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Identify Operational Contract Support
FISCAL TRIAD Figure 1-3, FM 1-06 Unit Commander
Operational Contract Support Staff Judge Advocate Fiscal Law Conformity Mission Focus Staff Judge Advocate Fiscal Law Conformity Unit Commander Generates Requirements Focal Point of Support Show Slide #2: Fiscal Triad Who do you believe are the members of the fiscal triad? Note to Instructor: Point out that the figure from FM 1-06 does not have the fiscal triad members at the apexes of the triangle. Definition: the legally binding process that governs the critical path between contracting and financial management for acquisition management, internal controls, and fiscal law prescribed for the procurement process. FM 1-06 Para 1-25. “FM, contracting and legal counsel (staff judge advocate (SJA) fiscal lawyer) comprise a system that fulfills required fiscal support, from the acquisition and certification of funds, to the legal review of the proposed contracting action, to the contracting for goods and services, and finally to the disbursing and accounting of public funds. At the center of the Fiscal Triad is the unit commander, who generates mission requirements, and initiates the process. This illustration emphasizes that the process exists solely to satisfy the unit commander’s mission requirements. All elements of the Fiscal Triad must coordinate to conform to existing policies, regulations, and laws to prevent fraud, waste and abuse of government funds. To ensure separation of duties, each element of the triad is independent, yet each element works closely with the other to obtain products or services to meet the commander’s needs in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.” (FM 1-06) Mission Focus Mission Focus Financial Management: Acquire, Certify and Account for Funds Financial Management: Disburses and Accounts for Funds Staff Judge Advocate Fiscal Law Conformity Figure 1-3, FM 1-06 2
Identify Operational Contract Support
FC Leaders in a classroom environment working as a member of a small group, using FM 1-06, personal experiences, discussion, TED Battle Drill #3 practical exercise and access to GFEBS. Identify operational contract support with at least 80% by identifying the requirements processing and key player responsibilities in the process; identifying acquisition review boards and joint requirement review board validation thresholds; and identifying the requirements processing for contracting. Show Slide #3: Terminal Learning Objective Facilitator’s Note: Read/State the TLO ACTION: Identify Operational Contract Support CONDITIONS: FC Leaders in a classroom environment working as a member of a small group, using FM 1-06, personal experiences, discussion, TED Battle Drill #3 practical exercise and access to GFEBS. STANDARD: Identify operational contract support with at least 80% by identifying the requirements processing and key player responsibilities in the process; identifying acquisition review boards and joint requirement review board validation thresholds; and identifying the requirements processing for contracting. Safety Requirement: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Risk Assessment Level: Low. Environmental Considerations: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT.
Requirements Processing
Unit Rep (S8) J4 Operational Contract Support Validation Resource Management Contracting Vendor Show Slide #4: Requirements Processing Requiring Activity (Unit): This is the unit or activity needing the supplies, services or support. The requiring activity will initiate a Purchase Request and Commitment (PR&C) DA 3953 for service or supply, or a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) DD 448 for support. Resource Management (G8): The RM verifies funds availability, certifying funds, and tracking commitments and obligations Contracting Officer: The contracting office is responsible for finding the supplies or services. Contracting will award a contract and submit two copies to the OPLOC. It is also the responsibility of contracting to ensure that the contract shows both the paying office and the billing office. Contracting will ensure that the payment terms are spelled out on the contract and that the vendor complies with the terms of the contract. Vendor: The vendor is responsible for providing the goods and/or services as specified in the contract. Vendors are required to submit invoices to the billing office once the goods or services have been delivered. Theater Vendor Support Cell Payment Team-DFAS Indy Accounting -DFAS Rome Auditing Team Finance and Comptroller School
Requirements Flow Chart Timeline
Show Slide #5: Requirements Flow Chart Timeline USFOR-A J8 indicates that it can take 49 days for fund certification to occur on a requirement.
