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Exercise Testing I. Physiological Testing

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1 Exercise Testing I. Physiological Testing
PT 362 2007

2 Physiological Exercise Testing
Benefits: Provide information about strengths & weaknesses To be used as a baseline data to plan exercise program, Which area of weaknesses need improvement, & Become a foundation for individual exercise prescription. Provide feedback about effectiveness of training program: Compare results of pre & post training program, Evaluating the success of a training program. Educate the tested about exercise, physical activity and health

3 Laboratory Exercise Testing Cont’d
Shortcomings: Difficult to simulate real physiological & psychological demands. (II) Should be considered as a reference standard with field tests used as primary and general assessment tools.

4 Laboratory Assessment of Physical Performance
Capacities (aerobic and anaerobic) Energy output Power output Total Work output (Performance) Two principal approaches to assess physical performance: 1. field tests, 2. laboratory physiological assessment. % Effort (psycology) Efficiency (training,Environ). Endurance(Stores,Train,Envir.)

5 Decision Tree in the Evaluation of type of CV Fitness Program.

6 Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q & YOU)

7 Graded Exercise Tests (GXT)
Assess cardiorepiratory fitness using treadmills, cycle ergometers, or stepping bench. Incremental work rate that increases every 2 to 3 min until interrupted or when fatigue arises. Variables measured during GXT: work, time, power, Heart Rate (HR) - Blood Pressure - ECG Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) - VO2 GXT Protocols. Can be submaximal or maximal. Depend on population used (athletes, cardiac patients elderly or children).


9 GXT Protocols Cycle Ergometer
Selection of Work Rates For Submaximal Exercise Tests

10 Termination Criteria

11 Good Poor Approximate Average VO2max/Kg= (Age/4) ± 3

12 (VO2max/Kg)

13 RPE

14 Treadmill GXT Protocols Estimation of VO2 max
. (80 m/min)

15 Estimation of VO2 max Cycle Ergometer
. Estimation of VO2 max Cycle Ergometer

16 Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Double Product = HR * SBP (systolic blood pressure). Ability of the heart to function normally. Arrhythmias: Irregularities in normal electrical rhythm Can be localized to atria, AV node or ventricle. Conduction Disturbance: Describe defect in depolarization (slow or blocked).

17 ECG Cont’d Myocardial Ischemia: ST Segment Depression:
Inadequate perfusion to myocardium relative to metabolic demand (angina pectoris). ST Segment Depression: Associated with myocardial ischemia. Three types: up-sloping, horizontal, & down-sloping (the worse).


19 Field Tests Maximal Run: how far in a set time(12min)
or how long for a set distance(1600m). Reasonable correlation with VO2max(R>0.8) Natural activity, tests many, at low cost. Useful to monitor progress of a subject. Disadvantages:depends on motivation&efficiency, is not graded,physiol.responses not measured. Calculate speed: distance(m)/time(min) Estimate VO2peak/Kg= 0.2x Speed+ 3.5 (underestimates children, depends on fatness).

20 Field Tests Walk tests: walk as fast as possible 1600m with HR monitored during last 400m. Measure time. Calculate VO2max= (Kg BW)-0.388(Age,years)+6.3(1 male, 0 female) (Time for test)-0.157(HR bpm) Good for sedentary subjects who do not run. Good for monitoring individual progress

21 Field Tests:PACER 20 m shuttle run at increasing speed (smaller time intervals signaled by beeps) until the child cannot keep up. Number of 20 m laps completed are counted and used to estimate aerobic fitness. Ref:

22 Field Tests Canada Home Step Test: Step up and down 2- 20cm high steps at 14 full lifts per min (55-60% of max) for 3 min. Measure recovery heart beats (HB) in first 10 sec after end. 2d test at higher rate(65-70% of max):for example 18 lifts/min. Recovery heart beats in first 10 sec are measured again.If HB>set limit for age: needs improvement. age 60s HB≥24 : poor. If < 2d test.HB≤22 OK age 40s HB≥26 : poor. If <2d test. HB ≤ 23 OK age 30s HB≥28 : poor. If < 2d test.HB ≤ 24 OK age 10s HB≥30 : poor. If< 2d test. HB ≤ 26 OK Ref: Canadian Med Asso J. 114:675, 1976

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