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Center for CS Education & Outreach

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1 Center for CS Education & Outreach
presents CodeWarmers! Enjoyable introduction to serious programming & algorithms through Programming Contest Problems

2 Pre-requisites Participants should be comfortable with the basics of programming in Java/C++/Python. Those basic concepts are decisions, loops, functions/methods, and arrays. If you are new to programming, you should complete CS1336 Programming Fundamentals course in UT Dallas, or Java/C++/Python coding camp through our K12 Outreach program, OR should have equivalent experience.

3 Logistics You can attend this UT Dallas in-person or online. You should bring a laptop with WiFi access to in-person sessions – it is limited to UT Dallas sessions. We will solve the weekly problem first, then optionally discusss & solve one more problem if time permits. Then, the next week’s problem will be discussed. supports C++, Java & Python, but we will focus on C++ / Java in the course, though the most content should be language-independent.

4 Java compiler & IDE Compiler: Java Platform (JDK)
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Simpler jGRASP IDE from is OK, but NetBeans is not recommended since it requires a package for each project & package fails in

5 C++ compiler & IDE MS Visual Studio Community Edition
(or) codeblocks-13.12mingw-setup.exe from NetBeans C/C++ bundle from Google for “Configuring the NetBeans for C++” and follow steps to install a C++ compiler. Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers

6 IOI/USACO International Olympiad in Informatics
USA Computing Olympiad (USACO) feeds to it Information & competitions: USACO training site: We need to create accounts in both sites. Yearly world-level contest for high school students

7 ACM ICPC More complicated college level problems
ACM International Programming Contest Information: ACM programming competitions training site:

8 ACM ICPC Competitions College level Region level
International Competition: ACM-ICPC World Finals every year - Dr. Ivor Page runs CodeBurners list with weekly challenge problems – Additionally, he conducts monthly UT Dallas and trains few teams for regional contest too. Dr. Page also runs a High School Programming Contest every semester – nearly 100 teams attended in Fall 2015!

9 More online competition sites Lot more at

10 USACO competitions Individual competitor
Uses input files & output files (NO standard input/output) Upload and submit the source file for assessment Typically 10 testcases For each case, result can be YES, NO, or Time-over Need to get OK for all testcases Helps you by pointing out invalid output & showing the correct output We will stick to USACO website in this course due to its friendly interface & simpler problems

11 ICPC competitions team based (each team has 3 college students)
Uses input files & output files (NO standard input/output) Varying # of testcases Upload and submit the source file for judging 3 indications: Success, Wrong answer, or Time Exceeded No information on test input/output provided for wrong answers

12 Start-up code for C++ (training site)
/* ID: jeyak71 Needed for USACO training site PROG: beads LANG: C++ */ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { ofstream fout ("beads.out"); ifstream fin (""); int x, y; fin >> x; … fout << y; fout.close(); }

13 Start-up code for Java (training site)
/* ID: jeyak71 Needed for USACO training site PROG: beads LANG: JAVA */ import java.util.*; import*; class beads { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("")); PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter("beads.out"); int x = input.nextInt(); … output.println(…); output.close(); }

14 Start-up code for C++ (usaco)
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { ofstream fout (“cowfind.out"); ifstream fin (“"); int x, y; //fin >> x; … //fout << y; fout.close(); }

15 Start-up code for Java (usaco)
import java.util.*; import*; class cowfind { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Scanner input = new Scanner(new File(“")); PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(“cowfind.out"); //int x = input.nextInt(); … //output.println(…); output.close(); }

16 Problem set for Session #1
USACO site Nov 2012 contest: Find the Cow!

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