Key Player Responsibilities (1 of 2 )
Operational Contract Support Validation J4 Unit S8 RM Identify requirement Prepare package 3) Incorporate in spend plan 4) Anticipate JRRB questions and explain Route to and chair appropriate Review Board (JRRB, JFUB, CARB) Verify complete requirement package Determine if requirement is valid Gain appropriate approval Review requirement package for completeness *RM Commit funds* Forward to Contracting Office for contracting Show Slide #6 – Key Player Responsibilities Requiring Activity (Unit): This is the unit or activity needing the supplies, services or support. The requiring activity will initiate a Purchase Request and Commitment (PR&C) DA 3953 for service or supply, or a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) DD 448 for support. Resource Management (G8): The RM verifies funds availability, certifying funds, and tracking commitments and obligations Contracting Officer: The contracting office is responsible for finding the supplies or services. Contracting will award a contract and submit two copies to the OPLOC. It is also the responsibility of contracting to ensure that the contract shows both the paying office and the billing office. Contracting will ensure that the payment terms are spelled out on the contract and that the vendor complies with the terms of the contract. Vendor: The vendor is responsible for providing the goods and/or services as specified in the contract. Vendors are required to submit invoices to the billing office once the goods or services have been delivered. 6
Show Slide #7: RM Drill Down
Documents the S8/G8 will see and GFEBS Document Type Review requirement package for completeness. Commit funds. Forward to Contracting Office for contracting. Transaction Request Documents GFEBS Doc Type Contract DA Form 3953 SPS PR GPC Request/Estimates Axol 2-Way Bulk PR PA/FOO Orders/DD Form 577/DA Form 3953 Miscellaneous Pay PR DD Form 1155 Miscellaneous Pay DD Form 155 MIPR DD Form 448 Outbound MIPR PR Show Slide #7: RM Drill Down Requiring Activity (Unit): This is the unit or activity needing the supplies, services or support. The requiring activity will initiate a Purchase Request and Commitment (PR&C) DA 3953 for service or supply, or a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) DD 448 for support. Resource Management (G8): The RM verifies funds availability, certifying funds, and tracking commitments and obligations Contracting Officer: The contracting office is responsible for finding the supplies or services. Contracting will award a contract and submit two copies to the OPLOC. It is also the responsibility of contracting to ensure that the contract shows both the paying office and the billing office. Contracting will ensure that the payment terms are spelled out on the contract and that the vendor complies with the terms of the contract. Vendor: The vendor is responsible for providing the goods and/or services as specified in the contract. Vendors are required to submit invoices to the billing office once the goods or services have been delivered.
Key Player Responsibilities (2 of 2)
Contracting CVS Vendor Follow the FAR. Contract for the good or service. Provide a copy of the contract to RM. Provides the good or service. Invoices for payment Verifies contract, receiving report, and invoice match. Pays vendor. Show Slide #8: Key Player Responsibilities (2 of 2) Requiring Activity (Unit): This is the unit or activity needing the supplies, services or support. The requiring activity will initiate a Purchase Request and Commitment (PR&C) DA 3953 for service or supply, or a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) DD 448 for support. Resource Management (G8): The RM verifies funds availability, certifying funds, and tracking commitments and obligations Contracting Officer: The contracting office is responsible for finding the supplies or services. Contracting will award a contract and submit two copies to the OPLOC. It is also the responsibility of contracting to ensure that the contract shows both the paying office and the billing office. Contracting will ensure that the payment terms are spelled out on the contract and that the vendor complies with the terms of the contract. Vendor: The vendor is responsible for providing the goods and/or services as specified in the contract. Vendors are required to submit invoices to the billing office once the goods or services have been delivered. RM *Obligation Occurs*
