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A domino normally has two squares and is in the shape of a rectangle.

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Presentation on theme: "A domino normally has two squares and is in the shape of a rectangle."— Presentation transcript:

1 A domino normally has two squares and is in the shape of a rectangle.
But what could a domino look like with three squares? Chris McAree Trinity School, Cumbria.

2 Can you find all five types of four-domino?

3 Pentominoes We can call dominoes with five squares pentominoes
How many pentominoes can you find?

4 Here’s a clue… There are pentominoes to find 12

5 The 12 Pentominoes

6 Pentomino Challenges Can you find some ways to fill a 3 by 5 grid with three pentominoes? Can you find some ways to fill a 4 by 5 grid with four pentominoes? Can you fit all 12 pentominoes into a 3 by 20 rectangle? (This one’s harder!)

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