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Chap 9. Conformal Mapping

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1 Chap 9. Conformal Mapping
不會在某一點 t 停頓 79. Preservation of Angles




5 Ex1.

6 Ex2. Consider two smooth arcs

7 Isogonal mapping : a mapping that preserves the magnitude of the angle bet not necessarily the sense. Ex3.

8 Ex4.

9 80. Further Properties We know length

10 Large region will be different in shape after transformation.



13 Ex2.

14 81. Harmonic Conjugates Recall


16 P Q

17 Ex. Q: 給我一個u,找出對應的v, (必需在simply connected domain)

18 82. Transformations of Harmonic Functions
Since A function that is harmonic in a simply connected domain always has a harmonic conjugate (sec.81), solutions of (boundary value) problems in such domains are the real or imaginary ports of analytic functions.

19 Ex. If we can identify a function as the real or imaginary part of an analytic function, then we know it is a harmonic function, But how ? not easy Other aid:

20 Thm. Suppose that an analytic function
藉由f and h的條件, 目的:show H(x,y) is a harmonic function Simple pf:

21 Ex2.

22 Ex3. arctan arctan

23 83. Transformations of Boundary Conditions
Boundary condition: a function or its normal derivative (boundary value problem) have prescribed values along the bandore of a domain. we can transform a given boundary valne problem in the xy plane into a simpler one in the u v plane and then write the solution of the original problem in terms of the solution obtained from the simpler one.

24 Thm: suppose that a transformation

25 Pf:




29 Ex.

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