2. Prepare Spend Plan and Requirement
SPS Process: NTV, Portable Toilets, Land Prep Equipment, CERP, and Network Engineer a. ME51N Unfunded doc# 2. Prepare Spend Plan and Requirement 1. Identify and Define Requirements JRRB* reviews request, asks for additional information *Process similar for JRRB, JFUB Define a Need to Satisfy a current requirement Develop a Statement of Work, draft Paperwork for CDR Obtain CDR approval and complete 3953, Ensure in line with priorities Review final packet Send to JARB via CITRIXS If approved, request is funded or not funded** Request Approved or Disapproved** *Ensure items are in line with unit priorities and Base Master Plan Don’t forget to include shipping costs in request Ensure POC is available when product arrives in order to sign for item, place on property book, and sign DD250 Conduct thorough transition with relieving unit so they are prepared to accept items Check JARB approval status on CITRIXS/ C4/ JARB **If disapproved, request sent back to org. If not funded, priority is allocated by Area Support Team CDR b.ME52N Funded doc# Change “U” to “K” RM sends funded PR&C to unit and Contracting 3. Contracting Begins CCO/Admin copies to vendor and customer Contracting Office sends to DPW for final check (const) calls unit POC to coordinate delivery and acceptance date and time Show Slide #9: SPS Process General Rule: Commit once requirements are validated and funds are available Obligate once contracting has awarded the contract Disburse once the vendor has completed the work and the unit has accepted and the finance office has paid for the work Contract (DD1594) awarded, Escorts allocated by Garrison According to priority for Construction jobs 5. Contract Completion Contractor is paid by finance File is closed Forward invoice and DD250 to Contracting 4. Goods Received Escorts present during execution Item received/Work completed DD 250 & Invoice prepared Ensure required items are placed on property book Thoroughly inventory all items d. MIRO (GR/Invoice) Vendor input info into WAWF c. MIGO (goods) – reference the PO#/ ML81N- (svc’s)
Requirements Processing – J4 OCS
Unit Rep (S8) J4 Operational Contract Support Validation Resource Management Show Slide #10: Requirements Processing – J4 OCS Requiring Activity (Unit): This is the unit or activity needing the supplies, services or support. The requiring activity will initiate a Purchase Request and Commitment (PR&C) DA 3953 for service or supply, or a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) DD 448 for support. Resource Management (G8): The RM verifies funds availability, certifying funds, and tracking commitments and obligations Contracting Officer: The contracting office is responsible for finding the supplies or services. Contracting will award a contract and submit two copies to the OPLOC. It is also the responsibility of contracting to ensure that the contract shows both the paying office and the billing office. Contracting will ensure that the payment terms are spelled out on the contract and that the vendor complies with the terms of the contract. Vendor: The vendor is responsible for providing the goods and/or services as specified in the contract. Vendors are required to submit invoices to the billing office once the goods or services have been delivered. Contracting
Acquisition Review Boards
Show Slide #11: Acquisition Review Boards Reference is the MAAWS-A, a good example, but not necessarily applicable to every unit.
Review Board Validation Thresholds
Show Slide #12: Review Board Validation Thresholds Reference is the MAAWS-A, a good example, but not necessarily applicable to every unit.
