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Figurative Language: Symbols, Allusions, Tone and Irony

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1 Figurative Language: Symbols, Allusions, Tone and Irony
Week 9 Figurative Language: Symbols, Allusions, Tone and Irony

2 Monday, October 7, 2019 No Bell Ringer
Take out your library books Thursday is picture day!

3 Take out your library book
Reading Time Take out your library book

4 WE ARE…. Irony Notes: Answer the following questions on page 128 of your IN before you leave class today. What are the three types of Irony? How are the types of irony recognized in writing? How does irony add to one’s writing? Patriot Strong!


6 An escalator leading to a fitness center.
Situational Irony

7 A wrecked car belonging to an "easy" driving school.
Situational Irony

8 We know that the IRS is not a subscription and will not leave Snoopy alone, but he does             not.
Dramatic Irony

9 Situational Irony or Verbal Irony

10 Situational Irony

11 Verbal Irony

12 Situational Irony

13 Situational Irony

14 Irony 3 Kinds of Irony

15 What is Irony? Irony is about expectations.
Irony: the opposite of what is expected. 3 kinds of irony Verbal Dramatic Situational

16 Verbal Irony A character says one thing but means the opposite
Also called sarcasm or being sarcastic. Examples The locker room smells really good. Awesome! Another homework packet!

17 Dramatic Irony When the reader understands more about the events of a story than a character. You know something that a character doesn’t. Example Tim’s parents are proud of the “A” he got on the test, but we know he cheated. Alex writes a love poem to Judy but we know that Judy loves Devin.

18 Situational Irony When what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected. Something about the situation is completely unexpected. Example General Sedgwick’s last words were, “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.” Bill Gates uses an Apple computer.

19 Something that is ironic is unexpected.
Review Something that is ironic is unexpected. If unexpected by a character, it’s dramatic. If unexpected by everyone, it’s situational. If it’s sarcasm, it’s verbal.

20 Quiz Read the following examples of irony. Determine which of the three types of irony are being used.

21 1. When Mr. Goodenwell saw his baby boy Vince for the first time, he swore that he'd do anything to protect the little guy. This was easy at first, when all Vince did was lie in a pillow and drink milk. But as little Vince grew bigger, he started walking. And once he started walking, he got into everything. He was becoming a serious threat to himself when Mr. Goodenwell, making good on his vow to protect his son, went to the store and bought $150 worth of equipment to childproof his home. He put covers on the outlets, bumpers on the table corners, and a sliding lock on the toilet lid. But right as Mr. Goodenwell was adjusting the covers on the door knobs, Vince pulled the cap off an outlet and choked on it. Mr. Goodenwell found him just in time. Which type of irony is used? Situational Irony Explain your answer:   One would expect that childproofing a home would protect the child, when in fact it endangers Vince.

22 2. One bright and warm Easter morning, Timmy Holloway woke up to the smell of eggs, but not breakfast eggs, Easter eggs. That's right Timmy had a craving for Easter eggs, and today was the day to get them boy howdy. There was only one thing standing in his way, well two really: the Solomon brothers. The Solomon brothers got more eggs than Timmy every year because there were two of them and they counted their eggs as one. Timmy suspected that this was cheating but he couldn't articulate the notion. When Timmy got to the fair grounds, he clutched his Easter egg sack behind his back and approached the Solomon brothers.

23 The taller one distracted Timmy while the shorter one snuck behind him, clipping the corner of Timmy's egg sack and making quite a big hole. Unfortunately, Timmy failed to notice this. When the whistle blew, Timmy was off. He was surprised to see the Solomon brothers behind him, since he was much faster than they, but he didn't mind. Timmy beat them to every egg, and raced on to the next, never noticing that his sack wasn't getting heavier. As he approached the end of the course, Timmy was elated that he was the first to finish. The Solomon brothers were right behind him. "Maybe next year, loser twins," Timmy chuckled, right before he noticed that his sack was empty. Which type of irony is used? Dramatic Irony Explain your answer:   Timmy thinks that he is winning the egg hunt, but the reader knows that the opposite is true.

