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What property of amines increases the boiling point

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2 What property of amines increases the boiling point
#1 What property of amines increases the boiling point of the compound they are attached to? Lattice Structure A: B: Hydrogen Bonding C: Peptide Bonding D: Steric Hindrance

3 B

4 What is the IUPAC name of the below compound?
#2 What is the IUPAC name of the below compound? Aminopentane A: B: 4-aminobutane C: Aminobutane D: Nitrobutane

5 C

6 Choose the correct structure for N,N-diethylaniline?
#3 Choose the correct structure for N,N-diethylaniline? A: Write an answer here B: C: D:

7 A

8 Which of these is not an application of amines?
#4 Which of these is not an application of amines? A: Fuels B: Dyes C: Drugs D: Gas Treatment

9 A

10 Choose the correct IUPAC name for the compound below.
#5 Choose the correct IUPAC name for the compound below. 1- amino-2,2,2-trimethylpropane A: B: 1-amino-1,1,1-trimethylmethane C: 2-amino-2,2-dimethylethane D: 2-amino-2-methylpropane

11 D

12 Which of the following pH’s most closely resembles that of an amine?
#6 Which of the following pH’s most closely resembles that of an amine? A: 6 B: 2 C: 2 D: 12

13 B

14 In order, how many alkyl or aryl substituents are bonded
#7 In order, how many alkyl or aryl substituents are bonded to a primary, secondary, and tertiary amine? 0, 1, 2 1, 2, 3 A: B: 3, 2, 1 2, 1, 0 C: D:

15 B

16 Choose the correct structure for 3,3-diaminoheptene?
#8 Choose the correct structure for 3,3-diaminoheptene? A: Write an answer here B: Write an answer here C: Write an answer here D: Write an answer here

17 C

18 The amine group is derived from which of these?
#9 The amine group is derived from which of these? A: Ammonium B: Ammonia C: Nitric Acid D: Nitrate

19 B

20 Which of these if the correct IUPAC name for
#10 Which of these if the correct IUPAC name for 3,4-diiodo-2-bromodoaminohexane 4-bromo-2,3-diiodoaminohexane A: B: 4-bromo-2,3-diiodoaminopentane C: 1-amino-2,3-diiodo-4-bromopentane D:

21 D

22 What sort of protection can amines provide?
#11 What sort of protection can amines provide? A: Gamma radiation B: UV radiation Microwave radiation C: Acid Rain D:

23 A

24 What is the correct structure of 1,2,3-trifluoroaminoisopentene?
#12 What is the correct structure of 1,2,3-trifluoroaminoisopentene? A: B: C: D:

25 A

26 Which of these groups has a lower priority than amines when naming?
#13 Which of these groups has a lower priority than amines when naming? A: Carboxylic Acid B: Esters C: Ethers D: Alcohols

27 C

28 What is the IUPAC name for the following structure?
#14 What is the IUPAC name for the following structure? 5,5-difluoro-3-methylamino-4-pentene 1,1-difluoro-3-methyl-5-aminopentene A: B: 1,1-sec-difluoroamino-3-methylpentene 5,5-difluoro-3-ethyl-4-pentane C: D:

29 B

30 What is Ramin’s full name, with CORRECT SPELLING?
#15 What is Ramin’s full name, with CORRECT SPELLING? Ramin Soroush Reza Rajai Ramin Reza Soroush Rajaii A: B: Ramiin Riza Soroosh Rajaii Ramin Resa Sorroush Rajaii C: D:

31 B

32 Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing!

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