Joint Requirements Review Board (JRRB)
Purpose: the purpose of the JRRB is to determine if a requirement is valid. The USFOR-A JRRB recommends approval and disapproval of specified projects, purchases, services, and leases for time, purpose, and amount. Voting Members: Chair: Deputy CG-Support J3 – Operations J4 – Logistics J6 – Communications J8 – Resource Management Joint Engineers Operational Contract Support (OCS) Integration Cell (procedure lead) Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) Show Slide #13: Joint Requirement Review Board (JRRB) Purpose: the purpose of the JRRB is to determine if a requirement is valid. The USFOR-A JRRB recommends approval and disapproval of specified projects, purchases, services, and leases for time, purpose, and amount. Voting Members: Chair: Deputy CG-Support - J3 – Operations - J4 – Logistics - J6 – Communications - J8 – Resource Management - Joint Engineers - Operational Contract Support (OCS) Integration Cell (procedure lead) - Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
JRRB Required Documents
Independent Gov. Cost Estimate – prepared by requirement owner. Letter Of Justification – requires O6 or delegated O5 signature. Statement Of Work/Performance Work Statement – coordinated with KO. Legal Review – required if > $10,000; local or USFOR-A OSJA. Purchase Request & Commitment – prepared by requirement owner. Cost Analysis Show Slide #14: JRRB Required Documents JRRB Required Documents: - Independent Gov. Cost Estimate – prepared by requirement owner - Letter Of Justification – requires O6 or delegated O5 signature - Statement Of Work/Performance Work Statement – coordinated with KO - Legal Review – required if > $10,000; local or USFOR-A OSJA - Purchase Request & Commitment – prepared by requirement owner - Cost Analysis
82nd Airborne Division ARB
What is it?: The DARB is validation/funding board that validates requirements or approves spending. Who in my formation work with it?: Potentially CMDs and Staff that have a requirement (S4 manages). Why should I care about it?: Only way to receive authorization to procure items above BDE threshold or get additional funding. How can I leverage it?: The DARB is the demand signal to DIV if you never submit a DARB packet and take it to the board. DARB Packet (route through Gears) not all documents are required refer to DARB SOP. CORPS Acquisition Review Board (CARB): The DARB may tell you that you have to take this to the CARB because of threshold or lack of funding at DIV. DIV will brief requirement but you will complete quad chart and ensure SME is present at CARB. POC: DIV G4 GSO is the DARB Manager. Show Slide #15: 82nd Airborne Division ARB What is it?: The DARB is validation/funding board that validates requirements or approves spending Who in my formation work with it?: Potentially CMDs and Staff that have a requirement (S4 manages) Why should I care about it?: Only way to receive authorization to procure items above BDE threshold or get additional funding How can I leverage it?: The DARB is the demand signal to DIV if you never submit a DARB packet and take it to the board
Joint Facilities Utilization Board (JFUB)
Purpose: Provide a validation avenue for all military construction, repair and maintenance projects within USFOR-A Headquarters and subordinate units. Show Slide #16: Joint Facilities Utilization Board (JFUB) The purpose of the JFUB is to provide a validation avenue for all military construction, repair and maintenance projects within USFOR-A Headquarters and subordinate units.
JFUB Required Documents
Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Nomination Memorandum and Training Certificates DA Form 4283, Facilities Engineer Work Request JFUB Quad Chart Land Acquisition Request Form (LARF) Legal Review Letter of Justification (LOJ) Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) Installation Safety Officer evaluation Relocatable Building (RLB) Analysis Repair versus Replacement Ratio Statement of Work (SOW) Site Map and Location Map Show Slide #17: JFUB Required Documents Letter of Justification (LOJ) with project title, location of project, name and contact information of person(s) who prepared the document, detailed project justification including the need for the project, how this need is currently met, if at all, impact if not provided, expected start date of construction, need by date. The LOJ must be signed by a U.S. O-6 in the operational chain of command. Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE) submission in Excel utilizing the standardized JFUB cost estimate template. Include a detailed cost breakout for electrical, communications, personnel property, and any government furnished materials. Bulk purchases of cement, rock, and similar requirements that are used for multiple projects must be included in individual construction project costs. For MILCON-level projects, a DD Form 1391 is required in lieu of the IGCE, unless the facilities are already complete and useable. When developing an IGCE, quotes and estimates should never be requested from a contractor for use in the IGCE nor may any formal proposals from offers be requested prior to the IGCEs completion. The IGCE must contain sufficient detail to substantiate the estimate, and be signed, dated, and include respective organization, position, title, and telephone number of both the preparer and the preparer’s immediate supervisor. Include with the IGCE or DD1391 a DA Form 4283, Facilities Engineer Work Request completed by the work classification authority for the installation. The work classification authority will properly account for “Funded” or “Unfunded” work. These costs determine approval authorities and not funds required or available. Clearly identify the Work Classification, and Funded or Unfunded dollar amounts. Site Map and Location Map: The site must be approved by the Installation Facilities Utilization Board (IFUB), base planning board or Base/Camp Mayor if a sitting board does not exist. The board must be able to tell where on base this project is located. The site map is a close-up of the site to show the project footprint in relation to its surroundings. JFUB Quad Chart to use during the JFUB. Legal Review: Include legal opinion from requesting unit’s JA. COR Nomination Memorandum and COR Training Certificates: A COR Nomination Memorandum and COR Training Certificates are required for most JFUB projects. CORs for construction projects should be nominated by unit commanders based on the COR’s prior construction experience and knowledge. COR nominations must be submitted online via DoD’s web-based system “CORT,” to include supervisor approvals. The following items are submitted with the JFUB on an as-required basis (if applicable): Relocatable Building (RLB) Analysis. Repair versus Replacement Ratio. Land Acquisition Request Form (LARF): If project requires land outside the existing land use agreement, attach a copy of the LARF submitted IAW USFOR-A FRAGO Statement of Work (SOW). The installation Safety Officer will evaluate the project site for proximity to explosive safety arcs or review the project for any explosive safety arcs that it may produce. When an evaluation process is not available at the installation level, the USFOR-A Safety Officer will evaluate the project site for proximity to explosive safety arcs or review the project for any explosive safety arcs that may produce.
Requirements Processing - RM
Unit Rep (S8) J4 Operational Contract Support Validation Resource Management Show Slide #18: Requirements Processing - RM Requiring Activity (Unit): This is the unit or activity needing the supplies, services or support. The requiring activity will initiate a Purchase Request and Commitment (PR&C) DA 3953 for service or supply, or a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) DD 448 for support. Resource Management (G8): The RM verifies funds availability, certifying funds, and tracking commitments and obligations Contracting Officer: The contracting office is responsible for finding the supplies or services. Contracting will award a contract and submit two copies to the OPLOC. It is also the responsibility of contracting to ensure that the contract shows both the paying office and the billing office. Contracting will ensure that the payment terms are spelled out on the contract and that the vendor complies with the terms of the contract. Vendor: The vendor is responsible for providing the goods and/or services as specified in the contract. Vendors are required to submit invoices to the billing office once the goods or services have been delivered. Contracting
RM Funds Commitment and Obligation
GFEBS SPS Interface Contracting-PD2 GFEBS SPS Interface Contracting-PD2 Inputs Unit Requirement Review Board PR&C / Request Available Funding DA Form 3953 SF Form 1449 Commitment GFEBS Standard Proc. System Contract GFEBS Obligation Show Slide #19: RM Funds Commitment and Obligation Answer: performs the commitment, ensures the obligation occurs. Obligate the Funds What: Commit the Funds If the SPS Interface Fails RM Performs a Manual Purchase Order How: PR - Purchase Requisition ME51N Create PR T-Codes: PO - Purchase Order ME21N Create PO
Contingency Operations Requirements not Using Contracts
GPC Reach back Rock Island Reach back program used to contract for small purchases that can be procured stateside. Field Ordering Officer / Paying Agent Used to make cash payments for supplies and services in the field. MIPRs (WBS Direct Charge) *Still goes through JRRB* Used to procure supplies and services from DoD agencies. Emergency Leave (EMLV) EMLV travel expenses are paid for by the unit in theater. Official Representation Funds Strictly controlled to purchase gifts for distinguished visitors. Show Slide #20: Contingency Operations Requirements not Using Contracts Contingency Operations Requirements Not Using Contracts: - GPC Reachback - Rock Island Reachback program used to contract for small purchases that can be procured stateside - Field Ordering Officer / Paying Agent - Used to make cash payments for supplies and services in the field - MIPRs (WBS Direct Charge) *Still goes through JRRB* - Used to procure supplies and services from DoD agencies - Emergency Leave - EMLV travel expenses are paid for by the unit in theater - Official Representation Funds - Strictly controlled to purchase gifts for distinguished visitors