24 3. Making friends isn't easy
3. Making friends isn't easy. Ask Juan Guerrero, who moved to New Middle School three months ago but still eats lunch by himself. Nobody picks on him really, but they pretty much ignore him completely, at least since the incident. You see, Juan had his chance. We almost adopted him into our crew, the skaters, after Juan said he could skate. "Oh yeah?" asked my boy Romeo, "well, where's your board?" Juan replied shakily, "Uh, my mom ran over it with her car, but I do flips and grinds and all that stuff." Which type of irony is used? Situational Irony Explain your answer:   One would expect that childproofing a home would protect the child, when in fact it endangers Vince.

25 Romeo didn't believe him. "Why don't you use my board
Romeo didn't believe him. "Why don't you use my board? Show me one of those flips," Romeo challenged. Juan gulped and grabbed the board. "Uh… Ok," he replied. When you see a good skater on TV or in a video game, skateboarding may look easy, but just moving properly, let alone doing any tricks, takes a lot of practice. Because of this, I was not the least bit surprised when Juan landed flat on his can before he even made it across a single sidewalk square. "Wow! What an awesome flip, Tony Hawk. You'll have to teach me that," Romeo sneered. Now Juan eats lunch alone. Which type of irony is used? Verbal Irony Explain your answer:   Romeo expresses admiration for Juan when in fact he means the opposite.

26 WE ARE…. Irony Notes: Answer the following questions on page 128 of your IN before you leave class today. What are the three types of Irony? How are the types of irony recognized in writing? How does irony add to one’s writing? Patriot Strong!

27 Learning Target Valuable Vocabulary
WE ARE…. Learning Target Valuable Vocabulary Identify the imagery and symbols that writers use as a way to infer a writer’s purpose and interpret meaning. Write an interpretive statement about meaning in a text by analyzing and synthesizing information A symbol is anything (any object, animal, event, person, or place) that represents itself but also stands for something else on a figurative level. Figurative language refers to the use of words to describe one thing in terms of another. Literal language uses the exact meanings, or denotations, Patriot Strong!

28 Clearing Words WE ARE…. Patriot Strong!
On page 47 of your IN, create the following graph. Column 1- write the word or phrase and a definition of it in your own words Column 2 draw a picture that represents the word or phrase Column 3 create a sentence that demonstrates the word or phrase. Patriot Strong!

29 Tuesday, October 8, 2019 Bell Ringer IN Page 128
1Margaret wanted an outfit for the dance. 2It had to be perfect. 3After trips to many stores, she selected a formal. 4The formal was pretty. 5The formal was white. 6The skirt of the formal was made of chiffon. 7The chiffon was pretty. 8The chiffon was delicate. 9Margaret added a stole to the outfit. 10The stole was apricot. 11The stole was beaded. 12The stole had buttons. Directions: Complete the following as you read the paragraph aloud, ask yourself, “Does it sound good?” Combine sentences 1 and 2. Replace the underlined word in sentence 4 with a new word choice. Combine sentences 3, 4, and 5. Replace the underlined word in sentence 7 with a new word choice. Combine sentences 6, 7, and 8 Combine sentences 9, 10, and 11 Expand sentence 12 with one or two adjectives that describe the buttons on the stole FYI: Pictures Thursday

30 Bell Ringer Example Answer
1Margaret wanted an outfit for the dance. 2It had to be perfect. 3After trips to many stores, she selected a formal. 4The formal was pretty. 5The formal was white. 6The skirt of the formal was made of chiffon. 7The chiffon was pretty. 8The chiffon was delicate. 9Margaret added a stole to the outfit. 10The stole was apricot. 11The stole was beaded. 12The stole had buttons.

31 Bell Ringer Example Answer
Margaret wanted a perfect outfit for the dance. After trips to many stores, she selected a beautiful white formal. The skirt of the formal was made of an exquisite delicate chiffon. Margaret added a beaded apricot stole to the outfit. The stole had golden rose shaped buttons.

