 Avalanches Current Weather Avalanche Triangle Avalanche Types Slides
For Next Class: Read Chapter 18

2 Avalanche Triangle

3 WEATHER Snow Storm Wind

4 WEATHER DANGERS Big Snow Storm 30+ cm Wind 20+ kph

5 TERRAIN DANGERS Slope Angle Terrain Traps Convex Slopes Cornices
30 to 45 degrees Terrain Traps Convex Slopes Cornices

6 38 degrees Slope angles From Staying Alive In Avalanche Terrain p. 63, Bruce Tremper after Schweizer& Jamieson

7 Valleys/Canyons Moraines Crevasses Terrain Traps



10 Cornice Formation

11 Cornice Falls Most commonly release due to daytime warming
Less commonly from overburden of drifting snow Other factors include: Weakening on windward side (solar warming, wind-erosion)

12 SNOWPACK DANGERS Shooting Cracks Collapsing Snow Recent Avalanches

13 T. Murphy

14 Slab Avalanches Strong snow over weak snow Fractures in rapid sequence
Releases as a unit Can be small or large and highly destructive

15 SLOPE ANGLE >30 degrees
SLAB Dense snow layer Weak Layer Trigger you or me

16 ROUTE FINDING Peter Thurston Photo

17 Route-Finding Avoiding the hazard ? Snow Japan

18 This must include everyone in your group!!
REQUIRED Avalanche Rescue Equipment When Traveling in Avalanche Terrain… Photo of ski touring This must include everyone in your group!!

19 Required Avalanche Rescue Gear
A working AVALANCHE BEACON Metal SHOVEL Collapsible PROBES (digital -triple antenna)

20 KEY POINT: Avalanche rescue skills & equipment – Is NOT a justification for choosing high consequence terrain when avalanche hazard and uncertainty exist.

21 Take Home Point To Remember
New Snow 30+ cm Storm Best to Wait 1-2 days

22 Avalanche Awareness

23 Tunnel Creek











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