Requirements Processing - Contracting
Unit Rep (S8) J4 Operational Contract Support Validation Resource Management Show Slide #21: Requirements Processing Requiring Activity (Unit): This is the unit or activity needing the supplies, services or support. The requiring activity will initiate a Purchase Request and Commitment (PR&C) DA 3953 for service or supply, or a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) DD 448 for support. Resource Management (G8): The RM verifies funds availability, certifying funds, and tracking commitments and obligations Contracting Officer: The contracting office is responsible for finding the supplies or services. Contracting will award a contract and submit two copies to the OPLOC. It is also the responsibility of contracting to ensure that the contract shows both the paying office and the billing office. Contracting will ensure that the payment terms are spelled out on the contract and that the vendor complies with the terms of the contract. Vendor: The vendor is responsible for providing the goods and/or services as specified in the contract. Vendors are required to submit invoices to the billing office once the goods or services have been delivered. Contracting
Contingency Contracting Office
Direct contracting support to tactical and operational forces engaged in the full spectrum of military conflict both foreign or domestic. Show Slide #22: Contingency Contracting Office Contingency Contracting: Direct contracting support to tactical and operational forces engaged in the full spectrum of military conflict both foreign or domestic.
S8/G8 Relationship with Contracting Office
The S8/G8 should communicate with the contracting office on: Funding levels. Year End Close activities. Status of contracting actions. Receipt of contacts (obligation documents). Start of Fiscal Year. Anticipated contract requirements. Show Slide #23: S8/G8 Relationship with Contracting Office The S8/G8 should communicate with the contracting office on: - Funding levels - Year End Close activities - Status of contracting actions - Receipt of contacts (obligation documents) - Start of Fiscal Year - Anticipated contract requirements
Government Risk Contractor Risk
Risk Allocation Cost Reimbursement Fixed Price COST CPIF CPAF CPFF FFP FFP w/EPA FPI FPAF Show Slide #24 Risk Allocation Where Contract Instruments are Used in the 3 Methods Sealed Bid (FAR Part 14) -- FFP (firm fixed price): replacing shingles on an old roof. -- FPEPA (fixed price w/economic price adjustment): buy precious metals or fuel. Negotiated (FAR Part 15, 16) -- C (cost): College R&D, proprietary stuff (pay only cost, no fee, non-profit orgs). -- CS (cost sharing): Contractor retains patent rights. -- CPFF (cost plus fixed fee): R&D in early Technology Development. -- CPIF (cost plus incentive fee): R&D prototype of F-22. IED detection. -- CPAF (cost plus award fee): R&D in Eng & Mfg Dev phase. LOGCAP. -- FPAF (fixed price award fee): Good quality janitorial or IT services. M&S -- FPIF (fixed price incentive fee): (cost & delivery): Deliver ahead of schedule. -- FPLOE (fixed price level of effort): used for difficult R&D work. -- LH (labor hour): Repair elevator (no parts). Cleaning the FOB. -- T&M (time & materiel): Service copy machine (unless FP if under warranty). -- REQ (requirements): Teach class, uncertain # & time. Billeting for troop hotel. -- IDIQ (def-quantity, indef-quantity): GSA computers. Eng or Telecommo services. Uses Delivery Orders & Task Orders ** -- L (letter): hurricane damage repair for leaky roof on ADP area. SAP Contracting (FAR Part 13) -- Gov’t Purchase Card. normally up to $3,000, with approval up to $1M (war) -- Purchase Order. SF1449, SF-44 (E-44) FOO pay by cash or check. * -- Impress Funds & 3rd Party Draft. Class A Agent pays contractor in cash. Oral Solicitation. Urgent, short contract, must be justified—last resort. * A BPA is used for repetitive supplies/services in small quantities under the SAP amount. ** A BA/BOA is used to expedite contracting for uncertain requirements for supplies/services. Government Risk Contractor Risk