32 Take out your library book
Reading Time Take out your library book

33 Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Bell Ringer In page 128
Rewrite the paragraph adding sharper word choices for the scratched through words. A group of people gathered to watch the track meet. The fans waited eagerly for the people who compete to enter the stadium. When it came to track and field, these fans were people who know a lot. They couldn’t wait to see who the people who win would be. The young people in the group grew restless. It didn’t matter to them who the people who win were. FYI: Pictures Thursday

34 Take out your library book
Reading Time Take out your library book

35 Contemplating Figurative Language and Symbols
WE ARE…. Contemplating Figurative Language and Symbols Discussion pairs/trios Red and Blue Green, Yellow, and Orange When you see the words “fire” and “ice,” what literal images come to mind? (45 sec) 2. Now, with a partner, make meaning of the common figurative associations as presented in the sentences below: (60 sec) “Her icy stare let me know just how she felt.” “He acted so cold to me that I knew he was still angry.” “His face was red and flushed with the heat of his anger.” “The fierce fire in her eyes made her attitude clear.” Patriot Strong!

36 “Fire and Ice” WE ARE…. Patriot Strong!
Red member, get books for your group. Open to page 104 and read “ Fire and Ice Working with your earlier partnerships complete questions 3-9 and the checking your understanding on page 48 of your IN. Remember to use the ACE strategy (p.34 of your IN) when answering questions. We will go over this tomorrow in class. Have it ready Patriot Strong!

37 Thursday, October 10, 2019 No Bell Ringer
Picture day- Get ready to go take your picture. We will all go to Freedom Hall and you will return as soon as you take your picture. Do not dawdle (waste time hanging out) before returning. You have work to do. Take out your IN and open to page 48. We will review the “Fire and Ice” questions and begin academic vocabulary for “The Gif of the Magi”

38 “Fire and Ice” Work WE ARE…. Patriot Strong!
3. Key Ideas and Details: What is the central idea of the poem? Which details convey the central idea? The central idea of the poem is that there are people who feel that the world will end in one of two ways—either by fire or by ice. The author is clear that he agrees with those who believe that fire will destroy the world. In the second stanza, however, he contemplates the effectiveness of ice in destroying the world. Ultimately, the author explains that either fire or ice could do the job. Patriot Strong!

39 WE ARE…. 4. Craft and Structure: What human emotions does the author associate with the natural elements of fire and ice? What impact do these associations have on the poem’s tone? The author associates desire with the common symbolism of fire and hate with the symbolism of ice. Just as desire and hatred are opposite emotions, fire and ice are opposite elements. Both pairings are equally powerful, yet the tone of the poem is very matter-of-fact. The speaker comes across as almost apathetic about the two proposed methods. Patriot Strong!

40 WE ARE…. 5. Craft and Structure: In line 3, the speaker says, “I’ve tasted of desire.” Is this statement literal or figurative? Why? This statement is figurative because desire is not something that can be tasted. It is not an object. Patriot Strong!

41 Check your understanding
WE ARE…. Check your understanding Check Your Understanding What is Robert Frost saying about human emotions in “Fire and Ice?” Use this sentence frame to write a response: In “Fire and Ice”, Robert Frost suggests that he and others believe the world will end due to fire (anger), but ice (hate) is just as effective a tool. Patriot Strong!

42 Friday, October 11, 2019 Bell Ringer: SSR
Take out your library books

43 Take out your library book
Reading Time Take out your library book

44 “The Gift of the Magi” WE ARE…. Patriot Strong!
Learning Targets Valuable Vocabulary Explain how images signify the literal and symbolic importance of objects to the development of characters. Explain how situational irony contributes to the theme of “The Gift of the Magi.” Tone: A writer’s diction and imagery help create the tone. Irony is one common literary tone. Irony: This occurs when what is expected turns out to be quite different from what actually happens. Allusions: These are references an author makes to people, places, or events in the Bible, classical mythology, or history. Patriot Strong!

45 Clearing Words WE ARE…. Patriot Strong!
On page 49 of your IN, create the following graph. Column 1- write the word or phrase and a definition of it in your own words Column 2 draw a picture that represents the word or phrase Column 3 create a sentence that demonstrates the word or phrase. Patriot Strong!

46 “The Gift of the Magi” WE ARE…. Patriot Strong!
Red member, get books for you and your group mates. Turn to page 107. We will listen to the reading of this story and annotate as we listen using the annotation marks from page 14 of your IN. When the story concludes, reread the story and make further annotations. Be sure to take note of any symbolism, irony, and figurative language used. Patriot Strong!

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