IDIQ Contracts Definite-Quantity / Indefinite-Delivery Contract – quantity and price are specified, but delivery times and dates are not. Indefinite-Quantity Contracts - supplies and services are ordered as requirements materialize. Delivery Order Contract - FAR – a contract for supplies that does not procure or specify a firm quantity of supplies. Task Order Contact - FAR – a contract for services that does not procure or specify a firm quantity or services and provides for the issuance of orders for the performance of tasks in that period. Show Slide #25: IDIQ Contracts Definite-Quantity / Indefinite-Delivery Contract – Quantity and price are specified, but delivery times and dates are not. Indefinite-Quantity Contracts – supplies and services are ordered as requirements materialize. Delivery Order Contract FAR – a contract for supplies that does not procure or specify a firm quantity of supplies. Task Order Contact FAR – a contract for services that does not procure or specify a firm quantity or services and provides for the issuance of orders for the performance of tasks in that period.
Types of Changes - Formal
Administrative Change – unilateral written change that does not affect the rights of the parties. i.e. change in pay code, parties address, or COR. Change Order – unilateral, written order, signed by the contracting officer, directing COR to make changes that a Changes Clause authorizes, with or without the contractors consent. Usually deals with pricing, quantity, etc. Generally leads to claims and/or litigation. Bilateral Modification – modification signed by the COR and the KO. May be used for: Negotiating equitable adjustments from issue of a change order. Definitizing a letter contract. Reflecting other agreements of the parties affecting major terms of a contract. Show Slide #26: Types of Changes – Formal - Administrative Change – unilateral written change that does not affect the rights of the parties. i.e. change in pay code, parties address, or COR. - Change Order – unilateral, written order, signed by the contracting officer, directing Kor to make changes that a Changes Clause authorizes, with or without the contractors consent. - Usually deals with pricing, quantity, etc. - Generally leads to claims and/or litigation. - Bilateral Modification – modification signed by the Kor and the KO. May be used for: - Negotiating equitable adjustments from issue of a change order. - Definitizing a letter contract. - Reflecting other agreements of the parties affecting major terms of a contract.
Options An option is a unilateral right in a contract by which, for a specified time, the Government may elect to purchase additional supplies or services, or to extend the term of the contract. A normal contract may not exceed five years (a base year, plus four option years). Government can decide not to exercise option year(s). Funds must be available. Requirement fills an existing need. Using the option is advantageous to the Government. Show Slide #27: Options An option is a unilateral right in a contract by which, for a specified time, the Government may elect to purchase additional supplies or services, or to extend the term of the contract. A normal contract may not exceed five years (a base year, plus four option years). Government can decide not to exercise option year(s) Funds must be available. Requirement fills an existing need. Using the option is advantageous to the Government.
Options for a Valid Contract and Purchase Orders
EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE Show Slide #28: Options for a Valid Contract and Purchase Orders A Contract - Any type of agreement or order for the procurement of supplies or services including rental and lease agreements. The three basic procurement documents are: SF 33, Solicitation, Offer, and Award - used for formal type contracts. DD Form 1155 copy 1, Order for Supplies or Services - used for small purchases. SF 44, Purchase Order-Invoice-Payment Voucher - expedient method used primarily by deployed troops. Purchase Order - A document/transaction executed by a contracting officer authorizing a vendor to deliver supplies, equipment, and non-personal services. SF 33 DD Form 1155 (Copy 1) SF 44
Unauthorized Commitment
Only an authorized individual with a warrant can procure for the government. If any unauthorized person enters into an agreement to purchase goods or services for the government and the government accepts the goods or services, the agreement must be ratified for payment to occur. Ratification is the act of making the agreement official. Must be performed by a Contracting Officer after a legal review. The Resource Manager (RM) is involved to ensure funds are available. Show Slide #29: Unauthorized Commitment - Only an authorized individual with a warrant can procure for the government. - If any unauthorized person enters into an agreement to purchase goods or services for the government and the government accepts the goods or services, the agreement must be ratified for payment to occur. - Ratification is the act of making the agreement official. - Must be performed by a Contracting Officer after a legal review. -The RM is involved to ensure funds are available.
Requirements Processing
Unit Rep (S8) J4 Operational Contract Support Validation Resource Management Contracting Vendor Theater Vendor Support Cell Show Slide #30: Requirements Processing Requiring Activity (Unit): This is the unit or activity needing the supplies, services or support. The requiring activity will initiate a Purchase Request and Commitment (PR&C) DA 3953 for service or supply, or a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) DD 448 for support. Resource Management (G8): The RM verifies funds availability, certifying funds, and tracking commitments and obligations Contracting Officer: The contracting office is responsible for finding the supplies or services. Contracting will award a contract and submit two copies to the OPLOC. It is also the responsibility of contracting to ensure that the contract shows both the paying office and the billing office. Contracting will ensure that the payment terms are spelled out on the contract and that the vendor complies with the terms of the contract. Vendor: The vendor is responsible for providing the goods and/or services as specified in the contract. Vendors are required to submit invoices to the billing office once the goods or services have been delivered. Payment Team-DFAS Indy Accounting -DFAS Rome Auditing Team Finance and Comptroller School
Required Documents Prior to Disbursing Funds on a Contract
Show Slide #31: Required Documents Prior to Disbursing Funds on a Contract Prior to disbursing funds on a contract, the disbursing office must be furnished with supporting documents, or in some instances, vouchers supported by such documents, which serve as evidence that a legal disbursement of public funds may be made. These supporting documents ordinarily consist of: 1. Contract or Purchase Offer 2. Receiving Reports accomplished and furnished by offices receiving the property or services. 3. Invoices from Contractors
Process Contract w/o SPS & WAWF
P.E.– TED Battle Drill #3 Process Contract w/o SPS & WAWF Create and certify a SPS PR in GFEBS TED: Utilize the “Create SPS Purchase Requisition Job Aid” in GFEBS Job Aids to complete this transaction. Utilize the “Create a SPS PO ME21N” in GFEBS Job Aids to complete this transaction. Reference: GFEBS Battle Drill #3. Common Transaction: Contracts Show Slide #32: PE – TED Battle Drill #3 Create and certify a SPS PR in GFEBS TED: Utilize the “Create SPS Purchase Requisition Job Aid” in GFEBS Job Aids to complete this transaction. Utilize the “Create a SPS PO ME21N” in GFEBS Job Aids to complete this transaction. Reference: GFEBS Battle Drill #3. Common Transaction: Contracts
Identify Operational Contract Support
FC Leaders in a classroom environment working as a member of a small group, using FM 1-06, personal experiences, discussion, TED Battle Drill #3 practical exercise and access to GFEBS. Identify operational contract support with at least 80% by identifying the requirements processing and key player responsibilities in the process; identifying acquisition review boards and joint requirement review board validation thresholds; and identifying the requirements processing for contracting. Show Slide #33: Terminal Learning Objective Facilitator’s Note: Restate the TLO ACTION: Identify Operational Contract Support CONDITIONS: FC Leaders in a classroom environment working as a member of a small group, using FM 1-06, personal experiences, discussion, TED Battle Drill #3 practical exercise and access to GFEBS. STANDARD: Identify operational contract support with at least 80% by identifying the requirements processing and key player responsibilities in the process; identifying acquisition review boards and joint requirement review board validation thresholds; and identifying the requirements processing for contracting.
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